Let me just say if this is how she acts already at almost 8 months, I am TERRIFIED of the toddler years!! Little miss diva is into throwing some tantrums already and I am not sure how to respond or what to do at such a young age.

For instance, if I take away something she shouldn't be playing with, she screams bloody blue murder. If we are out in public it is seriously embarrassing and people probably think i am hurting her by the way she screams! I quickly distract her and she gets over it though. She has decided that the changing table is basically the worst place in the world to be; so changing diapers and clothes is a major undertaking. She arches her back and tries to roll off in hopes of escaping me putting a diaper on her lol. She also has decided that sitting in the tub isn't the cool thing to do anymore, and insists on standing up the whole time, which makes bath time difficult!

How do you stop an 8 month old from running the show? How should I be reacting to her mini tantrums at this age?