LO is 6 weeks old now, and we still don't have any sort of a routine. I know she's still very young, but I feel like most moms with LO around her age talk about how their baby is sleeping 4-6 hr stretches at night, and already has a daytime routine established. Our LO days vary so much. Sometimes she sleeps all day long, sometimes she's awake for long stretches. Sometimes she wants to eat every 2 hours, sometimes every 3-4. Sometimes she's ready for bed at 9, sometimes midnight. It's exhausting not knowing. She's had a few random nights of sleeping 4 hour stretches at a time and it was wonderful!!! But then it was over and back to every 2 hours. I go back to work in a few weeks and I'm really hoping to have somewhat of a predictable routine established by then. Am I expecting too much? Any tips would be great!