I've officially not stepped foot in my gym since before my BFP almost 4 months ago. (I've been walking and swimming to stay active - but its really not that common - maybe 1-2x a week)
I'm just flushing money down the drain on a gym membership I'm not using. The first trimester is over, its time to take a trip to the good ole' gym. I'm just wanting to put it out there on the internet so someone will hold me accountable. I like to do this funny thing where I suddenly feel horribly ill and exhausted from about 5pm-7pm every weeknight (which has always been the case for as long as I can remember. i.e. way before I got pregnant), and I know it is all mental and I need to just get over it. That's my only window of time where I can get a decent workout in. DH has already planned to cook dinner and my house is relatively clean, so I can't use either of those as an excuse to skip out on this.
Anyone else want to join in and share how they were or plan to be active today?