So LO is 6 months today and her sleep has been getting pretty much progressively worse, with brief respites of better before going back to worse, since about 3 months old. Just before 5 months we tried Ferber and she cried so hard she puked and I gave in and that was that.

We did do some light sleep training at 5 months, wherein we would put her down drowsy for bed (not naps) and every time she spit her paci out we'd run up and put it back in, and almost every night for the past month she'd fall asleep in 10-25 min with no crying. If she cried I picked her up and rocked her, but that only happened maybe 4 times in the past month and generally only if she'd had a really bad nap day.

At this point she requires me to hold her for every nap. Rock to sleep and if I set her down she wakes up within 10 min and nap is over. I was sort of okay waiting that out for a bit but now she seems to have figured out she can make the same demand at night. The last 2 nights she basically has not let me set her down. Three nights ago she went to bed with no fuss and 0 checks to replace paci, and only woke up twice all night and just needed paci replaced. Last 2 nights? Bedlam. Screams until I rock her to sleep then if i set her down she wakes up and cries.

I am tired.

So it is time for sleep training.

Problem is timing sucks because she has 6 month shots tomorrow (and she had a baaad time after 4 month shots, cried all day which is very odd for her) and I'm hosting a baby shower at our home on Sunday.

I want to wait to start sleep training and do both night and naps at the same time starting Sunday night. I don't want to make her CIO tomorrow when she isn't feeling good from shots, and I don't want to be dealing with an overtired cranky baby and deal with her screaming during a several-hours-long baby shower in my house.

But several people including my mom say I need to just start tonight because every single night I hold her to sleep it will make training worse. Ugh. Stupid bad timing.