R already had one bottom teeth break through the gums, and we have been working on it's mate for over a week now. She slept horrible last night. I was rocking her and she could barely keep her eyes open cause she is so tired, but kept tossing, turning, and crying cause she couldn't get comfy. We ended up giving her some Tylenol. She woke up again at 5, and it was the same thing, I finally had to give up trying to get her back to sleep cause I had to get ready for work. DH laid in bed with her and said he could tell she wanted to play but was so tired, she just snuggled with him. She fell asleep on the way to day care. I am on 3 1/2 hours of sleep, it is rough at work today.

I called the pediatrician to ask if I could give her Advil since she turns 6 months next week. And they said no. They also told me to not use orajel, or any teething tablets, on a baby her age, since they are a numbing agent, could numb her throat, and cause a choking hazzard.

The teething tablets don't work, Orajel, is the only thing that seems to help her. She will be crying in pain, and right after we put it on her, she calms down.
They said to give her teething rings, she doesn't like them. Suggested putting a wet washcloth in the freezer, then in a ziploc bag and let her chew on that. I am not putting a ziploc bag in her mouth.

What else can I do to help her? I just want her to get some rest and stop hurting. She was breaking my heart last night.