A place to show the transition from spare room to baby's room!
A place to show the transition from spare room to baby's room!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
Jessie is currently napping and I don't have a picture of her room on this phone (plus it needs to be cleaned lol) but here is a few pictures of what will be her new room.
First: view from the door
Second: view from back right corner
Third: our horribly embarrassing storage closet.
What's really sad is that DH cleaned about half this room while he was on vacation. We need to keep most of the stuff in the closet actually so I'll be rearranging our entire house.
pear / 1787 posts
@marionberry: thanks for starting! i probs won't have anything to add until post vacay when my dad has painted and assembled furniture! haha. maybe i should take some before photos though.
@Mrs. Sunshine: that looks like a good sized room! the closet in our nursery is just storage and i plan on keeping it that way. we got the 8 drawer hemnes so i think that should be plenty of space for babe's stuff... but we will see!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: Don't you love having to reorganize everywhere? Lol.
Here are the pics of what we have done in the twins's room. It's just the basics thus far with decor to come. The only thing pretty done is their closet since we already had a ton of boy clothes.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@loki: I think it's twice the size, if not more, than her current room! Which is great cause she has a lot of stuff these days lol
pear / 1787 posts
@marionberry: loooove those cribs & that dresser!!! ETA: omg those little boy clothes from small to large! so precious.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@marionberry: oh yeah, my favorite lol
@loki: I know someone whose LO'S room doesn't even have a closet! You should be good. I'm just using this as an excuse to clean it out. Otherwise I wont.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@marionberry: wow you've done well! I love the cribs! And you weren't kidding about tons of boys clothes!
nectarine / 2317 posts
This is what we were dealing with at the beginning. It was the one room in the house we didn't touch when we moved in, so the closet was in rough shape and the ceiling had tons of cracks and the original 1920's light fixture.
It's only really painted now and the crib and dresser set up, but not at all organised or decorated. I'll have to take some pictures of it soon. I guess we still have time.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: looks like you have your work cut out for you on organising! I keep moving stuff from room to room and have no idea where I should put it long term!
apricot / 346 posts
@Banana330: I love your floors!
@marionberry: I'm jealous of this closet... Cute clothes and so organized!
@Mrs. Sunshine: this is how I feel at the moment! We had to consolidate two rooms to clear space for the nursery. We spent the last two weeks tackling it and there is still so much stuff to be organized/find a home. We emptied the nursery (except we are leaving most stuff in the closet since we don't need it for baby) so insisted on setting up the crib!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Banana330: I'm so jealous of your wood floors! And there's currently newborn and 3 month clothes hanging so it looks like more than it is.
@loki: the cribs were a splurge but the dresser I got at a holiday craft sale for $135.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@As Time Goes By: @marionberry: thanks we had the whole house restained when we moved in. They are the original 1920's oak though!
@marionberry: nice we haven't bought any newborn clothes, just 0-3, as our friends just had a big baby who grew out of newborn diapers in a week! I figure I'll get one or two new born things and see if she fits them once she's here.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Banana330: Ya it really depends on the size of your baby. My son was only 6 lbs. 4 oz. when he was born and he was in newborn clothes for probably 3 to 4 weeks. Given that I'm having twins this time they are even more likely to be low in birth weight and size, and therefore the need for more newborn clothes. If in your family, you traditionally have larger babies, sometimes you can skip newborn clothes altogether.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@Banana330: I definitely do!!
@As Time Goes By: I already have a plan for all the stuff so hopefully it should move quickly once I get to it.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@Banana330: my LO was born 6 lbs 14 oz and STILL has 2 newborn onesie that fit her! (She's 15 months). The cut seems so different between brands; besides, you just never know how your baby will grow. We've never had a single growth or gain issue and she's still just so so small. It took me by surprise for sure
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: that is crazy! Who has a newborn that's the size of a 15 month old! Neither of us were huge (6-7lbs) and I'm hoping she'll be small!
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@loki: We're doing the reverse of what you guys are - we won't have a dresser at all, since we figure the closet will have plenty of space for all baby's stuff. It's a walk-in closet and we plan to put a bunch of baskets and hanging shelf organizers in there. It would be nice to get that all set up since currently all our baby items are crammed into spare nooks and crannies in closets throughout the house. I'm certainly going to lose some of it at this rate.
Love the thread, this is serving as great inspiration for me as I'm currently sitting in the room that will be our nursery as I remote-work all day (since this is still our home office for the moment). Hard to believe how soon I'll be nursing baby in here.
apricot / 306 posts
yay! I just found this thread! I love it!
@Mrs. Sunshine: your 'before' photos look very familiar! I think it has finally hit DH just this week that he needs to stop using the room as his personal dumping ground.
@marionberry: we have the same cribs! We just set ours up yesterday and I LOVE it. I would have liked to purchase the coordinating dresser but it just didn't offer much storage space for the cost so we will do an ikea hack instead.
@loki: we have the 8 drawer hemnes in our bedroom and it is HEAPS of storage. Trust me, you will be fine with that alone. Actually I was planning on moving it to the nursery but DH and I decided we needed the space more than the baby! haha. Our nursery closet is also currently storage, but I will clear out half of it for the baby.
@Banana330: also loving your wood floors! I had wood floors in Australia and in NYC but here in California they seem like a rarity in rentals the room looks like it has a nice outlook too!
@As Time Goes By: finding homes for all the loose items is seriously the hardest part of all this! ugh!
Question for 2nd time moms... do you find it easier to hang or fold baby clothes? I'm not sure if I should dedicate more closet space to hangers or drawers... I feel like folding and putting in drawers is quicker/easier but hanging looks so nice and organized.... can't decide!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@lulu22: In the first six months we found that we didn't have many pants and such that you couldn't hang, so it was easier to take things straight from the laundry and hang them. Plus it helped me pick out outfits easier lol. I think it really doesn't matter though - whatever feels easier for you.
apricot / 306 posts
@marionberry: good to know! true, I didn't think about not really having any pants, haha.
apricot / 306 posts
okay, I took a photo... this is where we are up to with the nursery... basically just the crib so far, which is minus a mattress and is full of stuff we've got so far.
the ikea shelf was used for office storage and we are still in the process of emptying it out and creating an 'office nook' in our living room... squeezing a whole room into a little corner is proving a challenge! Once I finish clearing it, we will add some drawers, cupboards and some legs to convert it to a change station/dresser.
apricot / 306 posts
here is a swatch of the wallpaper we are considering but I am so undecided about it as wallpaper is SO expensive and we don't know how many years we will be in this rental for. I'm contemplating some decals as a cheaper option (something like this? http://www.pinterest.com/pin/176555247868148239/) but am also considering this wallpaper http://www.pinterest.com/pin/176555247868133503/ or maybe even just leaving the walls blank and hanging some nice prints.
Ahhhh deciding is too hard! haha.
kiwi / 563 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: Your DH and mine have a lot in common - we have guitars, music stuff and fishing poles galore in our spare room right now! I started moving things out of the spare room this weekend and trying to find space in the rest of the place - I cleared out two bookshelves for DH - one for his coaching things and the other for his music things!
@marionberry: love the dresser and the placement of the cribs - looks great! It's so fun to see all the little man clothes hanging up in the closet! thanks for starting the thread, it's so fun!
@lulu22: love the crib in white! it's going to look great with the IKEA shelf too. I like the idea of wallpaper too - the one you posted is really pretty. I love grey! We painted the walls a pretty beachy blue, which goes with our theme, and the room is a bit on the small side (and has TONS of windows), so we're going to decorate with prints, a name banner (once we decide!) and possibly some hanging shelves.
Good to hear from those of you who are using the closet partly for storage - the thought of having to clear EVERYTHING out of our closet is daunting, so hopefully between our dresser and half of the closet, we'll be good! We just have NO storage in the rest of the condo (for linens, etc.) so if we get items that we're not using right away they'll have to go in that closet or in our garage! DH & I were talking yesterday that it might just be easier to buy a bigger place! Ha!
pear / 1503 posts
@Lulu22: Cute crib. I really like the two-tone wood and white look. Also the Ikea shelf to change table is a popular conversion. The Petersiks from the YoungHouseLove blog did it for their son's nursery and "wrapped" stained wood around it. They originally added feet/wheels to the bottom, but found it was too high for them with the addition of the wood. If you wanted to do the same, I'll bet it would look amazing with just some sanded and sealed/varnished pine. Check out the post below.
Also, if you really like the look of wallpaper, but don't like the permanency, I've seen non-permanent wallpaper online somewhere. It's just as expensive or more than real wallpaper, but at least you can take it with you when you leave and reuse it in your next rental.
apricot / 306 posts
@Astro Bee: oh I love that ikea hack! so nice! I will have to show it to DH and see if he is up for it. I think we will need the legs because DH and I are both on the taller side. The wallpaper swatch in my pic is for the removable (we are not allowed to hang permanent), unfortunately you are right, it's certainly no cheaper than regular wallpaper!
@SunshineMcC: I think that it is TOTALLY fine to use nursery storage for your own stuff. In fact, I remember as a child my closets always contained general household stuff, especially the higher shelves, so it seems normal to me. We actually have a second closet in the doorway of the nursery which we use for the vacuum cleaner, ironing board, etc... and it will all have to stay because there is literally NO WHERE else in the house to store that stuff as we don't have a laundry.
pear / 1503 posts
We ordered the crib and dresser this evening - Babyletto's Mercer 3-in-1 crib with their Modo change table/dresser. We really don't need the underbed storage drawer, but it was DH's choice from 3-4 that I really liked.
The bedroom already has an extensive closet organization system from the previous owners (they had twins). But it's currently filled with camera and scuba gear. I've told DH that we need to build some storage for that stuff downstairs, as well as purge our overflowing storage room (this needs to be done regardless), but now, based on your comments, I'm reconsidering the closet.
apricot / 306 posts
@Astro Bee: oh so exciting can't wait to see the crib and dresser once you set it up! My crib is also a babyletto and I am very pleased with the quality. The underbed storage drawer will end up being so handy for spare crib sheets and blankets etc.
pear / 1503 posts
@Banana330: I'm jealous of your wooden floors, too. Before Christmas, I told DH that I'd really like to rip up the carpet in the nursery and put hardwood down, and he flipped. We have hardwood on our main floor, and when we bought the house last year, we'd agreed to do the bedrooms upstairs, too. We've installed hardwood in a previous house (in a much larger area), and it turned out great. We had a big argument about it, too. He said it was too much pressure to do in such a short time; he's traveling for work last week of Feb and first week of Mar, and I wanted the nursery completely done a month before the baby's due. So that only left (at that time) 6-7 weeks. Plenty of time to do a small room; we did two large rooms in two weeks last time, working evenings and weekends. Although I know I can't do as much as I did last time, I'm still able to help with certain tasks, so it wouldn't be all him. Anyway, lots of accusations thrown later, we both calmed down, and talked it out. I know we could do it with plenty of time to spare, but I recognize that this pregnancy has been stressful for him, too. I've definitely had my own share of meltdowns, and he's been so great throughout. So, I agreed to forgo the hardwood, although I still soooooo badly want it. He did agree to the crown moulding (also on the list of planned renovations), however. Partial win! I still have to paint first, but I'll post our progress here.
pear / 1503 posts
@Lulu22: I thought it might be. The Lolly? We also considered the Scoot. I'm really glad you are happy with the quality. I figure the drawer will come in handing when I need to change the sheets in the MOTN!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Astro Bee: I love that set. Having had a baby already I agree with @lulu22 that the underbed drawer will be perfect for extra crib sheets and other linens.
pear / 1503 posts
@Marionberry: Thanks. I love yours, too. Did you have one from your LO, or is he still in a crib? I forget how old you said he was. I agree with the rest, the little boy clothes in the closet look so cute. I can't wait until I'm there, too!
pear / 1548 posts
@marionberry: this is a total FTM question, but what do you hang and what do you put in drawers? I'd like to start organizing the clothes I've gotten so far, but I'm not sure what should go where.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@Boopers: I hang shirts/dresses. Put pjs, pants/shorts in drawers. Not really sure why. It would work fine if we just did one or the other
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Astro Bee: my son is 15 months, so still in his crib. He has a Jenny Lind crib and changing table.
@Boopers: I hang almost everything-onesies, sleepers, shirts, etc. and only put socks, gloves, hats and pants in drawers. Now that ds wears two piece pjs we put those in drawers too. I arrange everything in the closet by size and then type of clothing. Oh and because this means most things are hung, I put clothes from the next size up in an empty dresser drawer so they're ready to switch out when necessary.
pear / 1787 posts
@Astro Bee: your set is soooo beautiful!!! love.
@lulu22: good to know about the dresser, thanks! hemnes looks massive and the clothes i have are all so tiny. so it'll have to work because i have nowhere to put all the stuff currently in the closet haha. i love your crib and that wallpaper is beautiful! i looooove wallpaper. i've never put it up but heard it's a pain so good for you for taking that on. i'm kinda over everything at this point and wanna be lazy in everything i do haha.
i bought paint this weekend. i forget who suggested sherwin williams lighter mint but that's what i went with! i think it's gonna be super beautiful so thanks! i can't wait to get back from my vacation to a painted room and assembled furniture! i bought beautiful hardware for the hemnes and think it's gonna look so amazing. i am on the hunt for a gold curtain rod before we leave so my dad can put it up while we're away. so far it hasn't gone well and i only have a couple days!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@lulu22: we've got a natural wood expedit in our nursery too! we already owned it otherwise i would have gone for white. I wanted to do removable wallpaper too but it's so expensive I'm just going for some decals. Still trying to decide on a pattern or something a bit more fun.
@Astro Bee: sorry you're not getting wood floors. I love wood floors. We actually added an area rug to help warm the space up but wood floors are soo much easier to keep clean!
@Boopers: I was wondering the same thing. Is it a pain to rehang stuff after washing it?
@loki: It's a great colour.. I did a fair bit of mint paint research before I chose it because i didn't want anything too over powering.
We fixed up the closet on the weekend, got the interior painted and built some shelves for it. They are just drying and then I can finally start filling it! I also go some of those Ikea spice racks you see all over pinterest for book shelves and started painting them in an ombre coral scheme. They are looking really great! I'll post some pics once they are put together.
pear / 1787 posts
@Banana330: thanks for your research, you helped me a ton i'm so pumped to see it on the walls!
pear / 1548 posts
Here is what I've done so far. We still have our dog's crate in the room while we clear out our office to make room for him. We are in a rental so the walls are staying white. I could probably paint, but I don't want to have to worry about repainting when we leave this house.
We ordered the gliding recliner yesterday, which I'm super excited about. We went with the Best Bilana in a dark gray. It should be here in 6-8 weeks. We are also waiting on our crib which should be here any day now. We couldn't find it at a good price in white so we went with gray. I think it'll look fine with the other gray stuff we have in the room.
I painted and put together the name sign. It's only about a foot tall, but looks much bigger in the photo. That will go up on one of the walls. We also need to add other stuff to the walls so that it looks more cozy.
Anyway, here is the progress so far with baby stuff not yet put away. We are doing navy, orange, gray, and white. The photos make the navy look black.
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