hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: Oh good, thanks! when are you thinking of testing? I have a handful of cheapie tests so I was thinking of giving in Thursday but doubt it'll show a positive!
clementine / 861 posts
I'm 11 DPO and fighting the urge to test this morning. I told myself that I would wait until Tuesday (13 DPO) but I doubt I'll make it!
clementine / 861 posts
I'm 11 DPO and fighting the urge to test this morning. I told myself that I would wait until Tuesday (13 DPO) but I doubt I'll make it!
squash / 13764 posts
@PBandBaseball: I'm also 11 dpo and struggling as well! I told myself that there's no point in testing now since it's not with FMU, so we'll see how I do tomorrow morning!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
just found out that all my tests are expired! I guess that means a trip to the store to buy more - but, I don't have time Tues-Thurs, so now I have to wait til Thursday night or Friday morning by default! GAH!
cherry / 166 posts
Well, I'm out this month. AF hasn't showed but I had to have a chest xray today to rule out pneumonia (been sick for a couple weeks but still rallied to BD!) so they had to test. BFN. I had no symptoms either way before but start spotting this afternoon-AF should be here by Wednesday. Boo! I guess the good news is they were able to give me stronger meds and a breathing treatment to get better.
On to December! Other good news is I should ovulate right around my husbands birthday! We'll have to do plenty of celebrating!!! Operation Birthday Baby Making according to husband!
squash / 13764 posts
Tested this morning and it was a BFN And it was my only HPT, so now I need to either order cheapies offline or go buy some more at the drugstore.
@TessaBella76: yikes! Feel better!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
I'm not feeling super confident but trying to remember its only month 1 and that's ok! 8 dpo (I think) and no real cramps or anything...well some but who knows if it's gas or implantation. Definitely no spotting. AF is due next wed so I guess we will know by then!
apricot / 307 posts
BFN here this morning. I had spotting last night and very little in the morning. It's much less than my usual spotting. Still not sure where I stand with AF or otherwise at the moment. Going to wait it out to see if AF comes tonight, tomorrow, or not at all.
cherry / 181 posts
I tested at 8, 9, 10 DPO- all bfn. Have been gassy/slightly crampy all TWW but really no other symptoms. Getting that AF is coming feeling in my belly so we'll see. Temps are still high (and stair step rising). Who the hell knows. My chart is linked here for the curious...
@Carrieknitscake Are you temping? Have your temps dropped at all? A temp drop for me is a sure fire sign that AF is arriving in the next day.
clementine / 861 posts
My temp dropped like a rock at 11 DPO and AF came at 12 DPO, so I'm out this month. It's the first time I haven't had a 28-day cycle in forever. Not sure what happened. . .
pea / 20 posts
Can I bust in on this thread?
We were not TTC but, something got the best of us and here I am at 12DPO with no period and a triphasic chart. I typically only have a 9 or 10 day max LP. All day I've been feeling like I'm about to start but I vividly remember feeling this way 9 years ago with my DS.
Waiting until 14DPO to test. So stressed at work this week and I need the weekend to take it all in if we are indeed expecting LO#2! We were going to start TTC around June after my 30th birthday so this is actually kinda neat. I was really nervous that we would have trouble because of my short LP. In that in between phase of kinda wanting my period to show so that I could have had that blow-out Vegas 30th birthday I planned, but also kinda want it to be a baby because my biological clock just starting tickin like a mofo this last month...
cherry / 220 posts
So I was supposed to get my period today (if my body follows a 28 day cycle. this is my first month off bc) but so far nothing. Yesterday I had "period-like" cramps, but today they are gone. I used OPKs and got a smiley face on 11/5 and was very crampy the following 2 days. I think it's too late for the cramping yesterday to have been implantation bleeding, what do you think? I'm pretty sure it's just my body getting used to being off bc so I'm not getting my hopes up. Just wanted to get your thoughts on the situation! thanks!
pea / 8 posts
I'm 8 DPO today... I had some confusion with my chart and FF said I O'd on 11/6 - experienced charters said I O'd on 11/10, so I'm going with that.
I'm trying not to symptom spot. I'm so over this cycle already. I feel like I missed our window because I thought I O'd 4 days prior and we were busy with family in the hospital. I'm frustrated and trying not to care. I've been hungry and tired, but that can be from anything. Here's to hoping, but I'm not encouraged. Maybe that's the way to go. *shrugs*
olive / 52 posts
Hey, this is my first post in this thread. This is my fourth or fifth cycle (I think the third of actually being consistent about charting). Charting was way funky this month, with lots of inconsistent wakeup times so I really have no idea how many DPO I am, though I usually have something more like 11-12 days for my luteal phase. I think I am due to have or miss my period on Thanksgiving, which I'm less than thrilled about, what with lots of family and guests around. Because of that I'm believing that this cycle won't be it. I got too excited last month when I started having nausea/loss of appetite in the TWW and they ended up being bizarro PMS symptoms which was depressing. Going back and forth over whether I'll test, and I'm thinking I probably won't unless AF is late. /sigh And my husband is out of town all this week which just makes it worse.
apricot / 307 posts
I got my AF yesterday. Onto cycle 4 for us. I'm trying to really chart this month. Also, I see my doctor for my annual appointment soon, so I'll ask her questions, etc.
pomelo / 5720 posts
I could be 1DPO or 0DPO. Not quite sure. I had Peak days on CBEFM Thurs and Fri and a -OPK this morning. I think my LP is usually 10-11 days so I'll try to hold out on testing until 11/30 or 12/1. Good luck everyone!
pea / 16 posts
We are just starting our 3rd cycle....I am on CD 3 right now...I am sooo hopeful this month. I have not been taking my temp yet...but plan on starting tomorrow morning. All I want for xmas is a B.F.P.!
kiwi / 575 posts
I'm 9dpo (approximately) - haven't been temping but think so because of CM dry up. I'll be on CD27, which is my usual cycle length on Thanksgiving. I think I'll wait until the next day to test so that I'm not upset if it's a negative on Thanksgiving - at least if AF hasn't shown up! I've given up on testing early
Wishing you all lots of luck!
pomelo / 5628 posts
I'm 12dpo now which is really far for me. I've only made it to 12 three times, but 1 is the chemical pg month and the 2 others I had temps dropping before 12. Today's temp was high, but might have been disturbed.
Hopefully I'm not jinxing myself by posting and I'm still around tomorrow...
(I have tested yesterday and today, both BFNs. And I've been spotting for 4 days, but it's really slight.) We will see.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
I'm going to bust on in to the thread too (long time lurker, infrequent poster!).
I'm 10DPO on cycle eight and my LP is usually 10-11 days (with a 28-32 day cycle) and although my temps haven't been rising as such they haven't dropped yet either.
I'm desperately trying not to symptom spot but I've had sore-ish boobs and weird tingly nipples (TMI) for the last couple of days so I'm secretly crossing my fingers.
This month I actually ovulated on 11/11/11 so I think that has to be a sign! Come on BFP!
cherry / 181 posts
Well I'm out for this cycle. On to the next one!
Test results after 1 cycle of thyroid and progesterone treatment: Progesterone went from a 3 to a 8 - LH is higher too. Didn't test thyroid, hopefully next month.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: fingers crossed for you!
I last tested yesterday morning, BFN. AF is due Wed. I'm not spending any more money on tests so I'm just waiting it out Thinking I'm out this month though.
On to a Christmas BFP!
cherry / 181 posts
@sorrycharlie Ohh Christmas BFP! I just peeked at my charts and looks like next cycle I would be testing right before Christmas Now wouldn't that be the best gift ever?
blogger / apricot / 427 posts
CD18 right now for me. 12 straight days of High readings on the CBFM. Hoping that the egg shows up at some point this week (FF predicts it for Thursday) but we're BD'ing every other day, just in case. We've tried a few new things this month (including the CBFM) so I have hope that something worked well - although trying hard not to get any hopes up.
pomelo / 5628 posts
Absolutely no sign of AF today - just huge temp drop. I expect it by tomorrow, but seriously if it's gonna come, can't it just come already?
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
Verified today that I O'd 3 days ago, so here goes another TWW. Baby dust to us all!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: I'm in the same boat, temp drop this morning but no sign of AF as yet. Come on already!
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