Did/Will anyone else be trying to time their maternity leave? For me I would really like to be on maternity leave over the holidays. It will be great to have that time of year off to be with our families (who are far away) and to bond with my little one. And its a slow time for me a work which is convenient. I get 12 weeks of maternity leave, plus whatever accrued vacation I decide to add on. For the next few months I will ovulate right at the beginning of the month which means if we start trying on Jan 1 I would have the baby in early Oct and be on leave until early 2013. And if I get pregnant in either of the next two cycles it will still mean I start leave before Christmas 2012. But it is SOOOO hard to wait. Part of me just wants to start right this second because I know we're ready. And then I tell myself "hardly anyone gets pregnant on the first try... We should go ahead and get a month of trying out of the way." But then my logical side reminds we that having a month of trying under our belt doesn't actually make us any more likely to get pregnant the next month. And it's not like waiting one more month is a big deal.... but ahhhhhhhhhh its so hard!!! I don't know how my poor husband puts up with my craziness.