I wonder if I am alone in this or not. We don't use DS's nursery at all, except to change him and he sleeps there. It's become more storage for stuff we moved out of the living room when we baby proofed, extra toys, and all the clothes and baby gear that he has grown out of that I am sorting for my SIL who is preggers.
The disposables we use at night time are in a box on the floor. Dirty clothes get tossed on the floor if our hands are full, until one of us can do a sweep and toss them in the hamper by the bathroom.
We moved the recliner to the living room since I never used it when it was in DS's nursery. We never play in there and he never spends any time in there when he's not in his crib. His closet it a mess and I usually don't even fold his clothes. He's mainly in onesies and one-piece romper things, and he doesn't have a lot, so they usually either get used before they make it to the dresser or I toss them in in a pile and dig through when I need something.
All of his toys and books are in the living room where we spend time playing and reading. I hope I'm not the only one with a messy and un-used nursery.