DH and I used FAM to prevent pregnancy before LO, and we loved it. We were waiting until my cycles resumed after Baby X to go back to using that method, and well, here we are.
I'm trying to figure out how to make it work now that we're a family of 3. I'm out of practice since it's been almost 2 years since I've been fertile (10 months pregnant + 1 year breastfeeding before cycles returned). I'm re-reading TCOYF, but does anyone have any tips on using FAM while already having a toddler? Specifically, any challenges if you were still nursing (like I said, my cycles have resumed, so the nursing section in TCOYF was not relevant), and also how to deal when Toddler X does not consistently sleep through the night and has inconsistent wake up times; and thus, my temperatures cannot be taken religiously at the same time every morning like I could before.
Thanks for the help!