Happy February, ladies! Fingers crossed for lots of love and BFPs !!!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle #:
Baby #:
Your plan:
Any fun Valentine's Day plans? Love it or hate it?
Happy February, ladies! Fingers crossed for lots of love and BFPs !!!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle #:
Baby #:
Your plan:
Any fun Valentine's Day plans? Love it or hate it?
grapefruit / 4028 posts
Cycle Day: 18, 2DPO
TTC Cycle #: ??? It's been 2 years 8 months of actively trying, over 3 years if you count the NTNP time.
POAS: officially Valentine's Day, but I'll probably start on feb 8.
Baby #: 1
Your plan: still in the TWW, but if this doesn't work, then another 50mg of Clomid and TI.
Any fun Valentine's Day plans? Love it or hate it? Dh and I are making dinner at home. Normally we try to grab a nice dinner sometime the week of Valentine's, but we are planning a trip at the end of the month so saving our money for that. I love going out with dh, but I don't have particularly strong feelings about Valentine's Day one way or the other.
apricot / 325 posts
Hope it's ok to post on both February POAS threads!
Cycle Day: 31
TTC Cycle #: 8
POAS: 2/3
Baby #: 1
Your plan: I'm 11dpo today, so nothing left to do but cross my fingers, but I've been temping and using OPKs. This was my second cycle on Clomid and the earliest I've ovulated so far. I also started acupuncture this month.
Any fun Valentine's Day plans? Love it or hate it? We don't celebrate Valentine's Day...might have a girls night and watch the Bachelor wedding
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Crystal: thanks for starting!
I didn't think I'd have a chance this month but just got AF. I leave for Florida on CD14 (without DH) so maybe we can get a couple sessions in before I go and hope for an early O. I usually O between CD16-18 so we will see.
Cycle Day: CD1
TTC Cycle #: not sure anymore. TTC since August 2014 with a 22w and 10w loss since.
POAS: Feb 27th. Seems so far away!
Baby #: 2. My DD is 2.5.
Your plan: no plan this month. Gotta hope for a little luck as I'll be O'ing while apart from DH. Let's go super swimmers!! We meet with the RE again Feb 17 to formulate a plan for the next few months.
Any fun Valentine's Day plans? Love it or hate it?
I like Valentine's! DD and I will be visiting my dad and aunt in Florida and will be there for Valentine's Day weekend. I'll probably leave a little scavenger hunt or treat for DH to find while we are away. He will be working on a new master walk-in closet for us which will be my Valentine's present!
Good luck ladies!
kiwi / 501 posts
@crystal: Thanks for this!! FX for you! A trip sounds fun! I think it's a great way to get your mind off all this Fertility stuff!!
@Delight: That sounds so fun!!! Where in FL? I live in the Jacksonville area, but grew up in South Florida. It's a great place to visit (especially in the winter). Hoping you O early and you can time BDing right! I like Valentine's Day as well! The scavenger hunt sounds cute!!
@kitkat: FX this cycle! How do you like acupuncture?
Cycle Day: 7
TTC Cycle #: Since August 2014
POAS: I think 2/21 (Depending on O)
Baby #: 1
Your plan: Taking 5mg of Femara and I have my first ever RE apt on Wed. We will do TI and I'm temping and using OPK's. I'm not really banking on this cycle. Just wanting to speed my cycle along. Would love for RE to give me a prescription for progesterone. Would love to see how that helps my cycle prior to IUI! Thinking that's where DH and I are headed.
Any fun Valentine's Day plans? Love Vday!! DH and I are going to The Melting Pot... it's my fav and we always go on Vday! Something to look forward to and take my mind on all the stuff!!
How is everyone else? @ameliabedilia: I'm praying for you!
@doxielove: How did IUI go?
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Winnie13: We are going to Long Boat Key/ Sarasota area. I'm excited to go but a little worried about flying solo with a toddler. My dad drove with all our luggage and car seat and pack and play so at least I'll have my hands free. It's just for 5 days so I hope you guys can give us some good weather! It's chilly up here in Canada! good luck to you this month and your RE appointment. Progesterone has really helped lengthen my LP. When do you think you'll be trying IUI?
kiwi / 739 posts
Hey Ladies!
Cycle Day: Day 22
TTC Cycle #: since May 2014
POAS: 2\7 or next cycle 3\1
Baby #:1
Your plan: I was off everything this month as my RE studied me We hit a few fertile days but I know with my blocked tube and no clomid I have very small chances this cycle. Next cycle is my first RE monitored cycle on clomid and trigger
Any fun Valentine's Day plans? Love it or hate it? eh ambivalent. My mom still gets us gifts and I like that part but for DH and I- I really don't care. I am traveling a ton this month for work (Aspen, Vegas, San Diego) and DH will be joining me in San Diego so that will be awesome and a great way to spend the TWW!
@winnie13 good luck on Wednesday! Getting a plan makes me feel better at least!
@crystal how many rounds of Clomid is this for you? Curious because I was told by my OB to only do 6 and me RE told me I have at least 3-5more rounds left-depending on how impatient I get.
@kitkat are you liking acupuncture? I was thinking of starting. I need to check to see if my insurance covers.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Crystal: Thanks for starting the thread!
Cycle Day: CD 19/3 DPO
TTC Cycle #: 3+ years of trying
POAS: Probably 2/8 at the earliest?
Baby #: 1
Your plan: Letrozole + IUI; oral progesterone beginning tonight
Any fun Valentine's Day plans? Love it or hate it? Indifferent feelings towards Valentine's. We don't celebrate it, but I don't hate the day. We'll probably order pizza and watch TWD midseason premiere!
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Winnie13: IUI went well, thanks for asking! It was so quick and painless, I'm kind of kicking myself for not going for it sooner!
apricot / 325 posts
@Winnie13: @Libbylou: I love acupuncture! It's so relaxing. The place I'm going to specializes in fertility acupuncture and they work closely with OBs, so that's been nice. I'm 12 dpo today, so it's either lengthened my LP, or I'm pregnant
apricot / 325 posts
@LibbyLou: unfortunately my insurance doesn't cover it, but we have an HSA that we've been contributing to for awhile and never really used, so we're using that to pay for acupuncture
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Hiya Girls! Thanks for starting this @Crystal:
Cycle Day: cd22 (4dpo per ff)
TTC Cycle #: 8
POAS: 2/7 maybe unless I can wait longer!
Baby #: 2
Your plan: We did clomid for 5 days, gonal f injections (four) and ovidrel trigger with TI. I am feeling optimistic b/c on my last ultrasound I had a 22.5 mm follicle (and 18.8, 12.5, 11.4). The 22.5 is the biggest I've had thus far so I am just hoping that we'll be successful this time! I triggered and I o'd a day or two later so it hopefully grew to 24 mm's or so!!! Here's to hoping! We also had good timing with our TI. I think we hit o-4, 0-3 and o-1 (or maybe o-3, 0-2 and o) either way I am happy and hopeful
Any fun Valentine's Day plans? Love it or hate it? I like valentine's day, we have no plans. I'll get DH a card and I'll get DD a card, some candy and some flower
Good luck ladies, lets jam up this thread with BFP's
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@doxielove: oooo yeah I forgot about TWD!! We'll be watching that too! Can't wait
cherry / 116 posts
Cycle Day: 24
TTC Cycle #: 6 (pretty much a novice)
POAS: I had to google this. Will do on Feb 6.
Baby #: 1
Your plan: Plan to have my husband meet with his doctor and hopefully test his swimmers. We want to at least rule him out six months in and of all is ok, then keep trying the customary 12 months before we start looking at me. We both recently quit drinking and hope that it changes something for us. Not that we drank a lot, but anything to speed the process along! I'm curious about the acupuncture mentioned on this board. I live in an area with seemingly one acupuncturist per person, haha. Maybe I'll add that to my plan, my cycles have been a little variable from 23-32 days with some not lasting long enough in the leutal phase.
Any fun Valentine's Day plans? Love it or hate it? I'm neutral to Valentine's Day. I pretend to dislike it but I admit that I love flowers and chocolate, who doesn't? Plus I love chocolate covered strawberries. No plans so far, but typically we eat steak and lobster at home. Hopefully we are celebrating something!
Wishing BFPs to all!
kiwi / 739 posts
@Plainpistachio: welcome! You could ask your Ob if you're frustrated. Mine told me at 7months of ttc I could do Clomid. (After some bloodwork). She said no reason to wait. She's not the norm but couldn't hurt to ask!
apricot / 325 posts
@LibbyLou: no update... 13dpo and no period yet. Just nervous to test because I really don't want to see another negative
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Plainpistachio: Welcome! I assume you are charting or using opk's? If not, I highly recommend doing one or either! I learned a wealth of information about my body by doing so in the early days of TTC!
I started progesterone last night. So far, not feeling any atrocious side effects...yet!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Oy...5dpo and I feel period like cramps and boating!!! I'm taking progesterone so I'm wondering if that is why?
kiwi / 739 posts
Question for anyone who has done Clomid\Trigger shot. For my next cycle I would normally ovulate on the 19th (Day 14). I am going out of town for a week on the 20th. Would I get a trigger a few days before the 19th or on it? Trying to schedule if this cycle will even work, timing wise. I'd hate to pay for all this and then not give myself a decent chance.
kiwi / 739 posts
@Kitkat: You are a better woman than I. I can't never resist POAS. I am hoping this is it! I know you usually have really short LP so fingers crossed it's so long because you are KU!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@doxielove: I have taken P after O for two cycles now and I have had any side effects at all!
apricot / 325 posts
@LibbyLou: @delight: soooo I can't believe I'm telling the internet this before I've even told my husband, but I tested this morning and got a !!! I'm in total shock but so, so happy
kiwi / 739 posts
@Kitkat: oh Shit!!! Happy dance happy dance!! Congrats!!!!!!!!
Don't worry we won't tell
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Kitkat: yeah amazing!!!!! Such great news! Do you think acupuncture helped? I want to start doing it!! Best wishes and keep us updated!
apricot / 325 posts
@LibbyLou: @delight: @doxielove: thank you!!
I definitely think the acupuncture helped! That, and the Clomid My acupuncturist likes you to continue through the pregnancy and 6 weeks postpartum, so hoping it continues to help me relax because I am definitely a worrier
pomelo / 5326 posts
@doxielove: Prometrium. I am just taking 200mg vaginally at night. My prescription was for 400mg but I'm just trying 200 for a couple months. It has increased my LP from 9/10 days to 14! I just take it 3dpo-12dpo and get AF a couple days after I stop. We are sitting a couple cycles out right now for testing but so far I'm really happy with how P has increased my cycle. I'm hopeful this might be all I need to get a pregnancy to stick. Now I just have to get KU.... Haha.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@delight: I'm hopeful that the P will increase my LP as well!! I'm taking 200mg orally at night.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@delight: @doxielove: does your P make you cramp? I had cramping yesterday, 5 dpo and I'm wondering if it's due to the P I am taking.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Ajsmommy: I feel like that could be a side effect. I remember reading that bloat and changes in cm are common, so I feel like cramping would go along with that? I personally have not experienced cramping thus far.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@doxielove: did your doc say to take it orally? I hear if you take it vaginally you don't get as many symptoms.
@Ajsmommy: I haven't had cramping with the P! FX it is just a good sign that things happened this month for you!!
persimmon / 1388 posts
@delight: Yup, my directions were to take orally. I heard the same thing about taking oral P, but I figured I'd roll with it, and if I got any awful side effects I'd bring up using it vaginally to my doc.
Is it next week yet. I just want to know if I'm knocked up
cherry / 116 posts
@doxielove @libbylou Thanks for the tips! I forgot to mention that I am indeed charting, temping, OPKing and tracking it in the Ovia app. Temping is the hard part because I wake up between 5-7am and it's a little different even with an hour more of sleep. This morning my temp was down half a degree and it's 9 DPO/CD 26. It was early though. Either AF is nearing or it was too early. Boobs are a little sore but I don't really feel any different.
@kitkat congratulations! Guess the acupuncture and clomid did the trick! Weeee!
I had a dream last night that I was POAS, so many sticks. And I couldn't read the results and they were all screwy and I just kept testing testing testing and then saw a positive. It was just a dream. Sad. It was my first TTC dream and it was so weird. Waiting for AF or POAS 2/6...
persimmon / 1071 posts
I'm excited to be joining the boards again! It's been a few months but now we have a plan in place and I can participate!
Cycle Day: 16
TTC Cycle #: This is month 10, but I think our 6th or 7th cycle trying.
POAS: Feb. 17
Baby #: 1
Your plan: I was officially diagnosed with PCOS and told I'm not ovulating on my own.
I've been taking metformin and folic acid and this is our first cycle at the lowest 2.5mg of letrozole.
To help with the PCOS (and just generally to become more healthy) DH and I have been eating really healthy and regularly working out. I'm down 15lbs!
Any fun Valentine's Day plans? Love it or hate it? I don't love or hate it. DH and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day. I usually make him a homemade cheesy card and might make something special for dinner, but that's about it.
kiwi / 739 posts
@WinterBee: wow, great job on your weight loss! I'm sure it feels good to be in control of that since ttc is out of hands. (Or maybe you aren't a crazy type A like me ;))
Perfect to finally have a plan, welcome back
persimmon / 1071 posts
@LibbyLou: Oh, but I am type A... so is DH... arguments can be quite interesting at times lol.
Thanks! Happy to be back.
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