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TTC 6 months + February: Love and BFPs

  1. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @Ajsmommy: Right there with you. 10 dpo and bfn on wondfo. Boooooooooooooooooooooooo. Trying not to get discouraged. I'll test again Friday before I stop the P.

  2. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @doxielove: Booooooo!!!!!

  3. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @Ajsmommy: @doxielove boo on both BFN. I always hate that limbo. You test negative, but no period so you still THINK there may be a small chance....sometimes I wish I had the willpower to withhold testing until 16DPO or something.
    You never know for both you, but hang in there!

    AFM, period started over the weekend, as expected. Started Clomid today and will get a timeline on my first trigger shot! I'm traveling CD15-18 so hoping the trigger can be on the early side so we can catch any eggs! (If they're on my left side).
    New POAS is March so I'll just be chiming in here and there the rest of the month!

  4. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @LibbyLou: here's hoping you grow some nice follie's on your left side! crossing fingers for you!

    Since I was so disappointed with the BFN this morning in emailed my nurse and she said I still have to go in for bloods thurs. Just great, like I want a phone call to just confirm what I already know....

    I also asked her about how I am responding due to my low AMH and high FSH I was wondering if maybe I'm a poor responder and since I've never gotten any real feedback I thought I would ask. She actually said that I am responding as hoped and we'll keep the same protocol next cycle (assuming BFN this one). I don't know how to feel. Good that I am at least responding but bad b/c if I am responding how long will it take to get that golden egg. Such a dang crap shoot and I honestly don't know how long we can do this IF treatment stuff.. both financially and physically/emotionally--and we're only on our 2nd cycle!! Meep.

  5. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @Ajsmommy: you are in a catch 22! I hear you on emotionally and financially. We will take a break if this cycle doesn't work while we save up. It can be so draining!

  6. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    I'm going to officially jump in, although I'm not sure if we're officially TTC this month. We're just starting to fear a BFP, but I don't think we're quite at timing sex.

    But I'm undergoing a full hormone panel this cycle so thought I might go ahead and join this group.

    Cycle Day: 5
    TTC Cycle #: I've lost count. But about 26 months with two pregnancies thrown in there.
    POAS: Not sure if I will, but if I do, it won't be until March probably.
    Baby #: Alive, 1

    Your plan: Full hormone panel this cycle. FSH today, Thyroid panel next week, along with tracking estrogen and/or progesterone about every other day from CD8 to like P+12.

    I've also gone gluten free recently (about 3 weeks ago) because I never got clarity on my inconclusive celiac test. And I tested positive for a MTHFR mutation so I should avoid folic acid, and it seemed easier to just give up all gluten than try to find unenriched products. Also for the MTHFR, I've switched to methylated folate instead of folic acid. And if I get pregnant, will most likely be on baby aspirin or blood thinners.

    I've been supplementing with progesterone because my levels were horribly low post loss, but for the tests this cycle, I'm off that. I'm scared how long my cycle might end up being without it, but also kind of wondering if it might be the magic we need (our last baby was conceived during an "off" cycle)

    My OB offered me an ovarian stimulating drug, but DH and I weren't ready for that yet. And I'm sick of my doctor saying "Try this and see if it will work."

    Instead I'm working with a NaPro medical consultant who's looking for the causes of my hormone imbalances or other problems so they can be fixed instead of worked around. They're who ordered the month long blood panel.

    Any fun Valentine's Day plans? Love it or hate it? DH and I can usually take it or leave it. He works in the restaurant business, so we rarely see each other on Valentine's day. We just exchange cards usually.

  7. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @MaryM: Welcome, and good luck!

    I've had lots and lots of cramping today, I don't know why, but I'm hoping it'd not a sign of AF.
    I'm going in for progesterone blood work tomorrow, I'm at day 22.
    I have a feeling that this cycle didn't work... but I don't know if it's because I think I should be feeling something different, or if it's because I'm trying to prepare myself for a let down.
    We'll find out either way in a week or so! I'm going to wait until day 30 to test... probably haha...

  8. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @MaryM: welcome over here! How's gluten free going? I'm 3 weeks in too. I have cheated once DH needs to be GF and he's been pestering me to do it bc of my auto immune issues/fertility but I'm not sold on it for me yet. (Obv not against gf just don't know if I personally need it).
    Anyway, I struggled today leaving work at 7pm, had a 2hr drive home and never ate lunch. My only options were fast food! So tough to plan ahead. Hope you're mastering it better than I!

  9. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @MaryM: welcome to the group! I'm sending you best wishes and lots of love and support as you get back into TTC. This whole process just sucks but the ladies here are awesome. I hope your results from your bloodwork are positive.
    @doxielove: ugh sorry about bfn. I'm
    Still holding out hope for you!
    @LibbyLou: good luck this month with Clomid and trigger! Go left side go!
    @Ajsmommy: it is totally a crap shoot but hang in there. It'll be worth all the heartache! That's what I tell myself!

    Started my OPKs today at CD 9 and blank as blank can be. I leave Saturday on CD14 for Florida so I am really hoping for an early ovulation because I'm leaving DH back home. I feel though if I think about it too much or try to will myself to O at a normal time, it won't happen. I hate that I should be thinking about how much fun DD and I are going to have fun on vacation but all I can think about is whether or not I am going to ovulate late and totally miss this cycle. Damn TTC!

  10. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @doxielove: it's still early! Fx for a BFP in the next couple days!

    @LibbyLou: my first BFP I didn't tell until the day AF was supposed to arrive. I didn't know I could test early! Now I start fighting the urge to test at 1DPO, lol.

    @Ajsmommy: good to hear you are responding! What does your dr think of your chances this cycle?

    @MaryM: hi, friend. ❤️ welcome back. All my fingers and toes are crossed for you.

    @WinterBee: it's so hard to keep the balance between being hopeful and tempering expectations so you aren't crushed. I'm hoping this is it for you! Are you 7DPO?

    @delight: I hope the O timing works out! How long will you be in Florida?

    10DPO and still BFNs. My uterus is having lots of FEELINGS lately and cramping a lot. I'm hoping it's a BFP and just too early to catch it. Next cycle I'll O during a really busy work week (think 60-70 hours) and it will be a few days before my EDD, so I'm sure I'll just be depressed and sad.

  11. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @LibbyLou: Good luck this cycle!

    @Ajsmommy: You're doing TI, right? Does your doctor feel like IUI is worth a shot? Just a thought. I know some docs don't feel like IUI increases your chances that much.

    @MaryM: Welcome Good luck with the blood panels! Sounds like the NaPro may give you some great info!

    @WinterBee: Good luck w/ the progesterone draw!

    @delight: That sucks about potentially missing this cycle, but I'm super jealous of your FL vaca! Have a blast!

    @Crystal: When are you planning on testing again? I did not test this morning. I didn't want a stark white test staring back at me this am. Gosh, I didn't realize your EDD was coming up already. If I may ask, when would it have been? Please take care of yourself that day.

  12. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    Thanks for the welcome all.

    @LibbyLou: Going GF hasn't been as hard as I expected. I've had two slip ups (1. Who knew that the main ingredients in soy sauce are water and wheat? and 2. I took a giant swig of DH's beer when we were out this weekend thinking it was my cider)

    I think it involves a LOT more planning. I hear you on the hungry commutes home. I drive an hour or two home each day (depending on traffic) and usually don't feel like cooking, but I literally cannot thing of a single thing I can pick up and grab for dinner that's easier than cooking. I think Lara bars have saved me a couple times.

    I toyed with whether or not I'd do GF (After it was found in my family and my test was inconclusive), and I think it's probably good I waited. Now that I've had two tests point in that direction, I feel more like it's something I HAVE to do and not something I want to do just to try it.

    It's sucked a few times at work when people have brought in fancy donuts and laid them right in front of me though.

    DH will never be on board with going completely GF, but his doctor did talk to him about seriously limiting carbs in December, so at least we're not eating sandwiches for every other meal anymore. That helped a lot. He was already trying to think of ways to make low carb meals when I decided to give it up.

  13. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @doxielove: leap day. I'm really dreading it.

    @MaryM: great job with the dedication to GF! Gluten really is in a shocking amount of things.

  14. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @MaryM: my DH does snicker bars when he is in a pinch! Not too healthy but good to know. Also cool ranch Doritos are GF! Chick-fil-a has grilled chicken that is surprisingly tasty. Proud of you for doing this, it's not easy!

  15. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @LibbyLou: I think it's been easier that a lot of new restaurants have opened up near work. I'm totally scared to try our dining hall because I don't trust them to not cross contaminate, but pretty much all of the 5 or 6 restaurants I've been able to find options at.

    Bars are a struggle though. I've eaten more naked hamburgers than I'd like just because I can't find anything else on the menu.

    The first few days I dropped a few lbs right away, but it's been a struggle since then. Carbs are SO filling! I feel like I can't get full anymore without them.

  16. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @doxielove: I think I'll ask about IUI. In our initial consult after testing he said it wouldn't make sense bc dh's spermies were top notch....there were no issues at all with dh's SA. So the IUI is more to help when there's a slight or big issue with the swimmers. However since we've done two cycles ti I might just ask if we should try IUI.... We might be heading that way anyway. I'm still not willing to give up yet and dh isn't sure about actual ivf.

  17. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Crystal: @doxielove: thanks ladies! We are just away Sat-Wednesday! I'm happy to get away from the snow for a few days.

  18. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @Crystal: I'm not even sure if I ovulated. I asked my doctor about OPKs and he said, 'no, don't use them, just have a bunch of sex' haha. So I didn't use them. With the meds he estimated I would have o'ed on day 16... if I did. Making me 6dpo today.
    @doxielove: Thank you! I've had so much blood work done, but I'm still nervous every time! I hate needles!
    @delight: Woohoo! Enjoy!

  19. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @Marym: Welcome! So awesome that you went GF! Hopefully you find that it helps your fertility journey!

    @AJsmommy: I'm praying an IUI does the trick for me next cycle! We will see! Do you think you will do TI again next cycle? That's a big positive that you are responding though! Awesome!

    @delight: hoping you O early and that you have awesome weather here in FL!

    @winterbee: Hopefully this cycle you get your BFP!

    @doxielove: Praying for you girl! Awesome the P helped you have a longer LP!

    @crystal: Be kind to yourself that day. Saying prayers and positive thoughts to you! Praying you get that BFP this cycle!

    So, here I sit at CD16 and my OPKs haven't come close to positive. Called my RE and he said to wait until CD28 and if still nothing, start Provera. It doesn't look like I'll POAS this cycle, but excited to get the ball rolling on my IUI. I'll still keep checking the OPK's until day 28, but I'm not too hopeful. This will be the first cycle since July that I haven't O'd. It was a good run! Who knows... I may just O super late!

  20. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @Crystal: Silver lining perhaps, you only have to deal w/ that date every few years? I'll be thinking of you that day

    Welp. AF arrived this morning. What a GREAT wake up call. I feel like all this is such a wasted effort. That at the end of the day we'll end up with broken feelings and no baby. UGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH EFFFFFFF TTC.

  21. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @Winnie13: Thanks me too!
    Maybe you'll O late? Here's hoping!
    @doxielove: Ugh, I'm sorry! I know that feeling, and it sucks! Hope you feel better soon.

  22. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @doxielove: I am so sorry! That's just a terrible feeling and a bad way to start your day! Praying for you! Hoping this weekend you treat yourself nice and you splurge on yourself! Do you know what you'll do next cycle?

  23. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    I just viewed my blood work from yesterday online.
    I went in on day22 to check progesterone levels. I just e-mailed my doctor as well.
    My result is 8 nmol/L.
    I'm not exactly sure what that means. I've tried to look it up, some places say it needs to be higher than 10 to indicate ovulation, other places I read anything higher than 5 is good.
    Looking forward to hearing from my doctor. My heart kind of sank thinking I didn't even ovulate! Facckk. Hoping for good news!

  24. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @WinterBee: My last cycle when I was tested, mine was 9. That's incredibly low, but doesn't necessarily mean you didn't ovulate. It could just be that it's dropping too fast after ovulation (which then leads to chemical pregnancies/miscarriages or it being hard to get pregnant)

    ETA: Actually, I just looked back (was looking to see if current tests were in). It was only 6.9. The lab says anything above 1.7 is "normal", but that's just ridiculous.

  25. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    I just looked at the units of measure, and they were different between us. If mine was a 7, yours is a 2 (in the same unit)

    Are you charting and do you know how many days post peak you had the blood test? I'm wondering its possible you went too late or too early. The test is most accurate if it's 7 dpo (I think). When doctors suggest day 21 or 22, they're assuming you have a 28 day cycle and O on day 14.

  26. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @MaryM: Ekkk. Your post makes me more anxious...
    I'm not charting, I have PCOS and do not ovulate on my own. My doctor is well aware of my cycles and I've been working with him for a few months. I'm just doing what he's asked me to do thus far.
    I'm hoping I went at the wrong time and I did indeed ovulate. I'm thinking next month... providing BFP doesn't happen this month, I will use OPKs.

  27. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @WinterBee: well, 1.7 is still "normal" for during the literal phase, so it may not be as bad as you expect.

    Will your doctor put you on progesterone to try to bring it up?

  28. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @MaryM: I'm not sure. I'm waiting for him to e-mail me back. I expect we'll continue on the plan I'm currently on for another cycle, then possibly switch it up. Next time I go in to see him I'll ask about supplements.

  29. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @delight: I hope you get a really nice mental break!

    @doxielove: thank you. I'm so sorry AF arrived this morning. 😢 I agree. TTC can bite the big one, I hate it.

    @Winnie13: when do you normally O? I hope it's soon!

    @WinterBee: fx for good news! When is your appt?

    @MaryM: hi. ❤️ How is gf going?

    AFM, 12DPO and BFN. My temp also dropped to halfway to the cover line, so I think I'm out. Boooo. I'm pretty positive I'm Oing from the bad side next cycle, so here's to April! Meh.

  30. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Crystal: thanks so much! It'll be nice to see some sunshine. We just got dumped on with snow. Sorry about the BFN how do you know you O from your bad side next month? Isn't it random? I don't see a pattern with mine. Sometimes I get the same side twice in a row. My DD was a right side O and I always hope for that though which is silly I know.

    12 DPO here and OPKs are getting darker. Hoping to DTD the next couple days and FX I O this weekend and not later in the week.

  31. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @WinterBee: My progesterone was 9.8 mmol and I think 31pmol or whatever it is in our Canadian standards. Either way my RE said that is low and gave me Prometrium. He said i was at the minimum to show I ovulated and that he'd like to see it higher. I have found that the promethium has helped my cycles a lot.

  32. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @Winnie13: Thanks, I think this weekend I'm going to buy myself a new pair of boots I've been eyeing up. That'll be my "I-don't-have-kids-so-eff-it" present to myself We'll be repeating the same thing this cycle; letrozole+IUI+P beginning 3 dpo.

    @Crystal: I'm so sorry that it's looking like you're out.

  33. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @delight: mine tends to switch back and forth. I Od from my left side my first month on Clomid, and I distinctly remember every step throbbing because of the kink I have on that side. When I got pregnant the last time, I Od from my right so I'm always more hopeful when it's that side.

    @doxielove: I also usually do a middle finger to my uterus when AF arrives. Usually in the form of coffee or sushi or alcohol or all three, lol.

    Temp dropped significantly below the cover line this morning. I'm out.

  34. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    Well just got the call that our second medicated/monitored/TI cycle resulted in BFN. Blood work was done this morning.

    They want to do the same protocol again next cycle since I am responding well.

    Gahhhh.. how many cycles is it going to take?? Maybe third time is a charm? or something like that right??

  35. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Crystal: @Ajsmommy: sorry ladies. You just have to keep on keeping on! It'll happen.

  36. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Ajsmommy: I'm sorry. I know what you mean about how effing long can this take?

    @delight: thanks. It's just so hard to keep the faith sometimes.

    I'm throwing a pity party for myself today. I'm at at 2.75 years of trying, and with my second miscarriage EDD in a few weeks, it feels hopeless.

  37. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    Pretty much yes

  38. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @Crystal: I'm sorry girl! Every month is a new emotional roller coaster. It's hard to keep the faith in the midst of all the bad stuff. I'm sincerely praying for you. Is there a next step? Have you thought about IUI or IVF?

    @ajsmommy: I'm sorry!! Praying next cycle works out!

    I don't really know when I normally O. I just started Oing on my own back in Sept. I would O around CD30. When I took Famara for the first time in 5 months, I Od on CD15. Tomorrow makes 19. Lines aren't getting darker and cervix is still firm... I'm going to give it to next week and if still nothing, I'll take the Provera!

  39. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Ajsmommy: love those comics!

    @Winnie13: thank you, I appreciate that. ❤️ Well likely move to IUI in June after I can be added to DHs insurance during his open enrollment. All the clinics around here are really expensive, so we can't really afford to do it until then. And we'll likely never be able to afford IVF.

    How strange about your O! I hope it happens soon.

  40. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    Happy Friday ladies!! Just dropping some positive vibes on this group. I am so hopeful to see some BFP's, each and everyone deserves one!!!

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