Our family lives across the country from us right now, but we still would really like to see all of them soon after the baby is born. I had assumed that both sets of parents would want to fly out and meet the baby as soon as possible, since that is what we have seen other friends' families do. My parents are already planning their trip to meet the new baby, and they will arrive in town about 2 weeks after my due date. My dad will stay for a week, and my mom will stay to help with the baby for 3 weeks.

However, DH's mom has yet to say anything about visiting the new baby. We've tried to insert the idea into conversations, and she's not picking up on it. She has expressed multiple times how sad she is that the baby is going to be so far away from her, so we know she wants to meet the baby. All she has to do it get on a plane and come visit us, but that idea doesn't seem to have occurred to her. It could be a money issue that is preventing her from planning a trip, but given that she is currently on a 3-month long trip to Florida, I don't think that's a great excuse.

So, does anyone have any great suggestions for how we can politely ask MIL what her plans are for visiting us? Her relationship with DH has been a little complicated over the years, which is what is causing us to walk on eggshells right now. If you live away from family, will they be visiting you soon after the baby arrives?