As I write this, I am overjoyed and filled with such,such happiness! I have a son! The most beautiful boy in the world and he is miiiine,mine,mine! I still remember the day I found out I was pregnant; DH & I jumped up in down in your bedroom waving the stick in the air and laughing in disbelief.

I'll try to put my emotions aside & not be too long winded here:
Oct 15th: 3 days overdue and headed to my OB's office with DH to schedule an induction for that night....
I woke up on this morning with extremely painful, constipation-like cramps. Also, I had some blood. But, I didn't believe it was labor so I sucked it up and waited until my 8AM appointment.
We get there and she sends us home to pack! Apparently, I was having very powerful concrations and my doctor predicted a quick labor.
Well, we weren't convinced so we took our time and didn't get to the hospital until 12 (noon).
12 noon- 4cm
3pm- 6cm (at this point got epidural & waters broken)
4:30 pm- 8cm
5:30pm- 10cm!!!

I still felt zero urge to push so I labored down and they took my epi down a notch.
I stayed this way (very comfy and willing to wait) until 8:15pm. My OB came at this point and said that she was ready to meet this kid and I should try to push even though I didn't have any urge. So, we started at exactly 8:20.
8:48: BABY!
When he came out, my OB shouted for me to open my eyes and "LOOK!!!" and I am so glad I did. It was the most amazing moment of my life. NOTHING.WILL.EVER.TOP.IT! Nothing....
I cry and shake when I retell that part of the was the best moment of my life. He was there....crying and beautiful as can be and more beautiful than I ever imagined. DH and I looked at each other, both with tears just bursting out of our eyes and a look of ...almost...shock. We were just floored. Then my doctor places him on my chest and he looked at me with the most alert and scared eyes I'd ever seen, so I hugged him tight and told him he was safe....and he calmed down He was so warm and little piece of heaven.
Unfortunately, because he came out with his head side ways, I did tear. 1 second-degree tear on either side of the vaginal opening, requiring many stitches. I felt nothing though and DH assured me it look "really good" when she was done stitching Recovery has been alright....I have pain killers so the stitches are not a problem:)
My milk came in this morning so we are now BF champs! Oh, and I LOVE my new boobs I look like Pam Anderson from her Bay Watch days.

Below are some pictures; we're taking lots and enjoying EVERY second with our precious little pup......

*P.S: I should have included that during the epi: I cried out of fear when I saw the anesthesiologist walk in, and cried when I signed the waiver and cried when I was pricked with the shot......but as soon as it kicked in: I was all smiles and relief. So, it is a scary thing to think about for some (myself included) but it was wonderful (for me). It made me labor a time of anticipation and excitement rather than pain.

This first photo is when baby turtledoves (7lbs 8 oz now 6lbs 8oz) was first placed on my chest:
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I love a good "cry photo"
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