First, hopefully travel is the right place to put this! I wasn't sure!
So, ladies. Hubs and I are planning to travel to Denver in June. As we live in New Zealand, this entails 3 flights, one of which is 11 hours long, and the other 2 are a measly 1 and 3.5 (or there abouts) hour long one. LO will be 10 months old by then.
I've read the series on travel. (Off note: can I just say how much I love the series feature, Mr and Mrs Bee?! Amazing) But I'm just wondering if anyone has any extra tips. Has anyone else done this? Are we crazy for even considering this?
ETA: he's just over 6 months old now, and is already crawling and trying to pull up. I'm imagining he's going to be fairly mobile by then