I am debating getting a second kids table and chair set.

We have a set in the living room, in a little corner that is their art/sensory area. I don't want to move that stuff from where it's at. They also have a playroom, in it they have a play kitchen area, and currently we are using their DIY Lego table as their kitchen table. It works for now, but eventually I want to move the Lego table upstairs to LO's bedroom, so she can keep her Lego projects together, and in one spot. Does it really make sense to buy another kids table and chair set though, to have one room away from the living room? I wouldn't spend over $50 on it, but it seems odd to have two sets...I'm not sure what else to do though. Just not have a table in their pretend kitchen area? Keep moving the Lego table up and down? Any other practical ideas?

ETA: The Lego table is only being used for the table, we don't have chairs to it, and that works fine. So I could just get another simple side table to use...