I know it seems like a stupid thing to be afraid of, but I am!!

My lo is 6.5 months and is crawling on her hands and knees and pulling herself up to stand on everything...the coffee table, her exersaucer, her crib (after EVERY SINGLE NAP). Just today she started to try taking steps around furniture while she was holding herself up (cruising?). She is into everything constantly. She is very mischievous.

She is on the small side. At her 6 month check up she was 24.75 inches. She just seems so small to be moving around so much already.

Anyway, I feel like things are moving too fast. I want her to stay a baby longer. With her being so small, I feel like walking will be really dangerous....I want her to wait. I also keep reading things online that it is actually bad for a baby to start walking too early (that their muscles won't develop properly). Is this true?

Did you have an early walker? Any input appreciated!