As some of you know I started having abdominal cramping Tuesday morning, enough where I was concerned and called my OB. I honestly believe this was "early labor". Because of the pain and discomfort I was in -and lack of sleep!- I decided to stay home Wednesday and rescheduled my 39wk appt from Thursday to Wednesday.
At my appt the doctor said the cramping was normal, I was a full 3cm dilated and likely I will deliver by the weekend. To be on the safe side they took urine culture in case it was a UTI.
After my appt that evening I started having brown discharge which I believe was the beginning of my " bloody show". I was still cramping. Ultimately we decided it was best I start my maternity leave early. I was uncomfortable, in pain and the thought of going into labor at work was no bueno!
By the time Friday rolled around I was super super uncomfortable. I was in pain, cramping had turned from light menstrual cramping to that "Aunt Flo b*tch better leave soon" kinda cramping!
Friday night my husband and I had a nice surf and turf dinner of lamb chops & salmon. Good thing because after delivery my diet is limited thanks to Chinese customs!!
I took a nap at about 9:30 and woke up at about 11pm. From there I was up and in pain. My discharged turned bloody and clotty. I contemplated calling my OB but didn't want to wake her! So I started timing my cramps in case my "contractions" are more menstrual cramping than the typical lower back to lower stomach rolling to top of bump.
From about 1:40am to about 2am ish my cramping ranged from 4-7 minutes apart and 30 to 60 seconds long. Some were 10 minutes apart and some 12minutes. Since they were not regular I was afraid that it was false labor so I did not call my OB yet. For the next hour they were 3-7 minutes apart and 45-60 seconds long. It got to the point where I had to stop and breathe and a few made me cry. And I was having bloody/clotty discharge. I finally called my OB she said I can go to the hospital but they might still turn me away. I was ready to see if this was real labor just to know. I woke up my husband and we grabbed our bags and went! This was about 3:40 am. My plans of taking a shower and eating a light snack before labor went out the window.
When we got to the hospital they hooked me up to a fetal monitor and monitored my contractions. They were about 3-5 minutes apart and there were some I could not even feel! They examined me and I was 4cm dilated and 80% effaced. I was delighted that this was it and we will soon meet our daughter!
After being admitted we were in a birthing room that was quite large! Again I was hooked up to the monitors and a IV because I tested positive for group b strep. I declined Nubain but left the epidural option opened. Laying on my back absolutely killed my back because of the way she was positioned so we took a walk around the hospital. At this point contractions were going from 60-90 seconds and had to stop while walking from pain. When we got back to my room the nurses checked me again and I was about 8cm and further effaced.
At this point the pain was almost unbearable. It was my last chance for a epidural. I took it!!!! This was about 10ish I think.
At 11:00 when the epidural kicked in we started pushing. I pushed for an hour and there was not much progress because I could not feel anything!! My legs were like spaghetti noodles! There were lots of laughter each time my legs rolled off the pedals. We really liked the nurse that helped us during delivery. She was there way more than my OB was. And checked in on me often to make sure I was comfortable.
The doctors decided to cut off my epidural so that I can start to feel some pressure and help in my pushing. After almost another hour there was still no progress! I was pumped full of epidural! They asked if I wanted assistance. I asked if it would be harmful at all to the baby and they assured me it wouldn't. I was afraid the stress of me trying push her out for longer would harm the baby. At this point we were at 2 hrs and we could have easily gone another two without much progress. So they set up and and assisted me with the vacuum assister. You're still pushing with the vacuum and with me baby had a big noggin!!! The doctor had to cut a little and I received 2 stitches. The moment our beautiful baby girl arrived into this world they wrapped her in a blanket and put her straight on my chest. I had her on my chest and my husband & I's hand on her. Our little family was finally united. It was truly one of the most beautiful moments in my life. I cried tears of happiness. She laid on me for a few minutes and they cleaned her up right in the room, took her measurements. She came in at a beautiful 7lbs 10 oz, 21" at 1:05pm. Then she was given back to us for a full hour in what my hospital calls the "Golden Hour". It was so beautiful for us to spend that time with her before they took her to the nursery for vitals.
I went into labor deciding that I would keep my options open. I wanted to have a natural birth but I told myself I would not beat myself up if I couldn't. My one non negotiable was I would not take Nubain and I did not. The whole experience was just nothing short of a miracle. My husband and I were surprised at just how involved he was in the whole process. During delivery the nurse was on one side and he was on the other side. It wasn't like in the movies where he was just there holding my hand. We didn't expect it but I think we both loved that he was so involved in the birthing process.
She looks like a good mixture of both of us, most seem to think she looks more like my husband which I am totally good with! She has my black hair, my husband's beautiful eyes, a mixture of our noses & face shape and my mouth and ears. Her eye color, we believe, is not defined yet but you can see hints of blue & green around the edges.
We've had a couple days with lots of ups and downs but the ups make the downs so so worth it.
Thank you all for getting me through the craziness of the few days before labor.