Ok, so Anna has always (well almost always) been a sleeping champ. I know I'm lucky and this isn't a post complaining about her sleep issues. But, her 'poor' sleeping is part of a cluster of things that I'm starting to believe may be the dreaded teething monster.
Here's what's going on:
She's gone from STTN, like 10 to 12 hours to waking up within an hour of going down and not sleeping soundly the rest of the night.
She's a bit more clingy but not all the time
And as of this morning at 2am, she's developed a fever no higher than 101 but she was a furnace!
She was up off and on every half an hour after that.
DH and I suck and didn't realize that she was fevered until this morning because she's very 'hot' normally.
She has NO cold like symptoms and honestly isn't acting too different.
Her face is flushed a bit but she's still smiley.

So lovelies, can you please share your first tooth/teeth experiences and 'symptoms' your LO showed??

I've attached a poll in case that helps but comments are very welcomed as well.
