So DS is 16 months old and just started an in-home daycare in January. He's transitioned beautifully.

At home, DS generally refuses to be spoonfed so he feeds himself. He's also never been a food-motivated child and we worked really hard his first year of life to keep his weight up and finally at his 1-year appointment he hit 50% percentile for height and our ped told us we could relax. He's not picky per se, but he just doesn't like to eat all that much. We always offer a meat, carb, fruit, and veg with milk or water and let him eat what he feels like.

So imagine our elation when DS started daycare and was eating well for his caretaker. The caretaker has actually mentioned several times that he often motions for seconds or thirds and eats like a horse.

They generally spoonfeed the children, 1-2 kids at a time, until the kiddos can manage utensils on their own. Lunch is always a hot meal that alternates between vegetarian and omnivorous meals. Some days its chicken pasta and some days its sweet potatoes and broccoli, for instance. Snack tends to be yogurt with cereal on top. Overall, I think everything balances out nutritionally over the course of the week.

However, the last few days, DS has barely touched his breakfast or dinner, which he gets at home. He often has a big full belly poking out when we pick him up and has been having a lot of evening poops (before daycare, he typically had a poopy diaper in the morning at wakeup and then had another BM in the afternoon). Last night he pooped twice between dinner and bedtime and had a MASSIVE diaper this morning at wake up.

Should I ask daycare to feed him a little less, or should I be happy he's eating well during the day and not worry about the fact that he's not eating much at home?

Anyone have a similar experience?