persimmon / 1045 posts
@JoJoGirl: haha - nice one doc! Maybe ask at your appointment on Friday or is that just a blood test? I don't even have a follow up - doesn't seem to be the norm with my OB. Trying not to freak out about it - I think he got everything out like he promised!
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@Nutella: Sort of too late after our night away but I think it's fine since i'm probably not even ovulating.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@JoJoGirl: I did ask my dr about pelvic rest. He said after the first 24 hours, I was free to do whatever I wanted. But also said no tampons, so I'm confused. I don't think I'll use protection, but I won't be actively charting.
@Nutella: My doc didn't mention follow up blood tests, which I had during the CP, but does want a follow up exam. I'll be asking about It at my appt next week.
What are you all doing for your second cycle? I want to NTNP, but it looks like DH won't be ready to TTC.
coconut / 8483 posts
Hey girls. Hope everything is doing ok!
I am still bleeding on and off. I stopped for a couple days around 2 weeks after the miscarriage. Then a few days later started again heavy. And I assumed period. But it lasted a week and super light. Not like a period. Then it stopped for maybe two days. And this morning I had more bright red blood. Ugh. I'm so confused. It's been almost a month.
As for protection... At my follow up US she said I had two mature follicles and that I was about to ovulate. So we DTD. She said my lining was thick so hopefully if we did conceive it's ok. But with all this bleeding I doubt we did!! My doctor said it can take a couple months to regulate.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@Crystal: The tampons are more to prevent infection, but otherwise, there weren't many restrictions. I did avoid baths for a little while because I was paranoid.
I'm doing an IVF cycle right now and starting to wig myself out. The last two full stim cycles we did didn't even GET A transfer (all were frozen) and we've had terrible results since.. I just really want to get to a fresh, 5 day transfer this time. Nerves nerves nerves.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Crystal: we waited three cycles after our D&E as per our doctors orders to TTC. I kind of wished we had just gone for it as now the months are ticking away. I don't think my DH was emotionally ready right away though.
@Mrs. Champagne: after my loss I bled for two weeks then two weeks later bled again. I thought it was AF but then bled again two weeks later. I was very confused for a few weeks!
persimmon / 1045 posts
@Crystal: will be going for gold next cycle (whenever that may be)...that's the hard part is not knowing where emy body is at. Bummer about your DH - have you talked much about it or is it just a feeling that he's not ready?
@Mrs. Champagne: I've heard that post-miscarriage bleeding can be all over the show, so I'm not sure if that helps...but at least you don't have to be worried. Do you have a follow up appointment?
@jaguar: sending loads of lucky thoughts and wishes your way! Come on universe!
olive / 58 posts
@delight: It's interesting how different doctors recommend different wait times! My doctor advised we wait six months - it's been about three months and emotionally I think I still need a little more time but physically I'm feeling like my body is starting to get back on track (periods have been regular after initial post loss weird bleeding as others have described and positive OPK last cycle). From seeing what your doctor and other people's doctors have said I think my doc was being WAY conservative.
@Mrs. Champagne: A thick lining sounds like really good news! I'm pretty worried about that when we get started so I'm glad you got some confirmation on that score, despite the confusing bleeding.
@jaguar: Fingers crossed and so many positive thoughts for you!
Saw my accupuncturist today and she recommended I start taking evening primrose oil. Headed to the health store tomorrow!
persimmon / 1045 posts
@noelani: oh what's the evening primrose oil supposed to do in this scenario? I was taking it before while TTC to help with fertile CM. but then haven't taken it since...
olive / 58 posts
@Nutella: I feel like such a dummy but I didn't ask! She mentioned it when I was headed out the door and I was in that foggy post-treatment haze. I'll get to googling...
I saw someone else mentioned on another thread that they took CoQ10 to boost egg quality? I'm planning on picking up some of that as well.
olive / 58 posts
@Nutella: I didn't find anything super reliable via googling - mainly stuff like you said about how EPO helps boost cervical mucus.
But I DID see something that said to STOP taking EPO after ovulation because of its effect on the uterus. We aren't TTC yet but I'm definitely going to get more details from my acupuncturist when I see her again in 2 weeks. I think she recommended it to me because I mentioned my uterus has been feeling crampy unrelated to AF or ovulation.
persimmon / 1045 posts
@noelani: I get like that too! And was definitely like that with my OB in the last meeting, I was like yep, sure...whatever you say. And then at home, 'what did he say!!?' - Dr Google shall tell us!
I feel like this wait is taking forever!
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
Huh! My doc said to wait one cycle - ie wait until I get my first natural period after the D&E then we can start trying. I'm not using protection. I started temping again this week just to try and get a handle on where my cycle is. My follow-up hcg test is on Friday. I want to start TTC again as soon as possible but I need to check with my DH - not sure what his timeline is.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@noelani: I wonder why you were advised 6 months. That seems like a long time. Is it because you are supposed to build up high levels of folate again? I wonder if it's different with L&D as opposed to a D&E although when we were choosing our option I see to recall it was a 3 month waiting period either way for us. I just know I couldn't have waited that long to start trying. We are on cycle 6 now TTC and I'm super frustrated.
persimmon / 1129 posts
Ugh, you guys. Like I said before, I had a blighted ovum discovered at 8 weeks, D & C at 9 weeks. I had TOTALLY forgotten that the last time I went to the dentist was the week I found out I was expecting. I told them because I didn't want an x-ray.
I saw the dentist yesterday and my sweet dental hygienist looked at my belly and said, "So, at your last appointment you mentioned you were expecting..." Ugh, gut punch!
When I told her I wasn't expecting any longer, she was so sweet about it but I still wanted to just run away. I'm hoping that's the last surprise reminder!
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@My Only Sunshine: Yuck, I'm sorry. I had a bikini wax last week and my lady was surprise pregnant - I burst into tears. I told her why and she said she'd had a m/c and got pregnant the first cycle afterward - and that EVERYONE has been through it and we should all talk about it more! Actually felt better to talk about it with a stranger - even during a post-D&C bikini wax
My dentist was also the 2nd person to know I was pregnant for exactly the same reason, so also not looking forward to my next visit there. But he has 4 kids so I'd be shocked if he hasn't been through the same.
cherry / 101 posts
@My Only Sunshine @jojogirl : too with the dentist's office. it was my hygienist though. she's so sweet (and basically the reason why i go to this practice) and she was the second person to know i was pregnant too. and of course she saw me again at like 7 months. so when i went back last week she asked how everything was and i had to tell her. and i cried. and she gave me the biggest hug. and then another one when i left. but i had been dreading the appt, knowing she would most likely ask.
persimmon / 1045 posts
@My Only Sunshine: @JoJoGirl: @everbee: oh I'm feeling your pain ladies!! I too saw my dentist like a few days after getting our had to tell her and the nurse (in the room) due to x-rays. Rather my DH told them as I was getting a filling replaced & he was paranoid about me swallowing toxic stuff
Anyway, they were all gushy etc. but I felt so weird them bring the first to know! Anyway I was dreading seeing them, so I switched dentists for my next visit coming up! I just didn't want to deal with it. If it was my old dentist who I adored, I wouldn't have minded...but I didn't really like that one anyway. So hopefully it's not on my case notes or something!
I also told my bikini waxing lady - who I haven't seen since. So that'll be lame when I go back to her, but I feel like she will be ok to talk to.
@noelani: interesting about the EPO. Maybe it's for the same reason that ppl limit green tea after ovulation? I don't know why but I have heard that. Thanks for investigating
olive / 58 posts
@delight: I think my doctor said 6 months for a number of reasons - she definitely mentioned needing to replenish my folate, but I also wonder if my age (36) has something to do with it? I've been surprised at how "stuck" my body feels in this awful empty post-partumness and have assumed that being older must play a role. I've also wondered if my doctor somehow knew how much I would struggle in the months following the procedure - I was trying to hold it together and be so rational throughout all of our increasingly horrible doctors appointments, maybe she could tell that it was going to take me many, many months to get back to some semblance of "normal." I'm anxious to begin TTC bc I have a strong sense that it's going to take us a while...
@My Only Sunshine: @JoJoGirl: @everbee: @Nutella: I can't believe how common these types of encounters are at the dentist! I have an appointment scheduled for a few weeks after my due date and I'm dreading it because like all of you I had shared that I was pregnancy with the dentist and staff. At my last appointment the dentist came in after reviewing my chart and said "You're pregnant, everything going all right?" This was after our dx but before we knew how bad it was so I had to tell him that no, actually, things were not all right. Ugh, that next appointment is going to be awful.
And I haven't shared this with anyone aside from my husband, but during my first pregnancy a different dentist had told me if I didn't floss my baby would be born without lungs. That pregnancy was successful but that kept ringing through my head during this recent pregnancy - during the first trimester I was too sick and exhausted to floss as much as I know I should have. The baby had a massive CPAM and ended up with no lungs. I am HAUNTED by what that stupid dentist said!
@Nutella: People limit green tea after ovulation?!?!? I feel like I've forgotten all the rules and best practices! Googling is helpful but I think I need to spend some solid time combing through the HB TTC boards for the best tips...
persimmon / 1045 posts
@noelani: that dentist - what the actual f&$@! - that is a horrible, stupid and cruel thing to say! Forget what they said, it wasn't your fault or because you didn't floss. That makes me really mad. I had an acupuncturist once tell me when I was in the throes of horrible morning sickness that if I don't eat properly, I'll starve the baby. As I wasn't able to eat much more than dry toast, it got me really worried. But at the time I just nodded and felt really guilty. But when I told DH at home he was like, that guy is a dick...let's find another acupuncturist!
The green tea thing - I read it online so of course it must be true right?! this past cycle I was so good with only drinking green tea & no coffee etc. so humbling when you realise all of this is sort of out of your control though, right?
persimmon / 1129 posts
@noelani: Oh my lord that dentist! What is wrong with people?? I'm so sorry. Even if it's a totally off the wall terrible comment like that, I know how it can stick in your brain.
It's weird how many of us were in the same boat on having to tell our dentists really early. My dental hygienist knew before my mom!
@Nutella: I hear you on switching dentists! I had to get a bridesmaids dress and I thought I was going to need a maternity one, so I called a local bridal store and talked with the manager about how big I would be in September and the best style of dress. When I miscarried, I ended up getting my non-maternity dress at a different store because I just could not deal with that lady.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@noelani: I'm coming up on 38 and they didn't ask me to wait - I would check with them! 6 months is a long time!
Also that is SO LAUGHABLE about flossing and lungs!? Let's not all forget that babies are born every day in refugee camps.... no clean water or food, and DEFINITELY no floss, highest levels of stress imaginable. These little dudes are more resilient than that. Our losses had nothing to do with us.
cherry / 101 posts
@noelani omg...that is so ridiculous...don't go to that dentist anymore. what nonsense. certainly don't let that get to you. i think what gets to me is that i should've taken more folic acid. i was taking it, but not super regularly. we have been TCC for 4 years and i just wasn't so regular about it. all the different doctors said that there was nothing i could do to prevent it from happening, but it still haunts me too. i'm currently prescribed 5x more folic acid than what is recommended for a regular pregnancy.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@noelani: what a jerk dentist!
Ugh, I also had a dentist appt and told them. I am dreading calling them back for an actual appt and telling them.
@JoJoGirl: you poor thing! As if bikini waxes weren't pleasant enough already, lol.
I also told this lady cutting my hair (making small talk) and she said she'd had a loss before as well. It's amazing how many people have had them and simply don't talk about them.
coconut / 8483 posts
I also told my hygienist/dentist!!! Luckily my hygienist is a friend so I texted her when I MCd. Hopefully she told the dentist. I doubt he would remember tjough.
I think I actually have my period. If I count the day I MCd as cycle day 1, it came right on time..
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@JoJoGirl: I'm doing ok. Getting tired of the spotting, but I hope it stops soon. I took a HPT yesterday and it still showed a clear line, but wasnt very dark, so I'm hoping my HCG is almosr dropped. Mentally I'm still struggling, but it's getting slightly easier day by day. How are you doing overall?
@Mrs. Champagne: that's great! How long did it take?
kiwi / 739 posts
I have a lot to post and catch up but wanted to vent quickly.
Just found out that 4/5 of my college BFF are pregnant. The 5th just delivered two weeks ago. 3 are due all around when I would have been. Not holding it together really well at this moment.
coconut / 8483 posts
@Crystal: 28 days! Hopefully this is actually a period and not still bleeding from the MC.... I had been just barely spotting and now it's full on red (tmi!!!) so I'm assuming based on timing it's my period
@LibbyLou: I'm sorry my friend just told me she is pregnant too. I'm super pumped for her as she also had an MC, but I wish I was pregnant with her.
cherry / 101 posts
@libbylou i feel you my church, 3 other ladies were pregnant at the same time as me (2 right before and 1 after) and now all i see are newborn babies and i can't help but calculate the age mine would be if he were here.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@noelani: I have a similar story to your dentist one. At 6 weeks following our TFMR I had a follow up with my OB. As the nurse was checking me and taking blood pressure she said " So what did you have? A boy or a girl?" I lost it. I was already super emotional going back to hospital and sitting in the waiting room with pregnant ladies. I burst into tears and was struggling to tell her we terminated. When the OB saw me a few minutes later she apologized on behalf the nurse. I was like WTF! How is that not flagged in my chart!!! At that moment I felt like I had taken 1000 steps back In healing.
Also while your doctor gave you 6 months you can always talk to them again and check about trying sooner. I think our bodies will get pregnant again when they're ready anyways.
I'm not much younger than you so I question whether age plays a role or if they are just being super conservative with you.
persimmon / 1045 posts
@delight: I also can't believe that wasn't flagged in your chart - as if it wasn't hard enough so sorry to hear about that.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@LibbyLou: Massive hugs to you. 99% of my IVF friends (bar 1-2 of us left) are all pregnant, so that feeling of being left behind is hard.
cherry / 101 posts
@delight i was really grateful for my ob. i had to go back for my 6 week post partum check-up. and instead of having me schedule the appointment with the front desk, she told me to call and leave a message for her instead. and she arranged for me to come basically after the office was closed. so i got there and no one was in the waiting room. the receptionist checked me in, the nurse took my weight and blood pressure, and then everyone left and it was just me waiting for my doctor. she did it so that i wouldn't have to sit in the waiting room with other pregnant ladies. i really appreciated it.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@everbee: oh wow that is so nice of your OB to have done that. That sounds like best practice. I wish mine had been like yours. I still cringe thinking about that day.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LibbyLou: I am so, so sorry. I know how hard that can be. It seems like *everyone* is pregnant.
@Mrs. Champagne: wow! That's not bad! I hope it's really AF!
@delight: you poor thing, I can't believe how insensitive some OB places can be!!!
@everbee: what a great and supportive OB! You have to feel good about having support like that and really trust your dr.
@jaguar: I hear you about being left behind. I feel that way a lot, so many have moved on, and I'm still climbing uphill (both ways. In the snow. With no shoes.)
olive / 58 posts
I appreciate the consensus that my insane dentist was way out of line!
@everbee: My doctor also assured me that it wasn't anything I did/didn't do, but it's so hard to keep from blaming yourself isn't it? I keep replaying and second guessing every decision I made before and during my pregnancy...
@LibbyLou: Oh friend I am so, so sorry. Your post hit me right in the gut - I know a lot of us have been there and other peoples' pregnancy announcements are just so painful. And the pain is just compounded by the desire to *want* to be happy for others, the guilt at feeling resentful and envious, and the on-going effort to process our own loss(es). I only have one acquaintance that is pregnant right now and I did NOT handle the news well AT ALL - I can't even imagine having to process the news from so many close friends.
@delight: Oh no, I can NOT believe your story. Your OB's office COMPLETELY blew it - how could they let that happen?? I can't even imagine how you were able to get through that, especially after having to sit out in the waiting room with all of those visible triggers
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