Anyone still TTC 6+ months?
its a little lonely over here!
Anyone still TTC 6+ months?
its a little lonely over here!
pear / 1547 posts
On cd1 on cycle #6 for #2, so I will jump in! Hopefully this is lonely for a good reason...
persimmon / 1388 posts
I'm still sort of TTC? I've been in major lurker mode these past few months. We can't afford further fertility treatments at the moment, but we're still having unprotected sex, so, anything is possible, I guess. How are you doing, @crystal?
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MenagerieMama: many people graduated, which is a good thing! But I selfishly hoped I still had a few people to talk to.
@doxielove: hi, friend! I've been thinking about you! How are you and DH? I've also been a major lurker. We've been NTNP these last few months, in hopes to get a little healthier before jumping fully back into TTC in the fall. Really, the only difference is I'm not peeing on a million sticks.
persimmon / 1045 posts
@Crystal: Hello! I'm not on the boards much anymore as haven't been in this mode since returning to work and moving house etc. Was wondering how you were going! Been super busy over here but will be jumping back on the ttc again soon, roughly a year after our d&c last year. Can't believe it has been that long but I guess I needed the time to recover and sort out other parts of life. Feeling way better about everything so hopefully you do too after your reset! Sending lots of your way, I hope this year is it for you too xx
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Crystal: I was also wondering how you are doing. Best wishes this fall as you jump back into TTC.
pear / 1770 posts
@Crystal: @LibbyLou: I'm not on HB all that much these days but I just wanted to let you know that you two are always in my thoughts.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Crystal: DH and I are doing ok. We're both frustrated and angry that we're going on 4 years TTC and have not seen 1 positive test. We've been toying with the idea of getting a 2nd RE opinion, but that won't be til late fall. I just know the suggestion is going to be IVF, which we have no insurance coverage for. Bleh. It's bad enough we spent all that money on failed IUI's.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Nutella: next month marks a year since our D&C, and although we've tried since then, these last few months were definitely much needed for my mental health. And it was nice to get a few other areas of life settled too! I hope this is our year!
@Mrs. D: welcome! I hope your stay here is short. Lots of us have been trying for awhile, but many get success! (I seem to be the anomaly to that, lol)
@delight: thank you, friend! I hope I can join you on the other side soon!
@LibbyLou: they've been really quiet! How are you doing?
@ms.line: thank you. ️
@winniebee: thank you so much. How are you doing? ️
@Ajsmommy: ️
@doxielove: I am so sorry. We've just hit 3 years, and this journey feels endless. IVF is just so prohibitively priced, yer always seems to be the recommendation. I think DH is coming around to it, but it would take us a long time to save up for just one chance. You could adopt for practically the same cost. It's ridiculous.
kiwi / 526 posts
I'm here. I don't post much as it is, but lurk a lot. I've been really focusing my energies on other things, mainly because I have been sarting to become a little obsessed and stressed. But I still lurk here....not sure how healthy that is for me though.
Good luck to all!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Bibliolove: I understand. I've still been looking at the boards, but posting seldomly. What other things are you doing? I hope that the break is doing well for your mental health.
kiwi / 526 posts
@Crystal: thank you! It has been. I've been deciding on colors to paint the house and redecorate, and focusing on personal or household sustainability efforts. Reading zero waste blogs. Cooking a lot. Attempting a 15 min mindfulness session before my morning coffee. Planning my fall planting for seeds for the garden.
I just like to keep my mind active and on something else. I still despair sometimes though. And get jealous.
nectarine / 2521 posts
I'm now here. Trying since October and 2 miscarriages later. Having some tests done in August to rule out any basic problems. We are taking a break from even thinking about TTC until October because we have some vacations to enjoy.
kiwi / 739 posts
@Crystal: I'm okay. Went to an RE in January and they found a cyst so I took the recommended 6mos off. It was good for my mental health!
Went and got a 2nd opinion and they said I have DOR as well as blocked tube so need to act NOW. Did my first iui Thursday.
Seems like we have a lot of lurkers. It can be so challenging to go through it month after month.
pear / 1553 posts
Cycle 15 here! First 9 months were NTNP and relying on my app to time ovulation... which turns out is a totally inaccurate way to do it!
I started charting three cycles ago and I think I got pregnant but had a CP. Very faint positive and then the worst period I've had since I was a teenager. Lasted 2 extra days and was super painful. OPKs showed I did not ovulate the next cycle, and then this past cycle we were traveling a ton toward the beginning, and my period just finally came 4 days late.
I am hoping this means I am back on track. I've recommitted to temping, OPKs and checking CM this month. And also DDT A LOT.
I did a tarot reading for myself over the weekend with the questions "Will I become a parent? And how will I become a parent?" and the outcome was overwhelmingly positive! The card for the outcome (9 of wands) signifies "imminent success." The rest of the spread recommended: 1) positive thinking, 2) acting logically (temping, charting, OPKs & lots of sex!) 3) maintaining my connection to the divine (which for me means meditation, yoga and tarot, but for others could mean prayer) and 4) focusing on the bigger picture (not getting discouraged if I don't get pregnant this month, but keeping up the good behaviors that will lead to a pregnancy).
I have a good feeling about this month but maybe that is just the power of positive thinking.
Question for you ladies - do you abstain from alcohol during the two week wait? I am a one-drink-a-day kind of person and I've found that denying myself that after work porch beer (especially when it's been so dang hot out!) just makes me fixate even more. And greater fixation means I get even more depressed when my period comes. It is nice to be able to go about my normal routine in order to not think too much about what may or may not be happening inside my body. I don't think that one drink a day would do much damage in very early pregnancy but I'm wondering what you guys think.
kiwi / 739 posts
@bizwitch: tracking wit OPK really helped me pinpoint as well. The apps weren't as close as I thought either!
I do not abstain from drinking during the tww. I've been trying for two years so that would have been a lot of un needed excuses! We are very social and go out to dinner/have drinks at least 1-3/week. I've read somewhere you don't share blood until 6weeks anyway, so a few drinks when you are 3weeks pregnant are fine. Good luck!
pear / 1553 posts
@LibbyLou: I didn't know that about the blood-sharing at 6 weeks. Thanks for the info! That is great to know and I can also not beat myself over it anymore! Haha.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Bibliolove: I think jealousy and despair are totally normal! Or, at least, I feel that way sometimes! How exciting about your garden! What are you hoping to plant?
@Tanjowen: I'm so sorry for your losses. I've also had 2, and it's scary. I hope the few months off end up being a blessing in disguise, and I hope that everything comes back ok from your testing.
@LibbyLou: I'm so sorry! Why didn't the first dr catch the DOR? And was the cyst from Clomid? FX for your first IUI! Are they doing any other monitoring for you?
@bizwitch: many people are in the "drink til it's pink" mentality, so I think you're probably fine. I know what you mean about "being good" then being bummed out when AF arrives. I'd go for it! And OPKs are ao much better for me than guesstimating with an app.
I really need to make an appt with my PCP, but I've been dragging my feet. Im very head in the sand mentality right now, and enjoying the break.
kiwi / 739 posts
@Crystal: I really enjoyed my break as well. I always hoped it would happen while o was stressing less but I'm not meant to be "one of those" stories! Enjoy your mental sanity! This first month back has got me bat shit crazy again!
kiwi / 526 posts
@Crystal: just wildflowers, cat nip for tea and for my cat, lavender seeds, and milkweed for the butterflies! We'll see how well it all turns thumb isn't exactly green, but enthusiastic.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Crystal: Ditto. DH thinks it's absolutely absurd to spend that much money on a *maybe* 50% shot at pregnancy. We're not there, financially. Sure, we have some money saved. Money that was dog-eared for mat leave. Sooooo if we use that for IVF...there goes my mat leave fund (we have no ST disability coverage at my company - grr). What's your plan for this fall? I think you were going to pursue IUI?
@LibbyLou: Oh my goodness, there have been times over the past 4 year of trying where I was so over TTC that I would have been mad if we DID get pregnant! Alas, even then I wasn't lucky enough to be one of those "just relax, it'll happen" stats. I lurk mostly because I have nothing to contribute! One can only say, "yup, still not pregnant, still no active fertility treatments" so much. What a downer!
@bizwitch: I'm officially in the drink til it's pink camp. I've gone MONTHS without a drop of alcohol, and it didn't help me get pregnant. So, I have no regrets indulging in beer/a mixed drink during my TWW. I'm not a heavy shots/party drinker, so I (and my doctor!) think the occassional cocktail is safe.
Much love and luck to you all
kiwi / 739 posts
I think I'm the only one actively trying! I'm on CD24 with AF expected tomorrow. I am feeling very NOT pregnant after a . I had cramping the last few days so I was getting excited, should have kept those emotions in check.
I don't know one person IRL that an IUI worked. my DH isn't crazy about IVF options (costs, emotions, etc) so I want to at least give it a few tries. I hope it's not all for nothing. I know I had a chance with a follicle releasing on my good side this month. I feel like it was the first chance I've had in a year to get pregnant. Just complaining out loud because I'm not even sure I should be doing IUI.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LibbyLou: lol! I expect the crazy to return immediately. And even when we "aren't trying", my brain still goes crazy right before AF arrives with "what if." You may know more that did IUI than you think and they just haven't shared. Trying for something we want so badly is never foolish. ️
@LoveHope: thank you. ️
@Bibliolove: that's amazing and better than I do!
AF should have arrived yesterday and it's still not here. I took a pregnancy test this morning and got a BFN (14DPO), so I either have a longer LP than normal (yay!!!) or I Od late (which makes my crappy timing even crappier). I hope posting here makes AF arrive! One more cycle before we go back to the dr, I think.
kiwi / 739 posts
@Crystal: hopefully a longer LP! And don't rush going back... Mental health is so important!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LibbyLou: you are so right. I am kind of dreading going back, to be honest. I know that's what we need to do to move forward, but I'm dreading getting back into the cycle. It just seems like so much sometimes. But I dread never having kids more. My acupuncturist wants me to start temping again anyways, so it's not much more to do everything else.
15DPO, still a BFN.
apple seed / 1 posts
I'm new here. We've been trying 10 months now. I had a MC at 5 weeks, 2 days last cycle. My cycles are about 37 days, but this one is going to be at least 10 days longer.
We are finding it really frustrating. If you look at the statistics, the chances of conceiving between the 6-12 month mark are very small. But the doctors won't do anything until the 12 month mark. So we sit around waiting, trying but know the chance is low
kiwi / 501 posts
I'm still here!! Bittersweet to see some familiar faces! I'm hoping and praying for you all and it's nice to hear from you! I've been thinking of you all for sure! Welcome to all the new faces and I hope your stay here is nice a short. IF is one of the most difficult journey's of my life and although I wouldn't want this struggle for anyone, it's so nice to have some support. I've been on the IVF board since we made the decision in May to make that move. I had my ER in July, but unfortunately I got OHSS. We had to postpone my ET until Sept. I'm patiently waiting for that to begin. I start meds on the 20th. Hoping this is it!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Winnie13: meds start soon, right? Good luck!!
@Bridget: every month is still a chance! But I know how hard it can be to keep the faith. What other choice do we have though?
persimmon / 1388 posts
How's everyone been doing?
I have my annual well-woman exam with my OB/GYN this coming Tuesday. I'm going to talk to her about moving forward with scheduling a laparoscopy to confirm our suspicions of endometriosis. Other than that, nothing new to report on from me!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@doxielove: how'd it go? Do you have anything scheduled?
AF started today. We are going on a combined mini vacay with a business trip during fertile week, so hopefully that will give us some good vibes!
kiwi / 526 posts
@Crystal: trips are the best relaxant! I wish I could go on one during my fertile time too.
I'm seeing my obgyn on Oct 5th and am seeing what our next steps are. The one year mark was highlighted last month when my sister called to tell me she is pregnant with their first on their first month of trying. I am so happy for her, but was shocked when she told me the news. I came home and cried a few tears for me. The next day I made my appt.
I know I will be a mom! Just not anytime soon.
kiwi / 526 posts
@doxielove: was the suspicion confirmed? Hope you have good news soon and can take care of it.
Random news to share, but I was watching a PBS show that said sperm have an equivalent of 9 miles to swim to the egg. gee!! What a journey and no wonder it's so tough!
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Crystal: My lap is scheduled for the 23rd. I'm nervous/excited for (potential) answers. Have fun on your mini vaca!!
@Bibliolove: Hugs to you! Good luck on Oct 5th!
I'm 6dpo today and obviously not optimistic. My lap should fall a few days before I O next cycle, so next cycle is out. Here's to a November BFP!
cherry / 134 posts
Hey ladies, I'm new to HelloBee so I didn't know if it was okay to join this board or if there was another one for 'newbies' to the site?? We just passed the 6-month TTC mark so I have recently found myself wanting to chat with like-minded women about all the fun we're having in our journey to baby! {And that was sarcasm. I was unprepared for how much TTC is the OPPOSITE of fun!!!}
I'm Brittany BTW Nice to "meet" you all ha.
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