cherry / 171 posts
I'm in Utah!
@tam I've never ovulate that long after a
Not knowing for sure is really hard. I'm
Hoping a BFP for you!
@snowdrop glad you finally heard back!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Tam: Did you stop using OPKs right after getting the positive?
I agree it would be unlikely to ovulate that late after a positive OPK, unless your body did not ovulate and is gearing up to try again.... are you temping?
@Snowdrop: What did they say?! Are you scheduling an appt?
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MrsMcD: Hiiiiiiii.
With everyone talking about the horrible snow and weather conditions, I feel a bit left out, lol. I talked to a friend that lives in Kentucky about how cold it has been, and she asked me what my definition of cold was. Our winter is her nice weather.
cherry / 171 posts
@crystal Hawaii? I'm jealous! Don't feel left out of winter, snow gets real old real quick.
Well my AF is officially late but I won't get my hopes up, my cycles have been irregular lately. I'm too afraid to test,.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LalaYes: I'm in California, I wish it was Hawaii!!!
How long are your cycles normally? Do you know when you ovulated?
nectarine / 2192 posts
@Crystal: Hey cycle twin! When do you ovulate and how long is LP? I usually ovulate CD15 with 10-13 day LP.
cherry / 171 posts
@crystal oh sorry, I thought when you said Hi it was short for Hawaii. California is lovely as well.
My cycles have been going from 23-30 days in the last year, all over the place. I ovulated 16 days ago.
I should test but I'm too anxious. Anybody else get really stressed about testing?
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LalaYes: testing can be so stressful! How long are you planning on waiting it out?
@AmeliaBedilia: hi cycle twin! I ovulate on cd 14-16, with a 12-14 day LP. My tentative POAS date is March 6th. When is yours?
I know I've said this before, but I am so happy to have such great women to share this experience with. ️
nectarine / 2192 posts
@Crystal: I am not figuring out my POAS date. After I ovulate, I am going to try to have my mind in the same place as when I was on birth control. I didn't count the days, assumed AF would come, but if I was late (rare), I would notice. I think that will keep me from going crazy. Does that make sense? And I TOTALLY agree on how wonderful everyone is. I just hope that we all can go through pregnancy together.
grape / 92 posts
@Snowdrop: Im going to wait till tomorrow to test again and hopefully i get or AF shows up by then. If not, then I think its time for blood test.
grape / 92 posts
@Crystal: No, I used the OPK the day after getting the smiley and the smiley was gone. Only had a smiley for 1 day. I've never temped before.
grape / 92 posts
@LalaYes: Thanks, it is so frustrating, especially when you want something so bad but cant get it.
pear / 1846 posts
@Crystal: we are having an unusually warm winter. I live up in the hills and can usually bank on a few snow days. This year only 1 night of sticky snow
They said it sounds like they would be able to help us and said we could borrow a dvd on charting to find out more about what they expect first or if i have a decent grasp of my cycles already I could jump straight to a 1hr consultation with the dr to talk about beginning treatment. Talked extensively to DH about it last night and he is excited to go ahead with it but is worried about is SA.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Tam: it has been in the high 40s/low 50s here and that's freezing! Lately it's been getting a bit warmer, and we have a statewide drought. I wish we could get some colder weather and rain!
@Snowdrop: this is with that not for profit clinic you found? I can understand DH being nervous, but having more info is never a bad thing! Do you feel confidently knowledgeable about your cycles? I am so excited you will be getting some answers! FX for you as always for a BFP!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Tam: Okay. thanks. and what cycle day are you on? Did you test this morning? No AF is always a good sign!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Crystal: We have such a temperature difference for not being so far apart. Its supposed to be 80 degrees or around that today and tomorrow for me!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Snowdrop: I wonder what the clinic considers to be a "decent grasp" on your cycles? I would just jump right into consultation with the doctor. You have been on HelloBee for a while and I cannot possibly imagine that you would learn any thing new from the DVD they would provide you.
grape / 92 posts
@MrsMcD: I'm currently on CD 36. Didn't test this morning, but will be testing tomorrow again.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Tam: So you are pretty late. I'm hoping this is good for you!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MrsMcD: I meant 40s/50s at the lowest point in the day. During the day it's been in the mid 70s. Right now it's 75, so I'm in a spring dress. Not many places you can do that in February!
@Tam: hopefully that's a good BFP sign!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Crystal: Oh I hear you on that! I wore a sleeveless shirt to work today!
pear / 1846 posts
@Crystal: yes it is. I'm goingto make an appointment tomorrow. I ave slightly erratic cycles but I am very good at recognising symptoms of O so always know here I am.
It would be so amazing if we got our BFPs together. I feel you ladies would understand so much more the different emotions we'd have about it all.
pear / 1846 posts
@MrsMcD: that's what I thought, apart from maybe different abbreviations but surely I'm clever enough to figure that out pretty quickly.... I do nearly have a masters!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Snowdrop: Hahaaha. You certainly are clever enough to have a good grasp on your cycle. I'm so excited for you to proceed on with the next step towards pregnancy!!
nectarine / 2192 posts
Crosspost from another thread:
Short recap:
I met my husband the day I did jury duty. I got another jury duty summons 2 years later, 2 days before he proposed. I joked that I would probably get jury duty again right before finding out I am pregnant. At jury duty, I was told I wouldn't get recalled for 3 years. 3 years and 1 week later, I got summoned. I had to postpone, and did not get pregnant. DH said maybe it had to be when I actually went. I had it in January (though they canceled at the last minute). I posted here that I thought I would be pregnant last cycle, but very disappointed that I was not. At least I took solace that I wouldn't have to do jury duty again for 3 years, which is important because it wreaks havoc with work.
Fast forward to today:
I got jury duty AGAIN! This is for the city. The others were for the county. I wasn't even aware that this was possible. I texted my friend who responded, "LMAO." I can't believe this. Maybe that means this is the month and my jury duty theory is correct?
cherry / 119 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Hey, it can't hurt! Make sure you go to this one!!!
pear / 1846 posts
@MrsMcD: thank you! I'm just getting impatient to start now! Haha, I always want things yesterday!
cherry / 171 posts
@ameliabadelia that sounds like a good omen to me!
@Tam that is a long cycle! I can see why you are concerned. I saw you were thinking of going in for a blood test if you got another bfn, that sounds like a good idea, piece of mind and all. Good luck! I'm hoping answers for you soon!
cherry / 173 posts
Holy moly I've missed a lot in the last couple days! Let's see if I can play catch up a bit.
In response to where we all live, I'm in Michigan
@Snowdrop: I'm glad you heard back and I hope they are able to help you out.
@Tam: Still got my FX for a BFP for you!!
@Amelibedilia: That is too funny, you might be onto something with the jury duty theory, I hope it comes true!
I am probably missing out on replying to someone but I can't remember everything I read right now. My head is a little foggy as I seem to have come down with a cold, and I'm also incredibly upset at the moment. This might be a long post/story so I'll do my best to shorten it as much as possible and try not to lose you.
So DH has a friend who has been un-happily married for a long time, I think he was unhappy before they even got married and he thought getting married would make everything better...FAIL! Anyways he and his wife have split up/separated so many times I've lost count. About 8 months ago he swore up and down that he was done and they were getting divorced. He started "dating" this girl and by dating I mean sleeping with. He told her he didn't want a relationship at the time and of course she fell in love within a week and was a complete stage 5 stalker. Well about a month into them "dating" he kicked her to the curb and took his wife back because she had "changed". Well that lasted about 4 months and again they split up. Stalker girl of course was still waiting for him to call and they again started "dating" about a month and a half - 2 months ago. Well today DH gets a text from his friend saying "guess who's gonna be and uncle..." so he texted him back to get the scoop and sure as shit...she's pregnant. Poor DH was terrified to tell me for fear of my response and of course I completely lost it, like screaming, swearing, crying flipped out. Now believe me if they had been dating for a long time, were married, or even ready for a kid, I would be beyond happy for them, and his friend really is a nice guy. Problem is A) he's still married, B) he still lives at home with his parents because he doesn't have a great job, C) all the ever do is party and drink, and I'm not talking just on the weekends, weekdays too D) they've been dating 2 months!!!!!!! ARRRRGGGGHHH I am so pissed off right now it's not even funny how can people like that get pregnant like it's nothing and then there are all of us who are not having any luck?!?!? Whew I feel much better now I had to vent to someone and can't vent to anyone we know because of course his friend said to keep it on the down low for now because he's still married...well maybe you should have thought about that.
On a happier note, I spoke with the high risk OB that I was referred to by my regular GYN due to my history of endometriosis, and 2 genetic clotting disorders. I told him we are going into our 7th cycle of TTC and based of my medical issues and age (I'll be 32 in Aug) he has given me a referral to see a RE! I'm excited that he is not making us wait 12 cycles but of course the Dr. he referred me to is booked until April so as of now I have an appointment on 4/10, so in the meantime we will keep trying and see what happens.
nectarine / 2192 posts
@katieleigh_82: That is so tough. Sometimes it is so hard to understand why people who don't want a baby (and often IMO aren't ready to be good parents) seem to have the easiest time getting pregnant, where so many people who are married, employed, with health insurance who would make great parents can't seem to. Today I heard someone who is my age who smokes accidentally got pregnant. She is still smoking! Argh! What I am telling myself is that it is worse to have a baby when you don't want it than to not get pregnant when you want to. At least a BFN doesn't mean forever, it might mean next month.
I am glad you got a referral. I heard on another thread about someone who got a BFP right before her first RE appointment. My friend got pregnant on clomid 1 week before starting IVF.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Oh my gosh, how funny! I totally think this is your month! Also, I love the sentiments you expressed. It is just so hard to think rationally when TTC is messing with your emotions.
@Snowdrop: I feel the exact same way- I think you ladies understand the emotions through this journey like no one else can. I really hope we all get our BFPs together, because it just wouldn't be the same without all of us.
@katieleigh_82: I can 10000% relate to your upset feelings. I am so glad you came here to let it all out-I think all of us have felt that or been there.
cherry / 173 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Very well put, thank you so much for those words of wisdom! I am hopeful we won't need to use the RE but just having the appointment makes me feel so much better.
@Crystal: Thank you, I'm glad I came here to vent as well. I feel much better having gotten that off of my chest. Of course I'm still upset and probably will be for awhile, but I am not fuming mad like before. Right now all I want is to lay in my bed with a bottle of wine and a box of Girl Scout cookies lol!
cherry / 171 posts
@Katieleigh_82 that is so frustrating! I am a teacher and some of the parents of my students are real interesting and sometimes I can't help but think "how does this yoyo get blessed with so many kids and I get none?" It's tough.
cherry / 173 posts
@LalaYes: Exactly I find myself thinking that about people quite often. It just doesn't make sense to me.
DH finally opened up to me tonight, he told me when his friend sent that text about guess who's gonna be an uncle he simply responded to him with "you, or me?" His friend replied you, and then told him to keep it on the DL, he said he never responded back to him after that. He also told me he knows he doesn't show it, but that this whole TTC is very hard on him as well, and he is upset about this whole situation with his friend and gets disappointed each month when AF shows up. It makes me feel better to know that even though he doesn't show emotion like I do that this still affects him. I was feeling like I was more emotionally invested in this than him.
nectarine / 2192 posts
@katieleigh_82: Glad you had a good conversation with DH. It is hard when we're a crying mess and DH doesn't seem devastated. I think it's harder for them to show it, they show it differently, and it's different when it's supposed to be in your body. I often feel like I failed and it's different for men. I think they want a baby as much as we do, but the process is so different emotionally.
DH has a majorly important work conference call tomorrow afternoon that I am stressing about. Please send prayers!
It is so hard to work out our BD schedule. I will probably ovulate Thursday. I will be spending the weekend with DH at the apartment by his work, then driving 1.5 hours to work Monday. We have a friend of a friend staying with us Sunday, so BD will be more challenging but will try to get it in Sunday night. I get out of work early on Thursday so I will make the drive and we will BD then. We probably need to meet up Tuesday or Wednesday to have a good chance which means 1.5 hours each way. While Tuesday fits the EOD plan, DH has an extremely stressful meeting Wednesday morning, and making a special trip just to BD puts a lot of pressure on him. I am leaning towards Wednesday. What does you think? I really hate the distance.
grape / 92 posts
@MrsMcD: Cd 37, BFN this morning. Think im out for this month, it would have been by now im sure. Not even a faint line ! mmmmm. Although the whole day yesterday I felt nausea's, thought AF was gonna show up but she surprisingly didn't
@Lalayes: Yes, very long cycle. Could exercising delay AF, after I have ovulated ?
@katieleigh_82: Agree 100 %, So true about those wanting to fall pregnant so bad but cant and then others who don't even want a baby fall pregnant straight away. But you know the saying: all great things come to those who wait. I've waited 8 months, hopefully my wait will be over soon !
grapefruit / 4028 posts
I just write out a super long response and it got erased!!! Grr!!!
@katieleigh_82: yay for DH opening up! It's so nice to hear it confirmed in words that you are on the same team. As much as DH is in this with me, it often feels like a very lonely struggle.
@AmeliaBedilia: prayers for DH!
I would way the success rate of O-2 vs frustrating at a failed BD attempt. If you think you will both focus and enjoy each other Tuesday night, go then. If you think it would likely end in frustration and a failed attempt, Id wait til Wednesday. Only a few months left of this, right?
@Tam: I believe only extreme changes affect AF...
I know the length this journey has taken will make me appreciate future LOs that much more.
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