Early this morning, as I was taking the dog out, I slipped and fell on black ice. It was very early (4 am), I was half asleep, and it scared me to no end. Other than being very sore, I'm OK-no broken bones, bruises, etc, just a really sore right hip. My biggest (probably irrational) fear, though, is that somehow I managed to hurt the baby and/or start labor. I had pain in my abdomen for a few hours, and I can't twist very well, but nothing consistent or with a pattern.

I just went to the bathroom, though, and I noticed a bunch of white discharge in my underwear. I've been having yellowish discharge for days, but usually only when I wipe. I know it can be really normal, but I guess I'm scared that somehow I managed to break my water when I fell. Can this even happen? I'm pretty sure I'm being crazy....right??

For reference, I'm 27w 4d.