I have written many posts about my potty training adventure and my latest was LO wouldn't pee outside of home (http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/advice-needed-toddler-potty-preference) - I got a lot of great advice here and I must say, we have a breakthrough after 1 week!

I talked to the teachers at daycare, and I explained to them that LO was in underwear at home 99% of the time, able to use potty to poop, and they gave me an OK to wear underwear to school. So he was in underwear to school the whole week last week. We didn't have any accidents at all for the entire week AT SCHOOL except on Friday during afternoon snack time. The tricky thing was during /after pick up. We had 3 accidents on 3 different days because he either wouldn't use the potty before we leave, or he still peed his pants after we used the potty before we leave, or we were stuck in traffic and he needed to go. We are working on it but he is now peeing in the potty at school!

And I also let him wear underwear when we go out on the weekends. We went to the store and picked out really special glittery stickers. He gets one sticker if he pees in the potty outside, and he loves it! We had one accident so far (that was because of my lovely husband continued driving aimlelessly without even thinking about the potty situation grrrr), but he is now willing to pee in the potty in outside bathrooms!! Yay!! And I have to say, accidents aren't as scary as I imagined them to be. haha

I am not saying we are potty trained as we are still having accidents here and there but I am so happy we had a breakthrough! Thought I'd gloat here!!