It's big talk around here bc of the rain...what say you?
It's big talk around here bc of the rain...what say you?
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
I say no matter what! Weather is part of the excitement even though as a kid in Michigan I was pretty much always disappointed about having to wear a coat over my costume.
We’ve been lucky and there has been a break to go out every year it has rained (last 3) but we had ponchos ready. There are so many trunk or treats and indoor things to do here I can’t imagine rescheduling it, but I totally get not wanting to take little people out in it.
nectarine / 2018 posts
In general I say no matter what. We live in New England so we can have rain, snow, or freezing temps. It just is what it is. I can think of one year all of the surrounding towns tried to reschedule because a snow storm knocked the power out everywhere. But it was a mess - kids were attempting to trick or treat on both Halloween night and the rescheduled night.
We have no problem in cold temps, snow, or light rain - we just wear layers and/or bring umbrellas. If it is absolutely pouring we go to the mall for trick or treating.
kiwi / 518 posts
I would rather have a rain date if it’s a weekday and there’s a clear weekend date available. I’m pretty cranky that all the towns around me are postponing but not mine. Maybe I’ll take dd to another town...
persimmon / 1420 posts
I have never even considered doing it on a different night! I usually don't have any candy at that point, so it would be a bummer for every kid that stops by my house.
This actually reminds me of a David Sedaris short story about some of his neighborhood kids doing their trick or treating the next night because they were busy on Halloween.
apricot / 286 posts
Rain or shine! Which is too bad because today is 16C and sunny (very out of the norm for this time of year) and tomorrow is going to rain 70mm
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Growing up, it was always rain or shine.
Some cities reschedule it to a Friday or Saturday night, which I love, as a teacher. I'm NOT looking forward to Friday in the classroom....
pear / 1565 posts
The forecast tomorrow is heavy rain and gusty winds... I'd say no. There are SO many craziness on local FB mom groups. Either people that are like "toughen up! it's just rain!" or people that are just panicking making 100 separate posts asking about indoor trick/treat options.
I say everyone just do what they're comfortable with....
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Saw this on FB through "Sanctimommy" (actual name of page) -- it is sarcastic --
"I'm so sick of people in my neighborhood suggesting we move Trick or Treating to Friday just because there are going to be severe thunderstorms on Thursday night. HALLOWEEN IS HALLOWEEN and just because you don't want your little snowflake to be electrocuted doesn't mean you have the right to move a time honored tradition like trick or treating, which was invented by Jesus himself, 2.73 million years ago to another date. Kids need to learn about disappointment and you can't coddle them forever so if they can't go trick or treating in the high winds and lightening because they're weak little entitled 6 year old millennials, that's not my problem. Entitled little shits. End rant. Gimme a break. Just sayin'. Smdh."
pomegranate / 3355 posts
I am usually one for not moving it and sucking it up. However, in our area they are calling for pouring rain and lightening and that's not something to mess with. And honestly I don't see why we have to just tell our kids it's cancelled... I mean we bought or made costumes, people bought candy so why not push it if it really needs to be?
But I am also totally ok with it staying on Thursday.
The people that bother me are the ones posting about leaving it and sucking it up and just go and they have no kids!! They won't have cold, soaked kids who desperately just want to have fun but are too cold, wet and maybe scared to do it.
I am just praying for a break in the rain so we can go out for at least a bit!!!
persimmon / 1390 posts
We’re definitely still going. Unless the entire town decided to postpone I’m not sure how it would work. It’s also DDs bday so we have festivities even if trick or treating doesn’t last long.
pear / 1930 posts
Freezing rain (i.e., icy roads), lightning, or tornadoes... move it. Anything else? Keep it. I remember trick or treating in the snow while it was raining.
pomelo / 5258 posts
I'm in favor of keeping Trick of Treating on the 31st but our weather is mild in CA. I'd probably feel differently in freezing rain. We're hoping smoke and power outages aren't a factor (would people open their door if power goes out?). Skies are blue here today for the first time in days so I'm optimistic.
pomelo / 5573 posts
I’ve never heard of this - how does it even work? Who makes the call? How does the message get out?
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
I’m in the no matter what camp. But, we never have dangerous weather here on Halloween. It can be incredibly cold though - I remember wearing a full snowsuit one year with my costume overtop.
persimmon / 1345 posts
I have never heard of this and am still confused on the logistics of it. Who decides? I mean if it's an organization putting on an event I understand but like a whole town? And are all neighborhoods on board with this?
For example, I live in a huge subdivision (think like 200 houses) with lots of kids and there's an equally big subdivision across the street. Maybe bc ours isn't that greatly organized, even if someone or some committee decides to move it back, I don't know how all houses would feel about it and participate. I mean I don't mind endless doorbell ringing on Halloween but the next day? And I have kids...not sure how people who don't would feel. Our two neighborhoods are close in proximity so there's a lot of going back and forth. How does everyone get the memo? Again, I'm just not sold on the logistics.
apricot / 410 posts
We're supposed to have bad rain here tonight and our neighborhood HOA floated the idea of shifting trick or treating to Friday night and sent out a survey thing to get a pulse on where people stood. Evidently all the families with little kids were on board to switching to Friday, and everyone else was firmly against it. So we're on for tonight anyway! Just as well, since my older daughter has had a countdown to Halloween for the last month and would have been crushed if she didn't go out tonight.
blogger / apricot / 439 posts
I had never heard of this until we moved south to Lexington, Kentucky. We are on our second Halloween here and both times it has been rescheduled to a date with better weather. The city government makes the call. When it first happened last year, I was absolutely shocked. I was definitely in the camp that it should stay on Halloween night.
Well I've since changed my tune and I'm a pretty big fan of it at this point!! It's supposed to be freezing and raining tonight on Halloween so they moved the entire town's trick-or-treating to Saturday afternoon when it's supposed to be sunny and safer for young children. We have a lot of windy roads with not the best lighting - I definitely feel better that my kids will be safer on the rescheduled time. I think one's perspective on it is likely driven by 1) the ages of your trick-or-treaters, and 2) your fond, or not so fond, memories of trick-or-treating yourself as a child in bad weather.
kiwi / 518 posts
@Mrs. Starfish: agree - I was in the other camp h til I had one of my own who wants to go out. I think people who want to go in the monsoon anyway tonight are either a. Childless or b. Have kids old enough to go alone or c. Send kiddos out with their SO.
We literally got an email form the mayor who said “we don’t control Halloween” and I’m like bish yes you do if you said it was Saturday people would do Saturday.
Clearly I’m just annoyed - I may take dd Saturday to one of the many towns nearby that did decide to postpone.
grapefruit / 4278 posts
We are currently in the middle of a freak October snowstorm and will have like 4 inches of snow for Trick or Treat tonight. I'm less than excited, but we're going.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
they just changed our community to tomorrow. But there's a ton of people who are bucking the system and are saying they're going tonight no matter what...
grapefruit / 4278 posts
@gotkimchi: Yup, currently trying to figure out how early I need to leave work to make it home with the kids and shovel the sidewalk before 5. Kinda thinking now...
persimmon / 1390 posts
We’re back from the trenches! We only lasted like 20 minutes but it wasn’t that bad. It was torrentially downpouring—the worst we ever get here—but it was at least 60 degrees so we were ok.
ETA About 5 minutes after we got home, really high winds started. Perfect timing!
pomelo / 5573 posts
We got super lucky - there was a break in the rain that lasted almost exactly the amount of time it took to do our block. Didn’t even need the umbrella!
persimmon / 1196 posts
Our neighborhood was talking about rescheduling due to forecasted bad weather (thunder, lightning, torrential rain, tornado warnings), but we ended up with a great window for trick-or-treating around the block, and another two hours of passing out candy (my 3-year-old's favorite)!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Our HOA moved it to tonight, after stating a few days ago they had no jurisdiction over it.
We went last night anyway, it was windy but warm. We were the only trick or treaters out but we got a LOT of candy.
It was awkward at a few places bc they had their light on but then came to the door and said they heard TOT was moved... we had to say it was by HOA but we came anyway... so we felt kinda jerky. But our friends can't go tonight and the weather ended up being perfect! I'm wishing the HOA had just stayed out of it....
pear / 1565 posts
The weather really ended up cooperating and I feel like we had the most kids EVER b/c everyone was out at the same time trying to beat the oncoming rain/wind. We don't usually go ToT but my girls had a lot of fun handing out candy!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@Mamaof2: ahahahha I really wish our HOA had stayed out of it.
If they had just let the parents decide it would have worked out better. Because if it had really been inclement then nobody would have gone and all the people would have most likely come together and said, hey i have a ton of candy and since no one came out last night why don't we do it tonight? And it would have worked out just fine.
Instead they changed it.. some people refused to listen and the weather ended up being perfectly fine so those that went were looked at like weirdos...
clementine / 920 posts
To me it is a matter of safety vs convenience/comfort. If it is unsafe weather conditions and there is enough advanced notice to communicate an alternate date it would make sense to me. Otherwise Halloween goes on as scheduled with winter jackets on, umbrellas etc.
The temp fell almost 30 degrees in the matter of a few hours here with lots of wind and rain but by trick or treat time it was dry and we just went out a bit earlier with the littles and came home early to make a fire and pass out candy to the older kids.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@DesertDreams88: I saw that and thought it was funny! I was also laughing at one of the comments that was like, "Who ever heard of moving an outdoor event due to rain? That is preposterous! It’s never happened once in the history of ever!" which is a fair point. And the whole post is pretty accurate to the arguments I've been seeing, lol.
They've never moved it where I live, but I can see the appeal. Just seems a little tough logistically, but hey, who wouldn't rather trick or treat in nicer weather?! (a lot of people, apparently...)
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