grapefruit / 4028 posts
AF arrived with a vengeance this morning, I'm officially out. Dh is sad. I appreciate he feels it too, sometimes this process feels lonely.
I need to take deep breaths today because I'm getting ragey at my dr office being exceedling unhelpful and people who seem to get BFPs easily. I'm a complete green eyed monster today.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@Crystal: hugs!! I feel ya... so many emotions during this and unfortunately anger is a big one!!! I get so mad that I am going through this when others never even had to think about TTC
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Ajsmommy: Sorry about the BFN
MAN we need some good news around here.
2 more rounds of IUI left before we give up TTC for good. I'm ready to heal this wound and move on with life. DH wants to be done NOW, and I can't say that I blame him
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@doxielove: oh man... I agree!! I soo wish everyone could get their bfp. I don't understand why it's got to be so hard for some. I think my dh is close to your dh and wants to be done....
pomelo / 5326 posts
@doxielove: I really hope one of your next rounds works. I hate to see you give up. I agree we need some good news around here.
Thankfully I O'd yesterday so I don't have to be worried about being away from DH This week. He has done his part. Now I can just worry about whether being on a plane will hurt my chances of implantation..... How neurotic I have become through TTC. Have a good long weekend. Is it even a long weekend in the states? Maybe us Canadians are just lucky.
Come on BFPs. Good luck everyone on this cycle. I think this was our last natural cycle. Moving on to bigger things next month!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@doxielove: thanks. We really do need some good news around here!
I completely understand wanting to move on, but I also hate seeing you give up. I really hope this next cycle is it. Are they changing your protocol at all?
@delight: yep, it's a long weekend here, but my work reassigns holidays so I still have to go in Monday. I'm so happy you Od!
kiwi / 739 posts
Hey all. I seemed to have missed a lot of updates. Work has been crazy! So sorry to all of you who are out this month. It blows, no way around it.
@crystal I'm right here with you my edd was 2/23 so just keep eyeing the calendar. I cried on the first of the month and one time last week. I was pretty impressed with only two break downs so far. When my loss happen I remember thinking no WAY I won't be pregnant at end of February. Well....
@doxielove will you guys be done as in go on Bcp or done as in take it off your plate for awhile? my DH and I have been together since I was 19 and we (I) early on said we were fine being kid-free. My DH still brings that up like well we signed up for no kids so we can be happy with that. I don't know if that's true or not but just commiserating with the thought of giving up!
I trigger for the first time Tuesday. Happy thoughts for a good left side follicle. I will be Devestated if it's all right side ready to go.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LibbyLou: fx for Oing on the left! I put a ton of pressure on myself and the situation after my first miscarriage thinking OF COURSE id be pregnant again by my EDD, year anny of BFP, year anny of the date we lost the baby, etc. It just made me more and more desperate and my MH suffered. This time, I'm trying to not focus on that as much, but it's been getting harder since February hit. Thankfully (?) I'm working a lot these next few weeks which will help take my mind off of things, and I took our due date off from work.
In about to head to my toddler nieces bday party. I'm going to take a shot anytime people ask us when it will be our turn. (Ha! Not really, I'd be hammered within the first 5 minutes).
kiwi / 501 posts
@crystal: Sorry! That just stinks! That's awesome that DH insurance will cover some of the IUI. Praying you don't have to worry about that step and you get your BFP before then!
@Delight: That's awesome about Oing before your trip! Now you can enjoy it a little more! We do have a nice long weekend! President's Day tomorrow!! Woo hoo!
@Libbylou: That's exciting!! Prayers for a left side follicle!!!
Today makes CD21 and still no pos OPK. In my past medicated cycles, I've O'd by now. Naturally, I O around CD30. Regardless, if the Femara stimulated my ovary, it won't be strong/healthy by the time it's released. I'm continplating starting my Provera tomorrow if I still don't have a pos OPK and my temp is still low. I feel like, even if I O, it's not going to get me pregnant... Might as well get the ball rolling on my IUI. Then another part of me thinks, well what if I do O and this is it?? This is the egg. I guess I'll wait it out until Friday. If no O by then, Provera it is!
See, I even went back and forth in this post! Lol! I'm a bad decision maker!
kiwi / 501 posts
@Crystal: I just saw about DH being sad... That's always tough. I think sometimes it's hard for our SO to truly understand this emotional roller coaster. Sometimes I feel like we bare this burden alone and forget that they are going through this journey too.
I'm sorry this month is so awful for you. It's hard to understand all of it. I don't think we are supposed to. I do believe you will get your miracle. Sometimes it's really hard to see through all this crap, but I believe God will bless you!
@Doxielove: Thinking of you. How are you doing?
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Crystal: Nope, keeping everything the same this cycle. I prefer letrozole over clomid, so we're sticking w/ that.
@LibbyLou: We'll be done as in not actively trying anymore (no tracking CD, no OPK's, no more forcing BD, no calculating EDD every.single.month...etc); I doubt we'll ever use birth control again, because as an infertile, why waste the $$ We'd obviously be thrilled if we ever did happen to miraculously conceive. As I type those words, I'm shaking my head. The thought of a surprise pregnancy seems ridiculous! Your DH sounds like mine. We both have the understanding that we'll be...OK...being childless. Will we both feel a profound sense of loss by ending our journey to expand our family? Of course. We've invested so much emotionally in this journey. But I think we'll be ok. It's taken me a long time to get here, though.
Ugh, too heavy for a Monday morning
kiwi / 739 posts
@doxielove: hear hear on all you posted.
Thanks f or well wishes on active left side, everyone. Unfortunately I just left and it seems I have some follicle matter (?) in my left ovary blocking anything from happening. A major cockblock, excuse the term. Ole righty had 4 follies ready to go of course. So no trigger shot was given And I was told to come back in 3months to see if it's resolved. Wtf!!!!
cherry / 116 posts
I'm back!
@crystal sorry about AF! Isn't it weird how people seem to know that it's on your mind? I'll have near strangers being like, when you having kids?! I'm like ummm.
@libbylou if it's blocked, can they unblock it?
@doxielove I'm sorry about the sadness you and DH feel at this point! I wish that it would happen for you. One foot in front of the other. I'm rooting for you these next two rounds!
CD: 13
TTC cycle 7
POAS: March 3
Baby #1
I've been temping and OPKing like an expert. I've started sharpy-ing the date and time on each OPK stick, haha. The last 3 cycles I've positive OPK'd on day 14/15, which is tomorrow and the next day. My temping has been super predictable which is nice to see. It makes me feel like at least the right things seem to be going on in me. But who knows... LP is still dangerously short. DH has an appointment this week to talk about his side of stuff. Should be interesting. It's pretty early still being only cycle 7. But hey, why not? I like knowing vs. wondering.
The roller coaster nears the peak again this month...
Wishing BFPs to all!
kiwi / 501 posts
@doxielove: I'm so sorry. This is a tough journey. One that can take us in many different directions. Praying you get your BFP on your next cycle!
@libbylou: That's super frustrating! I'm sorry! Why did they stop? Did they think the blockage would prevent the right from releasing?
@plainpistachio: That all sounds great! It's pretty cool when you can feel a sense of control over your cycles!! FX for a BFP!
pea / 5 posts
Husband said my valentine gift was getting to start TTC! Here's to the first month of trying! (:
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Winnie13: thanks, I hope so too! It's just hard to keep the faith going sometimes. Any positive OPKs?
@doxielove: have you had any noticeable differences between Clomid and letrozole? I hope you are successful, and I completely understand what you are saying about stopping trying. Dh and I aren't quite there yet, but we've definitely talked about it.
@Plainpistachio: DHs family asks us all. The. Time. What's your LP like? How many days? Good luck with the OPKs the next few days!
@tessafae: good luck! It looks like this is your first month of trying, there is a "regular" poas thread you may want to check out. this is a thread for people that have been trying for longer than 6 months/cycles.
My doctor told me yesterday that he's moving out of state. He gave me a Clomid prescription and will write me another one next month, but I need to find another OBGYN asap. I'm so frustrated to have to start over, but feel this is a good opportunity to find someone a bit closer to home. I'm just really dreading finding a new doctor when I was finally in a good groove with this one.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LibbyLou: wtf?!?! That doesn't make sense! Can they do anything to unblock the left side? And are they feeling good about the follies on the right?
persimmon / 1388 posts
@LibbyLou: Why do you have to wait 3 months??? Ugh, I'm so sorry.
@Plainpistachio: Good luck this cycle! I have a short LP as well. Some ladies on HB have had luck taking B-complex to lengthen their LP. (I took it for the first year or so of TTC and it didn't help me any). Maybe something worth mentioning to your health care provider?
@Crystal: The biggest differences I've noticed between clomid and letrozole are my moods (better on letrozole) and CM (again, better on letrozole, although not quite as abundunt as during a non-medicated cycle). I did end up getting a migraine yesterday, but who knows if that's related to the letrozole or not. Oh, and letrozole is cheaper Your doc is moving?? Ugh, that sucks!! Did he give you any recommendations?
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@doxielove: not really. He said no one is as good as he is (he's a complete ass, but does have a point). He ended up giving me a name, but only recommended her because he said she's young so she probably knows stuff.
kiwi / 501 posts
@Crystal: sorry about your doc! Hopefully this new doctor is just what you need!
@doxielove: Where in your cycle are you? Same routine as last time?
Still no O. Started the Provera tonight. I'm supposed to take it for 10 days. The last time I took it, AF arrived 8 days into it. Hopefully this time around it's about the same. I'm a little worried for this next cycle. I'm hoping I respond to the medicine. What if I take the Femara and no follicles grow? Or they are too small. I've struggled with Clomid and Femara...
I know I shouldn't worry, but sometimes these not so good thoughts start to creep in. One day and a time I guess. Hoping AF doesn't take too long to come!
pear / 1767 posts
@Crystal: sometimes young can be better because they are more recently trained on the new ways of doing things. I called my dad (who is a physician) freaking out when I found out my D&C doctor was a brand new doc fresh off her residency. My dad actually told me that this was good news and that many older docs don't keep up with current studies, etc. They ended up sending a different doc in the end (not because of anything I said or did) but just wanted to say that there may be some merit in that line of thought so long as her credentials are good.
cherry / 116 posts
@crystal super lame that he's leaving! Maybe your next young lady will be awesome though!
@winnie13 thanks! Sorry about the no O yet. Frustrating how cycles can be so different!
@doxielove thanks, I will look into it. I'm going to make an appointment I think just to touch base on everything again. I saw her when I was 3 months in and got the sort of "nothing to worry about yet" kinda talk.
My LP has been 8 and 9 the last two cycles. Before that, it was 15-16 days. My cycles have been a bit unpredictable. First they were ~25 days, then ~32 days and now they're back to the shorter side, shorter LP. Yesterday I had very obvious EWCM, and my temp has gone up a little, but no positive OPK yet. It's only day 15 so no surprise there, it can still come. But isn't it weird that my temp is rising and I had EWCM yesterday? What could be the reason that I never got a positive? We're covering our bases this week anyways, so I'm not worried about missing the window. DH came back with a test jar today. We're going to wait for my period and then do the test. He fills the cup at home and then has to rush it down to the lab in 20 mins, they said put it under his armpit
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Crystal: ugh sorry your doc is moving. That sucks to have to start over but I agree that new eyes and new ideas are a good thing. Are you thinking of doing Letrozole?
@Plainpistachio: did your temp continue to go up today? Maybe you just had a wacky temp as that can happen. I have consistently had a short LP and the only thing I have found to help was progesterone supplements. Good luck to you and welcome to the group! Oh and my DH just got his order yesterday to get an SA done. They didn't give him the option of taking a cup home! He'd much prefer that!
@Winnie13: sorry you have to start Provera. What a bummer. IUI next cycle then? Good luck!
@LibbyLou: Frick I'm so sorry for your bad luck. Can you still try in the next three months!?
Had my follow up with RE after all our tests. Official diagnosis of DOR. We are moving ahead with IVF in July and will start our orientation
In the spring. Next month we will try Femera and TI and then maybe a couple rounds of IUI. He has me on some supplements and aspirin. I'm hoping Femera does the trick. I ovulate on my own but he is hopeful that it will help me to release a more mature egg. Or something like that. Sigh. I'm excited to move on but just wish it was all easier. I know you all do too.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Hi Guys-been traveling for work this week so I've missed some stuff.. just trying to catch up.
@LibbyLou: sorry about your blockage!! wth!?! why did dr tell you to wait 3 months? Do they think it'll clear on its own or something?
@Crystal: so sorry your dr is leaving, that is no fun to have to find a new one after you've been working with another for so long
@doxielove: it seems you prefer letrozole to clomid. I'm doing clomid now and dr said it's working and I haven't had any side affects that I've really noticed... just wondering if I should inquire about switching to letrozole if this next cycle doesn't work (gahh I hate thinking so negatively!!)
@Winnie13: sorry for no o! Do you have a plan set up for after af? Don't worry about your follies yet girl, you haven't even started, don't get ahead of yourself.... one day at a time
@delight: sorry about the diagnosis but yay for a plan!! it's so exciting. I long for a plan.. I feel so in limbo. Just curious as to the reason IUI was suggested? is there an MFI? I'm just wondering if they'll suggest IUI to us after our TI cycles... we're in our last TI cycle and I'm dying to know what happens if we fail. What's next?!??!?! LOL
pear / 1881 posts
@delight: Lurker here I'm so sorry for the DOR diagnosis, but now at least you have a plan. Please join us on the IVF boards for support, even if you aren't quite there yet. A few of us were on there during our IUI's and I found it super helpful in getting to understand the whole process as everyone else went through it first.
Also, we might have talked about this already, but definitely look into taking CoQ10/Ubiqunol and possibly having your DHEA levels checked. The CoQ10/Ubiqunol (basically the same - one is more easily absorbed) is a vitamin that helps with egg quality. DHEA does as well, except it is more hormone based, so you would want those levels checked prior to taking any in case you don't need it (you don't want your levels too high). Thinking of you and hoping that you find success prior to even starting IVF!
eta - it takes at least 3 months for these (or anything else) to help with egg quality, so you are at the right time to start.
cherry / 116 posts
@delight sorry for diagnosis. But as others say, yay for a plan! Good luck w IVF. My sister's friend did IVF and had a sweet little girl and of course didn't go back on BC because why would she? She got pregnant right away again and now has two closely aged girls
My temp did dip back down to the level it was before. So yes, was just a wacky temp yesterday. Still negative OPK. Wondering if I will O late or at all this cycle. Or if I did and the tests missed it. There were a few days that I woke up to pee at 4-5 am and then didn't test until later in the morning at like 7 am. Maybe I missed it that way.
kiwi / 739 posts
Hi everyone! Thank you for all the questions and inquiries about the tube\waiting game. I had to take a few days off but doing MUCH better.
To answer everyone's questions: they said unblocking the right tube isn't in the right risk\reward category. They could do an expensive surgery that may or may not even work. When I have a good tube and ovary on the other side it doesn't make sense.
I was told I had to wait 3-6months while the cyst on my good side resolved itself. I called back for clarification and the nurse said it MAY go away in one cycle. I am going to choose to be more hopeful and lean towards one cycle sitting out vs 6. I don't think I can wait 6.
@plainpistachio how did DH appt go?
@crystal super frustrating about a new doctor who won't be as good according to him. Seems like we are always starting groundhog day doesn't it?
@delight my next move will be femra with TI as well. You did clomid, right? and didn't like it? Looks like we are on the same path of TI and then IVF. I don't think we will do IUI as my doctor says we know I can get pregnant (?). I wish it was all easier too. I NEVER thought I would seriously consider IVF and now I'm just like lets do whatever it takes to get me KU!!!
@ajsmommy are you on any Clomid? I would guess that is next step after TI. As I told delight my RE said IUI wouldn't really benefit us as we know sperm fertilizing egg is not where the issue is. (Pregnancy in June) Not sure if that is the right answer but it's the one I got! Welcome back from traveling. I'm about to take off for 3 cross country flights in 14days for work. not really looking forward to it!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Ajsmommy: I think the only reason for IUI is that it is covered for us. So if I am taking the drugs then I might as well get those little swimmers as close as possible. We would have done IUI next month but DH is a bit overwhelmed and I think easing into everything with just TI first makes him feel a bit better.
@LibbyLou: yes looks like a similar path! I actually haven't done any fertility drugs yet! No Clomid for me. I was given the choice yesterday and we went with Femera since I've heard the side affects with Clomid can be nasty. If I had to pay for IUI I wouldn't do it because we do know we can get pregnant. I am hoping that a mix of Femera, progesterone, aspirin and a little old fashioned BD will work in the next couple months. I never imagined doing IVF either.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@LibbyLou: I am taking clomid as well as gonal f injections and an ovidrel trigger shot.. with our TI. Our dr said there was no use in doing an IUI since DH's SA came back all good. However, I am wondering if TI doesn't work will they have us do IUI for a few cycles? or just push us to IVF? I just don't know and none of it is covered for us so it'd be a big decision and big difference between IUI v IVF
Safe travels!! That sounds like a LOT of ground to cover in 14 days!
@delight: that makes sense. We have no fertility coverage so everything is out of pocket for us which is probably why they steered us to TI. Plus DH's sperms passed all the tests....
cherry / 116 posts
I haven't O'd it's day 16 and I have cramps and period spotting so idk, I'm freaking out a little. My cycles have all been 24-31 days so I'm not sure what's going on. Ugh.
kiwi / 501 posts
@Plainpistachio: What CD are you? I know before, my body geared up to O, but it just never came. I think releasing my follicle is part of my big problem though. So, it's possible that your body was getting ready to O, but never did. Another possibility is you could have O'd, but it wasn't a very strong O. I wish I could be of more help!
@Delight: I'm sorry for your diagnosed. It must have been hard to hear. It's definitely awesome that you have such an awesome plan! Praying for a BFP through it all! Will this be your first IUI?
@Libbylou: Praying for you!! Hoping that cyst clears up by next month!
@Ajsmommy: Yes, we do! Our first IUI! Excited!! One day at a time is right!! Thank you for your encouragement!
I definitely had a rough week last week! Lots of negative thoughts. I found out another co-worker was pregnant and I took it harder than I thought. With a lot of prayer, I'm doing much better! Feeling excited and hopeful for next cycle! Once AF comes, I'll have a better idea of when IUI will be scheduled.
Question for those that did IUI/Trigger shot with Femara/Clomid what CD did you Trigger?
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@Winnie13: I've triggered twice. First cycle was cd12 and second cycle was cd15. My cycles are monitored so they look at my follies and blood to determine when to trigger.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Winnie13: yes it sucks to hear I have DOR but the RE said I am still a good candidate for treatment. It will be my first IUI but we won't do it until later this spring. We want to try a couple cycles with just Femera first! I have only been having trouble with fertility for the past two years. We conceived DD pretty easily following an early mc but since her we have had a late loss, chemical and 10w mc. We haven't had any trouble getting pregnant really, but more so unhealthy pregnancies. Good luck with your first IUI!
@Plainpistachio: Could it be ovulation spotting? Do you have other signs of O? I have only spotted once at O and they cycle I got a BFP. Could your cramps be Ovulation pain? I can usually feel my ovulation and it's quite crampy, although usually just one sided pain. Good luck. I hope you O soon!
8dpo here and dying to test but I'll wait til Monday. Secretly hoping I am one of those lucky ones that gets KU right before starting fertility treatments.
grape / 90 posts
@Delight I really hope you get a BFP, praying for you. I know it sucks waiting to test I am on the same boat as you 6DPO
kiwi / 501 posts
@delight: I'm so sorry. I didn't know about all of your losses. Hopefully now that your dr. knows, they can help provent any further mc. That's amazing that you conceived your LO with no issues! It's awesome that your RE is so positive! Hoping, though, Femara does the trick!
persimmon / 1071 posts
I'm officially out for this month. I tested despite my low progesterone level, not shocking to get a BFN. I had a doctors appointment Thursday, same day I started AF.
He doesn't think I ovulated, so we're going to do the same thing this cycle, hopefully with better results. I started letrozole again tonight and have another appointment next week for an ultrasound. I'll be using OPKs this month too.
Hopefully I at least ovulate this month!
The silver lining is I had a more normal 31 day cycle opposed to my previous ones of 55-60 days, so I'm happy about that!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Winnie13: that's ok! It's so hard to keep track of everyone's stories. I am amazed that DD was conceived so easily, she's my little miracle. Trying not to be selfish, but hoping for one more. In excited to hear about how your IUI goes. Hope AF comes soon for you.
@WinterBee: sorry about AF How did you find Letrozole? Any side affects? I am a bit nervous but also excited to start. I'm not having monitoring with mine this month other than day 21 progesterone.
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