I have this co-worker who drives me absolutely INSANE! We work with each other on average 2 days a week together (12 hr shifts), and they are seriously the longest days ever! There's only 3 of us that work together at a time, and we work close, so ignoring her isn't really an option.

She's just very unprofessional. She often comes to work half ready, and spends the next 30-45 minutes doing her makeup and hair. After finishing that, she promptly goes downstairs and gets her lunch (we come in at 10). Which she eats right next to me instead of going to the breakroom. It smells, and she just has gross eating habits (I could write a whole seperate post about that). After that, she puts her headphones in and spaces out so when people walk up to the station to ask a question or for help, they see her jammin out and half the time she doesn't even realize they were there. Almost every single time I work with her, she has some errand she has to run on work hrs (we have 4 days off a week to do personal things), and will leave me to work alone no questions asked. Not to mention when she's not jammin on her ipod at the station, I usually have no idea where she is or where to find her.

I'm so fed up and I'm afraid I'm going to blow up on her! Our boss is supposed to be having a talk with her because other co-workers have complained as well, but in the meantime, how do I deal??? Sorry for the long post, but it has been building up for awhile now, and I'm reaching my limit!