After seeing it mentioned on one of Mrs.Bees old post I'm trying it out!
at almost 5 months old, DD is great when it comes to going down for bedtime but is TERRIBLE with naps! It's so clear during the day that she isn't getting enough sleep and we're ALL paying for it! Lately she'll only take ONE loooooooooong nap a day and it's late in the afternoon requiring me to lay down with her for an hr and then sneaking out where she sleeps another 2-3 hours. Yea, I didn't like the idea of a 4 hours nap from 3-7pm either but I know she needed sleep. lol
So today is day one of trying a 90 minutes up and then naptime plan. So far she's down for her first "nap" and it only took 15 minutes of me calmer her, patting her, and rocking her to do it!
I guess we'll see how the rest of the day goes!
Any other terrible nappers out there?