I just had to get this out. I am having the WORST day, which is a part of what is turning into the worst week. Yes, I'm still working, it's 8:25 -- and I was working until 10:15 last night.

The part that freaks me out - I'm in my 5th week of my new job and I keep thinking about quitting -- or, better yet, I think about taking my maternity leave & never returning...

They know I'm PG - i told them before the hired me to be totally honest with them, and I of course said I would stay -- but I am really not happy with this new work situation.... I left a bad work environment that was a dead end (been there 5 years no promotion, barely a raise - and the hours were tough there also) -- but my old job is seeming like a dream compared to this.

I'm so pissed at myself for getting into this situation - I'm 17 weeks pregnant, and am stuck here until at least my maternity leave is over...

anyone else having a sh*t week?