I won't name which DD did this, but one of my girls just ran out side, pulled off her pants and peed in the grass. What the heck?
I won't name which DD did this, but one of my girls just ran out side, pulled off her pants and peed in the grass. What the heck?
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
My oldest walked up to a friend's bicycle helmet that was sitting in the grass and kicked it hard across the ground for no reason. And my youngest has bitten a little girl at daycare for like the fourth straight day. Grrr...
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
Oh yeah, DD1 walked up to me the other day and spit straight in my mouth. It had already been a long day and I totally acted a little more angry than I should have.
pomelo / 5258 posts
DD took my work badge off my pants yesterday and I forgot until I got to the office today and couldn't get in. She "couldn't remember" where she put it for the longest time. I believed her as she and I looked all over. Then she dug it out of an Amazon box I have all packed up to return. What a place to hide it.
persimmon / 1188 posts
My LO has probably done something ridiculous this week but the first thing that comes to mind is last Friday night when he decided to EAT one of his Melissa and Doug reusable stickers! He is 3 and knows better. He then freaked out, tried to get it out of his throat and threw up all over himself and the floor. I asked him why he ate the sticker while I was bathing him and he said he was hungry.
kiwi / 556 posts
My 19 month old found her swim diaper and has decided she needs to wear it over her clothes. Whenever I try and take it off her she'll remove all her clothes (and diaper) in protest. It's pretty funny but also, why?
persimmon / 1445 posts
My 3 year old has taken to licking the baby... Like huge slurpy mess type licks. It's so gross but at least the baby thinks it's funny.
pomelo / 5573 posts
My 3 year old pulled his pants and underpants down to his ankles in the hallway of daycare and did a shimmy-dance while yelling "look mommy!"
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@caterw: @youboots: I'm feeling a little better since yours involves Licking too.
DD licked the top of the country Crock (the lid)
persimmon / 1198 posts
My 3 yo licks our faces all the time. I really don't understand why he does it, but it is so gross and it drives me crazy. I constantly think "wtf, why are you licking my face?" He has been acting like a dog a lot, so maybe that's where it comes from.
persimmon / 1322 posts
My 19 month old has recently figured out that she can stand on the oven drawer, hold onto the oven handle, and steal things off the counter. This morning she stole a stick of butter and started eating it.
pear / 1718 posts
DD normally fights getting dressed for daycare. On Monday she insisted on wearing 3 long sleeve shirts. DH obliged because he was tickled she wanted to wear clothes period.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@caterw: @bookwormmama: @youboots: lol my DD is constantly licking everything. I don't understand it.
nectarine / 2400 posts
Put on her snow pants, snow boots, jacket, gloves and hat. While watching Mickey Mouse. Good thing she decided she's likes it now that it's April
persimmon / 1467 posts
I asked my 3 year old to put his little ride on motorcycle away so he rode it right into his brother (9 months). He didn't seem malicious about it just thought it would be funny or something.
honeydew / 7463 posts
My 2.5yo has suddenly started walking over to me at random and licking my face.
That and he called his penis his squeaker the other day (as he was squeezing it which made it even funnier) and I had no idea where he got it from. Then we were watching doc mcstuffins and heard a character named squeakers. But still...the squeakers on doc mcstufins isn't a penis!
ETA: haha just went back and read others. Glad I don't have the only face-licker!
pomegranate / 3858 posts
@gotkimchi: Just be glad she doesn't have to wear them today - I had to outfit LO in her full snow gear for cold weather and flurries today!! (We're in Toronto)
pomelo / 5573 posts
@tinyperson: Yeah, WTF with the weather today! (also in Toronto) On Tuesday I packed away all the winter stuff, put my snow brush in the garage, and got my winter tires taken off. This morning found me in the basement digging the hats and mittens back out.
honeydew / 7504 posts
Apparently at school the other day he completely hulked out and grabbed a truck off the shelf, threw it on the floor, and stomped all over it. That is completely out of character for him, so it really made me (and his poor teacher) do a huge WTF.
pomegranate / 3858 posts
@erinbaderin: oh so it's your fault Supposed to be 20 on Monday, so things are looking up!
pomelo / 5084 posts
These are hilarious. I am cracking up at work.
DS (16 months) has started throwing all of his food off his highchair tray and then when I declare the meal over, he gets down on the floor and eats it all. ???????
watermelon / 14467 posts
She'll pull down her pants and undies and shout "NAKEY BUTT!" and then run around asking us to pat it.
Hilarious. But one day she's going to do it in Target or at church and I'm going to be mortified.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
The other night I left DS (2) in his room to check on dinner, when I came back he had gotten the baby powder, dumped out most of the bottle on himself, and was LICKING it, like WTF kid? Does it taste good?
(...and then I just googled eating baby powder and this is apparently a legit craving, esp. for pregnant moms, interesting!)
nectarine / 2262 posts
@wrkbrk we call that floor food at our house. It is apparently the most desired of toddler cuisine.
blogger / kiwi / 626 posts
She mooned me and then giggled. I have no idea where she learned this. I have to admit though, I laughed pretty hard because I am actually a child...
nectarine / 2460 posts
DS (2.5) has taken to searching for shapes in his poops like others do with clouds. "Look mama, my poop is an elephant!" "Look mama my poop is a screw driver!"...
clementine / 806 posts
@JennyPenny: this might be my future. DS (2.5) likes to walk in while I'm using the bathroom and tries to peek between my legs yelling "momma, I see your poopy! no flush, I see it first!"
nectarine / 2460 posts
@MrsLonghorn: haha, could be! DS has one of those little individual potties so without all the water his poops definitely maintain shapes...
pomelo / 5573 posts
@MrsLonghorn: @JennyPenny: B (3) went through a phase where he insisted on seeing his brother's poopy diapers before we threw them out. And he definitely likes to talk about the size of his poops - my husband once carried him through a restaurant as he yelled across the room to me "Mommy, I pooped in the potty and it was SO BIG! As big as Daddy's! It was like a big snake!"
clementine / 806 posts
@erinbaderin: we just potty trained a few weeks ago, so poop fascination is BIG in our house. But I have to admit, I often think (quietly, to myself!) the same thing your son yelled. After 2.5 years of mushed up diaper poop, I'm not used to seeing "adult-looking poop" from DS, and it almost always surprises me.
nectarine / 2460 posts
@MrsLonghorn: haha! same! How did that big of a poop come from such a tiny boy! I guess we all have a little bit of poop fascination
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
DS1 is 2.5. We always say "no mess" when he's being careless or distracted when he's eating.
The other day DS2 dropped/threw food off his highchair and DS1 jumped off his chair, gasped "Baby! No mess!" Which makes sense since we say it to him all the time. But then he made an exaggerated hard sigh, got down on his hands and knees and began to clean/smear the food into the floor with a tissue and lamented "oh my goodness" under his breath. I was cracking up because I was like where did you learn that??
The next day I was telling his teacher about it and she laughed and said "that sounds just like Ms. J!" (who is the dropoff/breakfast room teacher in the AM). She happened to be walking by so I retell the story and she turns bright red and goes "oh noooo, that IS me, how embarrassing!"
apricot / 431 posts
DS (3) was getting ready for a bath last night and very matter of factly said "wow! My penis is getting long!" I had to turn away because I was laughing so hard. But what!!!! Where in the world did that come from! Boys and their parts!!
pomelo / 5258 posts
I worked from home to today with sick DD. She just came over to me and rubbed her hands all over my laptop monitor. As I sat there wondering WTF she said "sorry Mom, I thought it was my iPad." Girl does not have an iPad.
clementine / 990 posts
My 5 year old used her electric toothbrush with toothpaste and brushed the cabinets in the bathroom.
Also recently in the bathroom she was making hilarious constipated old man noises and when she heard us laugh She just did it more and louder and more ridiculously. It was so funny.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
These are too good.
Tonight DH asked my 3.5 year old to blow me a kiss, but she said she only wanted to blow a finger kiss. Proceeded to stick her middle finger way up and blow me a kiss with it
@JennyPenny: c has been potty trained for a year and still tells me what her poop looks like- look mommy, it's a Christmas tree poop! Today she made me turn on the bathroom light so she could see her poop better before I flushed.
@wrkbrk: floor food is like second lunch...
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