Hellobee Boards


TWW - POAS Late May/Early June

  1. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    I'll be testing on or around May 21! Good luck ladies!

  2. eastcoaster

    olive / 73 posts

    @futuremama: It's so interesting to hear your post-BCP cycle stats, they are very similar to mine (going on 3rd cycle off BCP) and others that I've read. Really long one first, then short one, then long one....seems like they'll normalize the further out we get from the BCP. Good luck!

  3. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    May 10 - JoJoGirl
    May 12 - Trailmix
    May 19 - eastcoaster
    May 21 - kentuckygirl
    May 24 - PBandBaseball
    May 27 - Dr. Pepper
    May 27 - Mrs.Someone
    June 1 - hergreenapples
    June 1 - Rachel
    June 2 - Adira
    June 2 - PastaAndPotato
    June 7 - bluestriped bee
    June 10 - SAllison
    June 11 - Emilie

    @SAllison, @kentuckygirl, @Dr. Pepper: Added you ladies!

  4. GreenThumb

    pear / 1986 posts

    Just wanted to wish all you ladies good luck this cycle! I'd be right here with you but we are taking this cycle and next off to prepare for IVF. But I'll still be keeping my fingers crossed for BFPs for you!

  5. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @GreenThumb: Thank you! You're so sweet! Enjoy your cycles off! I hope that IVF works for you!

  6. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @Adira: AF is due on June 1, but that could change based on when I O and if I'm able to lengthen my LP. But put me down for June 1

  7. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Rachel: Added!

  8. Emilie

    cherry / 144 posts

    I don't think I O'd last cycle because my temps were everywhere, but this month I'm CD12 and it looks like the last few days have been low and stable, which is good!

    Bad timing because DH has been traveling, and won't be back until CD17. Since my cycles are on the longer side: vary between 32-46 days, I'm hoping that will be ok!

    @Adira - could you put me down for June 11th? thanks!!

    baby dust to everyone!

  9. PBandBaseball

    clementine / 861 posts

    @GreenThumb: Thank you! I hope that this month goes quickly for you and your first IVF is a success!!

  10. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Emilie: Added! Hopefully your DH's travel doesn't get in the way of your timing!

  11. PBandBaseball

    clementine / 861 posts

    Today is CD 16 & I got a peak reading on my CBEFM this morning. I'm a little torn because my doctor said that every other day is the best approach for sexy time and today is our "off day". I don't want to wait until tomorrow, so I think we may just go for it and hope 24 hours is enough time to wait. It's crazy how stressful this all can be.

  12. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @PBandBaseball: Well, I'm not entirely sure how the CBEFM works, but my understanding is that it gives an indication that you're going to ovulate soon but haven't yet, right? And if your egg sticks around for 12-24 hours, you really might be better off having sex tomorrow, right?

  13. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @Adira: @PBandBaseball: We had sex on both peak days! (and that was after almost every day on our high fertility days too (9 days!!))... got pregnant off our first cycle using the CBEFM!

  14. PBandBaseball

    clementine / 861 posts

    @mrsjyw: Did you have 9 high fertility days before your peak day? We got a high reading yesterday and then a peak day today. I thought we were supposed to get at least 2 or 3 high days but we only got one.

    @Adira: This is my first cycle using the CBEFM. I think that the high days indicate that you're getting close and the peak day indicates that you're about to. I think we'll probably try to have sex today and tomorrow at least. After 14 cycles I would have sex every single day of the month if I thought it would work.

  15. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @PBandBaseball: Oh, I see. I didn't know how they worked. It sounds like you're right though. Sounds like having sex today and tomorrow would make sense. I hope that works for you!!!

  16. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @PBandBaseball: Yea, got 9 high days... I have a 36 day cycle which probably added to the numerous high days.

  17. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @PBandBaseball: that's how my parents conceived me! My mom said it was a good thing she got pregnant that month otherwise they would've gotten divorced. Haha.

  18. PBandBaseball

    clementine / 861 posts

    @Adira: That's just my guess. I really have no idea what the difference between high & peak is but I will look at the manual tonight when I get home and update this thread so that other ladies know.

    @mrsjyw: Gotcha. I was really surprised when I saw the peak symbol this morning because I was expecting another high day. Hopefully we'll get a BFP on our first cycle with the CBEFM too!

    @JoJoGirl: I can't even imagine doing it every day. Your mom is a saint. Haha.

  19. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Hello ladies!

    CD 9 for me today. Not much to report. I plan to start having sex hopefully EVERYDAY starting on Sunday, but we'll see how that really goes...

    How is everyone else doing?

  20. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @Adira: CD7, trying to be good about temping this month and my temps seem higher than normal so far. Could be the B6 or the prenatals, both new this month, or who knows. I still have about 12 days til O, so nothing new to report here. Good luck

  21. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Rachel: I find that my temps aren't really consistent month to month. Some months they're really low (like this month), but other months they are higher. My after-O temps tend to be always around the same temp though, but my before-O temps vary dramatically. Not sure it that has any meaning or not though...

  22. PBandBaseball

    clementine / 861 posts

    Hi ladies! Today is CD 17 & I got another peak reading on the CBEFM this morning. I told the hubs that we needed to have sex again tonight & he honestly didn't look thrilled. It is so exhausting to do it every single day!! I really hope that we'll get that BFP this cycle!! Our consult with the doctor to go over our test results and options is on Friday. Hopefully we won't need to go forward with any of that but I'm ready to get started if that's what we need to do!

  23. eastcoaster

    olive / 73 posts

    @Adira: 3DPO here for me. Driving me crazy just waiting. Last month (2nd month off BCP) my LP was only 7 days, so if anything, I'm hoping this month that's longer. Of course hoping for a + pregnancy test, but trying to be realistic that this is only my 2nd month truly TTC.

  24. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @PBandBaseball: Oh my gosh, I know what you mean! Hubs and I only had sex three days in a row last cycle and we got sick of it! This cycle I'm going to try to have sex SIX days in a row! I know we'll never manage... *sob* I hope you and your husband have better luck!

    @eastcoaster: I'm kind of jealous you're in the TWW! Even though the wait sucks, at least you don't have to stress about having sex every night or anything, haha. Hopefully you'll have a much longer LP this time around because 7 really isn't long enough! Hopefully it'll be at least 10 or something like that!

  25. eastcoaster

    olive / 73 posts

    @Adira: I know Wondering how long I should wait to seek help from my Dr. if my LP don't start lengthening?

  26. PBandBaseball

    clementine / 861 posts

    @eastcoaster: I hope your LP is longer this cycle! I have seen others talking about taking B6 to lengthen their LP, have you thought about doing that? I'm not sure exactly how it works but it might be worth a shot.

    @Adira: Thanks! Today is day 3 but I think we might skip today and try for pre-work sex tomorrow. We'll see how today goes. I think one of the worst things about TTC is the scheduling of our sex life.

  27. eastcoaster

    olive / 73 posts

    @PBandBaseball: I've been seeing gals mentioning taking B6, but guess have been a little hesitant until I talk to my dr. But we'll see Thank you!

  28. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @eastcoaster: I probably wouldn't wait too long, but I'm impatient. Maybe see how your LP is this cycle and if it's still short, ask your doctor? I mean, your doctor may just tell you to wait a few more months, but at least you won't be wondering.

    @PBandBaseball: I completely agree! Scheduling sex takes all the fun out of it, but I refuse to leave things to chance and just go with the flow, which would probably be more fun, but I know I'd be frustrated!

  29. eastcoaster

    olive / 73 posts

    @Adira: Agreed, I'm going to at least call and ask after this cycle. Can't hurt to at least ask!

  30. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @eastcoaster: I agree! Although hopefully it'll already be longer this cycle!

  31. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @eastcoaster: @PBandBaseball: I've been taking B6 this month - 50mg daily. I tried taking a 100mg B complex but it made my hands and feet freezing cold and a bit tingly, which I have heard can be a side effect of too much B6 so I switched and I feel totally fine on the 50.

    I'll let you know how it goes with my LP this month - usually 10 days but last month was only 9 - no bueno!

  32. eastcoaster

    olive / 73 posts

    @Rachel: Yes, please let us know! I think I've read on other threads that there is a concern about getting too much B6, and causing nerve damage? Or I might be thinking of another supplement...

  33. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @eastcoaster: That's the one, but it's something like 500+mg a day where the concern starts.

    I found this: http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Vitaminb6-HealthProfessional/ there's a section about excessive B6. But of course please ask your doctor about it, don't take my word for it.

  34. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    Since I can't really share this with my RL friends...

    DH's bday is today, and we're going away for an overnighter on Friday. I decided to go over to Victoria's Secret today to pick out something special I've never done the lingerie thing, its kindof exciting! I hope he likes it. I think I'm going to save it for the trip. I should be O'ing on Friday, so I think we can skip tonight if hes not up for it (he gets home pretty late tonight). Planning on Thurs/Fri/Sat

  35. Trailmix

    nectarine / 2152 posts

    @eastcoaster I had a really short LP last cycle too, only 8 days It was my first cycle off BC so I'm really (really really) hoping this one lasts at least 10 but I also read that the LP doesn't really change too much for most women so I'm not sure what will happen...But I think if it continues to be so short for another two cycles, I will talk to my dr about options, such as B6, for trying to lengthen it! Good luck ,def keep us posted

  36. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    Grrrr, my husband just told me that he is most likely going to have to go out of town for work next week again. He gets home tomorrow (CD 10) and will only be home through Sunday night (CD 13). I'm using OPKs so at least I will know if I've ovulated in that time frame, but GRRR this sucks. He'll be and hour and a half away...

  37. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @bluestriped bee: My hubby was on medication that messed up his sperm too. The Dr just switched him to something else when we wanted to start TTC. Too bad they couldn't do that for your DH.

  38. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Trailmix: My first cycle off birth control, my LP was only 9 days, but that was the only cycle it was that short. The rest have been 13 days. So hopefully yours will lengthen as well!

    @Dr. Pepper: Boooo! That's totally a bummer! Do you know when you usually ovulate?? Make sure you have sex the last day he's there. Sperm can last up to five days in fertile CM so you could get lucky if you ovulate close to CD 13!

  39. Trailmix

    nectarine / 2152 posts

    @Adira Thanks, I just posted on the other thread but I started spotting this morning, so that makes two cycles of 7 or 8 day luteal phases. Not good I'm calling my gyn/ob today to see if he recommends a B6 supplement.

  40. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    Hi all, I posted on the other thread too, bfn at 10dpo. Trying not to take it too hard, it's only cycle 2!

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