Mrs. Jump Rope's awesome blog post about traveling with her 6 month old made me think about this. In the comments, @mrstilly said that she travels with her LO 45 minutes to see her in-laws almost every weekend, and has to pack stuff up. @Mrs. Stroller also mentioned that while her parents are a 14 hour drive away, they have a full nursery for her LO.

When we have kids, we will probably be 30 minutes - 1 hour away from my parents. I know that especially when our LO is really new, it will be easier for them to come to us. Still, I hope to spend a lot of time at my parents' house with our LO. I never thought about the hassle of packing up lots of stuff for a baby, not to mention things like a crib, swing, etc. It might be easier for us to just get these things for my parents' house... have any of you done this? I think it would make it easier for them to babysit, too!