I'm finding that one of the hardest parts about having two children under the age of two years old is figuring out the logistics! Do you have any tips or tricks for managing two kids close in age? How do you do every day tasks when you have two little kids (or babies!) to juggle?
Here's a couple of mine:
1. I always get my youngest out of the car first, and put him into the car last. DD is a toddler, and it's a lot easier to put the car seat on the ground to wrestle her into the car than worry about her running off into traffic.
2. I wear the baby carrier all the time. DD always wants my attention as soon as I pick up DS, so I just wear the Moby wrap all day, making it that much faster to pick up DS when both kids need me at the same time.
3. I have a changing station downstairs and one upstairs; it is so much easier to have two stations than to bring both kids with me every time DS poops (which is a lot!).
4. I also keep a few newborn essentials (burp cloths, swaddle blankets, and pre-filled bottles) on both levels of the house; this saves me from making the trip up and down the stairs a million times a day every time I need something.
5. I taught DD how to dress herself (she still needs help with her shirts, but can put on underwear, pants, socks, and coat by herself) and it has saved me soooooo much time. She feels proud being able to get dresses without help, and I appreciate the extra couple minutes in the morning to get myself/the baby ready.