How did naps go away for you?
Were your kids completely content napping one day and the next week completely done?
Did you ease off in any way? Did they shrink down below 1.5 hours?
My kids (3.5 yo) were completely fine napping before Christmas....sometimes would put themselves down without any reminders - sometimes after 20-30 minutes I would go in and tell them to go to sleep, sit in the corner to ensure they stayed in their beds, and they'd go to sleep.
Those were for 2 hour naps on the regular.
This weekend and last weekend my kids are literally jumping in their beds and screaming NO at me, spitting at me, and calling me bad names.
It is enraging and DH wants to drop naps all together. I have a hard time believing this is biologically the right time - I expected that we'd wean down to 1 hour or smaller naps before ditching completely.