Hey everyone, I’m leaving you guys. I don’t really like when people leave and don’t give a reason. You know kind of wonder why they left?!? Right?
Anyways I’m leaving because the internet is mean. Boohoo to me. I just found out that GOMI mentioned me. It kind of hurt my feelings. Again boohoo to me. But you know getting my feeling hurt is valid!!
At first I thought oh yeah!! I’m going to write a million posts (I had about 5-20 lined up) about restaurant reviewing!!
But you know what that’s not worth it… To be honest I haven’t asked a baby / toddler related post in a long time. I probably won’t have another kid so I might never have another toddler or baby post ever again.
I was pretty happy just writing fun posts about food and maybe asking a pondering question about life and friendships and even dissecting a song, and it was fun to hear your replies!
So maybe this was a sign to move on.
I wish you all a happy mother’s day!
There was no goodbye boards so I sort of took this a a un-introduction! Goodbye. I wish everyone the best!