So - I'm looking from input here from other moms who have made some lifestyle changes and implemented them to the whole family.
Background: Over the last two years I've been researching/reading and general fact gathering. I am finally settling on being fed up with processed foods. I accept that some foods I can not (or will not) make myself. For those - I am comfortable finding quality brands who's ingredient list I am comfortable with. We generally have a pretty balanced diet in our house - but we could certainly user a stronger push for vegetables. And I could certainly help by getting rid of the crutch food items I use on the fly in a bind and some of our easy snacks.
My DDs are 3 and 10 mos respectively. I know I can make changes to the 10 mos olds routine and she will go along with it easily. The 3 year old will put up a bit of a fight.
Questions -
1) Did you make the change yourself first and then implement to the family?
2) When faced with resistance from kids - how did you overcome? (i.e. "treat" meals for the things they love but you dont want to be staples in their diets)
3) What has been the biggest hurdle?
4) How do you explain to kids healthy vs not healthy?