I'm overdue and haven't even had a contraction yet and feel like this baby is going to need to be evicted.
Tell me about your induction please!
I'm overdue and haven't even had a contraction yet and feel like this baby is going to need to be evicted.
Tell me about your induction please!
blogger / pomegranate / 3491 posts
I shared my induction story on the blog. Here is the link.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
I came close to being induced (she came on 41+5!!). I didn't have ANY signs of labor before my water broke. I know that wasn't the question but I thought you might find it encouraging :). How overdue are you and when will they induce?
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@MrsH: hang in there, I know how frustrating it is! I cried every night before bed just out of frustration that she wasn't coming :(. I was also convinced I'd be induced and thought about asking to be at 10 days over. My midwife convinced me it was better for the baby to come of her own accord so we waited as long as possible. I was going to be induced on the Monday and she came Sunday morning at 5:15!
nectarine / 2631 posts
I was induced at 41 and 6 days and had Lo on 42and 1- my induction took forever (I was dilated at all). The worst part was I had to be hooked up to the monitor the whole time so I was stuck in bed- hindsight I woulda made them let me walk around! Good luck!
grapefruit / 4213 posts
I was induced 10 days overdue with zero labor signs. Not dilated at all. They tried 2 cervical exams to try and get things going and I tried all sorts of things but alas nothing worked. Had a non-stress test and fluid check ultrasound a few days before the scheduled induction. They gave me something vaginally to start dilation and the Pitocin drip was started shortly after. I was already on IV antibiotics for positive Group B Strep so I knew I wouldn't be wandering free. Baby was sunny side up so I had back labor and double peak contractions. It was hard to even catch my breath. When I got the epidural they missed the first time. But thankfully the second attempt was successful and labor was much better after taking the edge off. My waters broke during the first practice push after 15 hours of labor. I pushed for about 5 hours because baby was getting stuck.
nectarine / 2177 posts
I was induced at 41/2 (thought my water had started trickling and no contractions, so they wanted to jump start the process.) It was kind of nice--we were able to go out to breakfast as our last meal of just the two of us before we headed to the hospital. Once I got hooked up to the pit, the contractions started right away. I had hoped for a med-free birth so was very concerned about the induction, but was able to have the birth I had hoped for (well except for the induction). Once I was hooked up, baby was born 10 hours later!
Hang in there... I was SO depressed about being overdue and everyone kept ASKING over and over. I was done. Baby will be here before you know it--in the meantime, treat yourself to a pedicure, get dinner with a friend, go to a MOVIE! (We did the day before he was born and I was so glad we did!)
ETA: I was still able to walk around (traveling IV), and also labor in the tub for a while. Being induced does not have to mean begin stuck to a bed!
clementine / 830 posts
My experience was easy peasy. Water broken and put on Pitocin at 9am, epidural at 1pm @ 6cm and baby was out at 6:21pm after an hour of pushing and vacuum assist. The pain wasn't too bad, i could have held off longer but it was escalating quite quickly and I knew the L&D was super busy that day so I didn't want to take a chance at missing the window. Good luck!!
pomegranate / 3275 posts
I was induced with my first at 40 weeks 6 days. We went in on a Thursday night. I wasn't dilated at all. I got one dose of cervadil which got me to 6 cm in 12 hours. I quickly got my epidural and they started the pitocin. At about 3 in the afternoon, about 18 hours into the induction, I was pushing and at a 10 cm. I ended up with a c-section but DD was huge and wouldn't have fit based on how my pelvis is. I had a pretty positive induction experience, and my c-section (in my belief) had little to do with the fact I was induced and everything to do with nature.
pomegranate / 3779 posts
I was induced at 38/5 because of low amniotic fluid. Three rounds of Cervadil (12 hours each) before they started the pitocin because I was not dilating. Pitocin for about 9 1/2 hours before I was ready to push.
The only thing that really sucked was being in bed so long. I was on my back for the first 2 hours of each Cervadil round, and being hooked up to all of the monitors. LOs heart beat kept disappearing if I tried to sit up, so every time I got tired of reclining and moved the bed more upright, the nurses would come running.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
I was induced at 40+6 and it was a really good experience overall. After reading about the risks of post-date deliveries, I felt a lot more comfortable with the induction even though I wanted to avoid intervention if possible. I was dilated a little and had a "favorable" cervix so I didn't have to go in the night before for cervadil or anything. I got to the hospital in the morning, they started the pitocin, and I started contracting. I did ask for the walking IV and the doctor wrote the orders that was so I was able to be up and around. I asked for the epidural around noon, got it around 1, and was at 10 by 4 pm. I pushed for about an hour (couldn't feel anything) and had my daughter at 5. We were both healthy!
I did have more swelling than I expected afterwards from all the IV fluid, which was a pain, but not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.
I remember being in your shoes and feeling so confused and impatient...try to be gentle with yourself!
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
I was induced at 41 weeks at 6pm on Tuesday. The first dose of Cervidil didn't work so I had another round that got things going. Didn't start pushing until 11pm on Wednesday and that went on for 3+ hours. Ended up with an emergency c-section around 5am on Thurs!
persimmon / 1420 posts
I was induced at 38+3, which is 10 days overdue for twins. Pitocin at 7am, water broken by the doc at noon, epidural at 1pm, and then 1 and 1/2 hours of pushing, starting at midnight. Babies born at 1:36 and 1:38am at 38 week, 4 days.
ETA- I was 2cm dialated at induction, and had been for two weeks. Ugh.
pomelo / 5093 posts
48 of the shittiest hours of my life! And then my baby was born vaginally (yay!) but super distressed! I was induced due to low fluid, and a cord around her neck, so it was the absolute right choice. But it sucked beyond belief, and it was really bad for my daughter's immediate health. I always tell people to avoid if they have any choice.
pomegranate / 3706 posts
I was induced at 40w5d with my first due to low fluid, and had a great birth! I only needed pitocin, was able to move around during labor, and only pushed for an hour. Total labor was 12 hours, active was 6 hours. Induction really isn't such a bad thing, so don't worry if you need to go that route.
olive / 65 posts
I was induced at 39 weeks because of pre-e, and the worst part for me was the magnesium sulfate drip (used because of the pre-e, to prevent seizures); the first 30 minutes of that made me feel like hot garbage. I started out about 2 cm dilated and about 50% effaced, and had a rounof Cervidil (12 hours) before the Pitocin started. The contractions were intense enough that I ended up getting an epidural after about 5 hours (absolutely would do that again-- yay, epidurals!). Not that I had much choice in the matter, our that my frame of reference is very big, but induction was definitely not as awful as I feared it would be.
Good luck to you! No matter what, you'll have your sweet baby soon.
pear / 1639 posts
I loved my induction. I had a favorable cervix so I went in at 8am to start pitocin (group B strep + so had to be hooked up anyways)...epi around 5...pushing around 11...baby at 12:29 am.
I don't have time to go into details but I would do it all over again, I know some people have bad experiences but I think you can have a bad experience any route you take. Just do whats best for you and the babes
grapefruit / 4823 posts
I was started on pitocin at 8am at 40 weeks 6 days. I was on pitocin for almost 12 hrs and didn't even get to 2 cm. due to fetal distress and lack of progress I ended up having a csection at 8:30pm that night.
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
Well, you still have time! BUT, I loooved my pitocin induction. In fact, I am hoping for an induction next time around. I liked having my water broken at the hospital & not having to clean it up myself, and I actually really liked being on the monitors for the entire process - really eased my fears and worries to be able to hear her heartbeat all day. I felt really safe being at the hospital for the entire process. My induction started around 8am, pushed for the first time at 5:12pm, and Sadie was born at 5:30pm. It was awesome.
pear / 1563 posts
My water broke the day before my due date but I never went into labor. I was induced early in the morning on my due date. I was at a 3 and started directly with pitocin. I labored without an epidural and delivered her about 12 hours after they started the pitocin. I was really upset about having to be induced but in the end we came through it OK and I have a positive memory of the experience. Good luck!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
I was induced early for IUGR so DS was not ready to come yet. I was not dilated or effaced at all. I went in the first day for cervical ripening. I was on monitors to make sure baby was ok and had 2 doses, after which I was sent home. The next day they were supposed to start Pitocin but instead did another 2 doses of the ripening. I was going to go home again for lack of progression but the midwife was concerned about something she saw on the monitor so I stayed hooked up on the monitors for longer and then I started contracting and threw up. I stayed overnight with intermittent contractions that pretty much stopped by morning. Pitocin was started around 10 or 11 am and increased steadily. The midwife broke my water in the early afternoon (I think I was only 2cm at that point but fully effaced) and then things really started moving. Contractions soon became unbearable so I asked for the epidural around maybe 3 or 4 pm. They turned off the Pitocin and I never needed it turned back on. At that point I was 6cm. What seemed like a very short time later I started feeling a lot of pressure so I asked for the midwife to check me again. I was already 10cm and crowning so I pushed a few times and DS was born just before 6pm. I was pretty sure that induction was automatic recipe for C-section but that was not the case at all. Good luck!
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
Both of my pregnancies I was supposed to be induced.... and I never was. The first I had the date set in case I was overdue, but she came before that. I didn't have any contractions or labor signs until my due date, which is when she came. The second the baby was pretty big so they were going to have her come early, but she came early on her own.
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