I had 3rd degree tears when I had LO.
Im nervous that I'll tear again.. Possibly more the second time around.
Anyone have experience with this?
If you tore your first time, did you tear again with your second?
I had 3rd degree tears when I had LO.
Im nervous that I'll tear again.. Possibly more the second time around.
Anyone have experience with this?
If you tore your first time, did you tear again with your second?
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
Ps. I'm not pregnant! it's just something I think about often..
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
@chopsuey119: thanks for the clarification. Inquiring minds love to know!
grapefruit / 4049 posts
Yes. I tore again. I had 2nd degree tears both times. OB #2 said it looked like I tore at the same place though and that was a good thing.
Don't swear it too much! All second time moms I know are up and at 'em pretty soon after #2. I see them at school or the playground all the time... I'm usually like, "oh you had your baby? Congrats!" And they respond with, "yeah, four days ago" (shrug)... Hahaha!
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
Man, I always thought there'd be less chance of tearing since your body is already stretched out
grapefruit / 4049 posts
Every baby and every birth is different, so you never know what happens! I had to re-train my brain to think, anything can happen. I know some moms who had it easier the second time and some who had it way harder. Like with the first, you just never know beforehand!
cherry / 205 posts
Maybe a conversation with your OB or Midwife to see what you can do minimize the tearing....? I had a long talk with my midwife before giving birth (only have one child) and she said that we would take 30 minutes to slowly push her head out and that was for my benefit to minimize tearing. Labor was such a blur, but I do remember her telling me to stop pushing at various times so that I would stretch and not tear. I ended up with 5 stitches and that was painful! I really feel for the moms who had a more difficult time. You guys are strong and amazing!
pomegranate / 3503 posts
I tore both times as well, but the recovery seemed a lot faster with my second.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
My mom told me that it gets easier with each baby in regards to recovery/healing down there. She said the only thing that doesn't change is your energy level.
@: Andrea haha we do
clementine / 916 posts
Not speaking from my experience, but my Mom tore and had three stitches with her first (really unsure of the "degree" of the tear) and even despite issues/tightness with the scar tissue from her stitches she didn't have any issues with my birth. We were both 9lbs+ babies too if that gives you any hope
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
I am terrified of tearing. Kind of weird, because thinking of giving birth is not anxiety-provoking for me at all (totally separated from it). But, I've been thinking about all the "things"...postpartum! No one really talks about that stuff. Maybe we should start a spin-off with postpartum tips!
clementine / 889 posts
@sorrycharlie: Tearing and post-partum recovery was the part of labor/delivery that I feared the most. And I was begging for an episiotomy after 3 hours of pushing to get DS out. He was 10lbs 9 oz, and my midwife wouldn't even tell me how many stitches she put in, but I was up and around that day. I think I had one ice pack right after, but then I wasn't on anything and felt really good, considering I just had a baby.
I think the thing you worry about the most, is usually not as bad as you think it will be.
coconut / 8305 posts
I've read lots of birth stories where moms tore the first time but didn't tear the second time.
Mostly due to them learning more natural birthing methods the second time round & being in better positioning for what their body needed, along with having more control & waiting through contractions instead of just pushing pushing pushing.
Ie. "1st time as soon as I saw him crowning I just pushed him out without giving my body time to stretch" then her second story was much more controlled.
This will actually be my first vaginal birth but I'm not all that worried about tearing, given I know that I'll be able to squat & move however I'll need & my midwife will stretch the area w/ oil as I'm pushing.... I think the stats in Ina May's Guide to Childbirth helped too! 2,800+ births & around 1,800+ intact perineums. lol
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
@runsyellowlites: I pushed like crazy without giving my body a chance to stretch too I think. I was just desperate to get her out! Had been pushing for 2 hours!
coconut / 8305 posts
@chopsuey119: Since this is my first vaginal birth my midwife is expecting me to push longer for sure! Hopefully squatting, standing/leaning, all 4s, and just changing position frequently will help!
Like I said, I've read ALOT of my Ina May's book to help get into the frame of mind of moving & being in controlled pushing. All of the birth stories REALLY have helped. Maybe DH and I will start doing some perineal massage too!..... maybe. lol
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