My happy, independent, calm baby has become clingy and cries all the time. Not just her fussing cry but inconsolable crying with real tears. I can't do anything!! I put her on her mat and we last a few minutes before losing it. I put her on her bean bag, she cries, the swing, she cries, the crib is the worst. She cries when I put her down to go to the bathroom. She is refusing to take a dummy so she is nursing to sleep. She hasn't done that since she was a month old.

The only thing that stops the crying is being held. Yesterday at 11am when I hadn't showered or eaten I put her down and we both cried on the couch. We had to come home from the park because she was hungry but refused to nurse and wouldn't stop crying. The crying is making me crazy!!! I am so glad my mum is coming over today and there is someone else to hold the baby.

I think she maybe teething - drooling, pulling at ears, congested, extra poop, refusing to nurse/take dummy. I have tried nurofen, bonjela but nothing seems to make much of a difference. I hate to see her suffering and miserable