My son is 2.5 years old, adopted from South Korea eight months ago. When he first came home, he barely ever walked but he definitely lacked strength and stamina to do so for any amount of time. But for months now, he's been a little walking machine and will often shake his head when the stroller is offered.

However, for the past two weeks or so, we've had a complete regression. He won't even walk a block to the park. He completely melts down and holds his arms up to be carried. I usually stick it out and just stand there until he gets his sh*t together. But it can take us 30 minutes to walk the block, with him screaming and practically being dragged.

What do I do besides wait this out? He sees other kids walking, they say he doesn't do this at school, etc. i don't want him to regress into being carried all the time.