I know we've talked before about stupid comments people make about 'trying again for a girl/boy' when you're on baby #2 and it's the same gender as the first, but I just want to punch some of my DH's family right now. And I just need to whine to someone about it.
DH's sister is expecting a baby a month before us and has decided to be Team Green this time - she also has one other child who is a boy. So all the grandkids are boys so far - those who are already born or who we know the gender of, anyways. She is constantly posting bump photos on FB and asking what people think she's having - and every damn time, I have to see all these comments about how she must be having a girl because our family has too many boys, and how big brothers need a little sister - one person went as far to say that it was 'too bad' my DH and I are having another boy, because having one of each is soooo awesome!
And I will be honest. I'm already struggling with this - I'm doing a lot better now, but I am still kind of sad about the fact that I will probably never have a daughter. And the last thing I freaking need is people who we only even see every 2 or 3 years putting their own stupid negative opinions out there. Also, I'm a terrible SIL, because I find myself wishing she would stop being Team Green so that the incessant guessing and comments can come to an end, and I also find myself almost hoping she's having a boy even though I know she wants a girl. I know, I'm terrible. But with the comments about too many boys, the boys needing a little sister, SIL going on about all the reasons she thinks it's a girl and how great it will be, people telling my MIL they're sorry she might not be getting a granddaughter...I just can't take it anymore. I'm already pregnant and hormonal and I just want to fast-forward to October so this can all be over, SIL's baby will be here so the comments will hopefully lessen, and I'll finally be holding my baby in my arms so I can really fall in love with him and not give an eff. I can't deal with these people. I should probably just either block them from FB or change the settings so that SIL's posts stop showing up on my feed.