nectarine / 2461 posts
@Shantuck: I'm so, so sorry you're going through this. I had a D&C for m/c #1, and I was terrified. It wasn't bad at all, and it's good to have it all be over with. Doesn't make it easier, of course.
nectarine / 2461 posts
Hi ladies, me again... finally (sort of) ready to write this post. I have what looks to be a very, very early pregnancy. After all my whining last weekend--seriously. My period was due tues/weds, never came, I took a FRER weds, it was very light, but I thought most likely it was leftover hcg from the m/c a few weeks ago, since the only time we did it unprotected was FIVE AND A HALF DAYS before my ovulation this month. I thought the 5 days number was like a public school sex-ed scare tactic, and I was supposed to be sitting this month out to recover. but I got a draw anyway, and my OB thought it might be real and had me come back in today, then she called me back this afternoon and confirmed. didn't want to write about it earlier because I wasn't sure what I had on my hands, and because I am so, so terrified. not to mention my history, I had a cavity filled at 7dpo and got the regular numbing shot and fucking nitrous oxide, which I then followed up with advil and wine the next two days.
Plus, this obviously has been a truly terrible week around here, and I didn't want to tromp through it with an obnoxious "what do you think it is" situation. I'm annoying even myself at this point.
Anyway, I'm 4w1d and my number is 317, progesterone was 46, so I don't need the supplements which I gather are pretty common after multiple miscarriages. doubling time was exactly average: 38 hours. I'm scared out of my wits and truly don't want anyone to be happy for me--I'm just trying to stay neutral, be as unattached to the outcome as possible, and hardest of all, keep my mind out of the "you're doomed" dialogue. So, that's what's going on. this is my neutral emoji now. very zen. very unattached to outcomes.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@LCTBQE: congratulations! I'm really happy for you (sorry!) and crossing all my fingers and toes that it sticks. I totally understand feeling unattached. Its self preservation. I can't even think about being pregnant without getting stressed and anxious, so I've just been avoiding thoughts of it. I still feel a sense of impending doom. At some point I really want to be able to celebrate and feel excited, but I'm not sure when that feeling will come.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@LCTBQE: Congratulations! I have everything crossed for a sticky bean
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Shantuck: oh I am so so so sorry. My heart breaks for anyone here who has to go through this multiple times.
Best wishes as you start your recovery. I wish you all the best next time and that 2016 brings a healthy pregnancy.
@LCTBQE: amazing news from you. I am rooting so hard for you. Your numbers are great, your doubling time is fantastic!! stay positive and try to be happy and excited about this pregnancy even though it is hard.
pomelo / 5326 posts
We have our first appointment with the fertility clinic on Monday and I am nervous! I hope they can figure out what's going on and we can get this show on the road. It's so weird but I still always give myself timelines. Three more months to conceive so our kids will only be three grades apart in school. I don't know why I do this to myself.
nectarine / 2461 posts
thanks so much for the good wishes, everyone
last night my friend in real life who has struggled with IF for years told me, "it sounds harsh, but your fate is sealed". It was such a relief to hear, because I agonize about how this is my fault, what could I do better, etc. It never occurred to me that there's nothing more to do right now.
@Silva: yes to everything you said. self-preservation is a good thing trying to ignore that I feel like a ticking time bomb.
@delight: thank you for the kind words, lady. I'm glad for you guys to get more information about what's going on and eager to hear what they have to say. I do the timelines, too--my big one used to be to have my first child before my next birthday--so I can understand your sense of urgency. they're so arbitrary but they feel so powerful.
persimmon / 1355 posts
Well my numbers more than doubled from 129 to 345, but I'm still so nervous. I've been freaking myself out by googling the crap out of ectopics. I knoe, step away from the google.
pear / 1767 posts
@delight: Even though it was tough to hear, getting answers is also oddly comforting. I was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve so I am struggling with poor egg quality. It was tough to swallow but I imagine it would be worse to not know why I was miscarrying. I am comforted in knowing that I have options. I hope you get some answers soon.
coconut / 8483 posts
@LCTBQE: congrats!
@Zbug: that's great! Will they take more blood to check again?
nectarine / 2461 posts
@delight: PS--much love to you today. hope you are hanging in there
@Zbug: so glad to hear this. I hope the spotting stops and you can let your shoulders down a little bit.
@Mrs. Champagne:
@Shantuck: this is so hard... I'm very sorry you're going through it. it's remarkable how many of us here have had multiple m/c's in a row. Hoping your d&c goes smoothly and you have a quick recovery
kiwi / 739 posts
@LCTBQE: had a few days off of the thread- wonderful to hear your news. I know you didnt want to share/step on toes, but I think we are all truly happy for others on this thread while wanting it for ourselves at the same time. We need to celebrate the good here as well as be support for the bad. Celebrate that you are 4w!!
persimmon / 1045 posts
@Shantuck: oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this take good care of yourself this weekend. I too found out on a Friday, but felt so much better after the d&c. Hugs to you
persimmon / 1045 posts
@delight: thinking of you!
@LCTBQE: OMG lady - what a happy surprise to read! You must be feeling all sorts right now, I'm excited for you regardless! I hope it wasn't too crazy going through the early blod tests on your own (ie without your cheer squad here )
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Zbug: great news about your betas! hang in there. The first few weeks are so tough.
@Nutella: @LCTBQE: thanks ladies. Not going to lie, I'm a mess today. I hope it's not like this every year. Had a good cry with DH this morning and trying to keep busy.
persimmon / 1355 posts
@LCTBQE: yay!! Keeping fingers crossed for you!!
@Mrs. Champagne: thanks. my dr has been out of the office, but my guess is that she'll just want to wait a couple of weeks and do an early ultrasound. Meanwhile, I'm most likely going to go insane.
@delight: thank you. Sorry you aren't doing so well. I feel like 2015 has been a crappy year for most of us. Here's to 2016 being a vast improvement!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Zbug: @jaguar: @MrsDragon: thanks ladies. I really appreciate the support.
Much love to all as we get into the heart of the holiday season.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@LibbyLou: I really appreciate this not really capable of celebration, but I'm so grateful for the honesty and support in this group.
@Nutella: it wasn't that bad since I thought it was most likely just stale HCG from last time zen-face.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
Wow, I just realized that I haven't checked into this thread in a few days and so much has happened with everyone.
@MrsDragon: I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you are doing better today. Hugs.
@Shantuck: Glad to hear you have some answers but I'm so so sorry. I can't imagine that it is much easier either way.
@Zbug: So happy to hear you have some good news!
@LCTBQE: Congrats and best of luck to you! I know it's almost impossible but hope you can try to take it one day at a time and enjoy knowing you are pregnant.
To everyone else, I hope you are all doing ok. It can be so tough around the holidays. I'm pretty sure I just ovulated so we are really hoping this will be a good cycle for us. Just need to get through the two week wait now...
pear / 1767 posts
@Zbug: So glad to hear the numbers are doubling! That's a step in the right direction.
So I got to spend the day before my D&C putting down my cat. This week just keeps getting worse. She's been sick for awhile but the timing could not have been worse. Having a hard time putting on a cheerful Christmas face for my 3 year old this year.
pear / 1767 posts
@Zbug: So glad to hear that your numbers are doubling! That is a step in the right direction!
pear / 1767 posts
Tomorrow is my D&C and I spent today putting down my cat. She's been sick for awhile but this timing could not have been worse. Having a really hard time putting on a happy face for my 3 year old just days before Christmas.
persimmon / 1355 posts
@Shantuck: you are kidding me. I don't know what to say except how incredibly sorry I am. You need a beach vacation. Last month, I realized I was going to miscarry and broke my ankle later that day. Seriously, world? Sending hugs
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Shantuck: oh wow what a hard week. Please take care of yourself tomorrow and get lots of rest. Enjoy lots of cuddles with LO. Just try to live Christmas through your toddler's eyes and hopefully you can muster up some smiles this season.
persimmon / 1355 posts
Can someone please come take my phone so I stop googling ectopic pregnancy? I'm only half joking.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@Shantuck: oh no, I am so sorry about your kitty. our dog is 13 and declining fast--it is really tough to watch them struggle. but it's unreal, this has just been the crappiest week for you I hope your surgery is over fast and you have some time to get real rest. nothing wrong with a (very) low-key Christmas.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@Zbug: why do you think this might be the case, because of your numbers? I started a thread when I had my own ectopic scare, and a lot of great women (including @Shantuck and @LibbyLou) wrote to tell me about their scare or real ectopic. there's some good info in it:
The reason why my OBs were worried about me is that my numbers *and* doubling times were bad, and they stalled out around 500-600, which I gather is one way ectopics can act. but your numbers and doubling times have totally snowballed and gotten momentum--there were so many stories I read on HB where people wrote that their initially low numbers took off and now they're holding their baby, etc. Seems like that is you?? Will you be able to go back for another beta for peace of mind?
PS hope your ankle is healing!
persimmon / 1355 posts
@LCTBQE: thank you! I'm going to read through that now. My concern is my light bleeding/spotting all last week. It was definitely more than implantation spotting. I've also had weird back pains, which while common during early pregnancy, feel very different then when I've been pregnant before. My hcg numbers mean an ectopic is less likely, but still possible. I've also read a fair number of ectopica double initially. I think ultimately I'm just not expecting this to end well and am waiting for the other ball to drop again.
persimmon / 1045 posts
@LCTBQE: ergh, we totally got a last minute half-assed invite to some distant family Xmas dinner this week I need a good excuse as to why we can't make it! Tough because I had literally just said we are having a quiet one, so I feel like it's just a pity invite. Haha. Hope you're going okay?
@Zbug: fingers are crossed for you.
persimmon / 1045 posts
@LCTBQE: oh I meant to say that quote your friend told you about your fate....I it! Def makes you remember some things are just out of our hands.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@Nutella: well, I think it's plenty that you're moving and have a toddler, but if it's a dinner, maybe you could use that Can't Mess With The Schedule excuse? if you do have to make an appearance, maybe just leave early. christmas can bite me.
and yes, her quote is so reassuring, when I can manage to believe it. yesterday's self-inflicted terror was that maybe natural killer cells from the MTHFR gene mutation are attacking the fetus and that's why I don't have many symptoms yet (4.5 weeks here) and I'm murdering it by taking prenatal vitamins that have folic acid and I should be taking baby aspirin. dfakjlghzzzzzz.
@Zbug: WHERE is the crystal ball? I understand why you're worried, but have hope for you that everything will be fine. I wonder if you can keep an eye on the betas and when they're over 1500 or so, maybe beg for a scan to confirm that the sac is in your uterus? not great timing with the holiday, but I just did the math (I think our numbers were about the same and similar timing?) and you're probably already there, or will be by tomorrow-weds. Don't know how accommodating your OB is, but that would resolve the question.
persimmon / 1045 posts
@LCTBQE: oh man, this sounds tough but you might need to step away from Google! I cAn definitely imagine the fear you're feeling though. I am keeping everything crossed for you :
PS: yes thanks - think a bow out is necessary this year. We went last year for a cameo & it was a fizzle so ain't nobody got time for dat this year
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
@LCTBQE: I just read your news! Wishing you all the luck with this pregnancy!!
persimmon / 1355 posts
@LCTBQE: you might be as bad with the google as I am :). My dr is back in the office and told me to go for another blood test, so we will see.
I can't help but be jealous of people who pee on a stick and then proceed without a care in the world. Meanwhile, the group of us is analyzing whether we feel nauseous, how high our betas should be today, if our boobs are sore, etc. I look forward to my first u/s with trepidation rather than excitement. Ok moving on. Just needed to say that.
persimmon / 1355 posts
@Nutella: bowing out sounds like a good idea. If you're not close to them, I think just saying thank you so much for the invite but we aren't going to make it this year should be sufficient.
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