Ugh. This is a real button pusher for me. E has started refusing to do anything I ask her to do. The worst is having a wee - so much drama.

Sometimes, she just outright refuses and then hits/screams when I try to make her. I can get her to do things by promising immediate chocolate, but I don't want to create a bribery habit. She also claims not to be able to do things - eg last night, she said she couldn't help tidy her toys because she was too little. But the newest additions to the repertoire are "but I just need to..." and "first, I'm going to.....".

How much leeway do you give? Do you let them do their thing first? I feel like maybe I shouldn't because when I make a request it needs to be obeyed, right? But the I think perhaps I'm being too harsh. I'm sooooooo sick of hearing the word but, though.