I am taking LO on family vacation next week, and I am really nervous about her schedule getting all screwed up. DH's family does not go out to eat every night until 8:00 p.m. or so, but we usually put DD down at 7:30 for bedtime. I am afraid that a week of changing her schedule will form a bad habit!
Also, my MIL keeps saying that I don't need to worry about staying in the hotel room while she naps because she can just take her naps in people's arms while we are out! I am soooo not comfortable with that. It will form bad habits and then I feel like I will have to re-train her to fall asleep on her own in her crib when we come back.

[Sorry for the mini vent, I am obviously just kind of stressed about this vacation.]

Anyone have tips on vacationing with a baby this young? Any ideas on how I can keep her schedule, or should I bag the schedule while we're gone?