I feel sorry for my husband some days because i dont think he even realizes how awesome our kid is and I feel like i'm making excuses for why his is not engaging with her more. They've ranged from he has to work at "Big important job," to he's never really been around kids and he's not sure of himself to LO just has a severe Mommy Preference. My approach over the past 20 months, has been that I'm going to do what needs doing and include Hubs in as much as I can, hope he picks it up by example, and when he's ready he'll figure it out and find little rituals that they'll have together.

The things that get to me the most are his
- level of uncomfortable-ness when caring for her, sometimes he gets it "all" right, other times he really shy's away from taking her for more than a couple hours on his own.
- The cell phone addiction - i try really hard to keep my phone in my purse until LO goes to bed, but he's always playing dumb games when I wish he was more responsive to her (and me) and what's going on at that moment like getting dinner on the table.
- Choosing work over family - when he's on call i understand needing to go in but otherwise they're pretty flexible, yet he has this level of dedication that makes it mandatory for me to be the one to stay home on sick days, and just generally be more flexible when caring for LO.

This week hubs is out of town doing training for work and with Father's Day approaching there were a few conversations that just have me peeved..... The day care is doing a donuts with dads thing at like 10am on friday - normally not a big deal if he misses it (the daycare is way out of his commute) but after being away for 5 days (and he cleared it with work) I thought it would be nice for him to go and surprise her. His response was "how many other dads are going? I dont want to be the only dad there" Then
I asked him what he wanted to do on father's day thinking like a family activity, no he wants to go golfing, maybe he'll ask his dad.....

Looking at the bigger picture i dont know if i'm just looking for a fight, or feeling like I need to shake things up..... but i'm not happy in the overall direction I see things going. I feel like he needs to adjust some priorities and i dont know how to approach that. Otherwise i really can't complain, he helps out around the house, he has a great job and family, we get a long great and love each other a lot. We both work what feels long hours compared to LO's schedule He really only gets to be with her 6pm-bedtime during the week.

Am I being overly sensitive? Does this even out as LO gets older and preferences change? Is there a shift when baby #2 comes in the picture and childcare is more divided between parents?