When did your LO's stump fall off? M is 2 weeks old as of yesterday. On Friday we noticed some gross dry crumbly drainage stuff (sort of dark brown, reddish) around the stump and it started smelling kind of funky, so we took him to the ped. Pediatrician says it's not infected (not red or anything around the stump), she said just wipe around it with alcohol and Q-tips.
It is getting progressively stinkier though! Not like infection stinky (I guess??), but just like nasty dead tissue! It looks pretty dry and crumbly around the edges... is this a sign it's going to come off soon?
Also, how does the stump come off? Like did it just fall off entirely one day? Or does it come off in small pieces? We can see underneath it and it looks pretty goopy. Is it wet and pussy underneath? (Sorry, I know this is gross.)
Would love to hear your experiences!