grapefruit / 4669 posts
Age: 29
Reside: TX
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: SAHM
Recent milestone: LO is 6 weeks old tomorrow and is now sleeping almost through the night! I feel like a new person.
Hobbies: Reading, mall-walking w/LO...I don't really do anything but baby wrangle these days.
honeydew / 7909 posts
Age: 27 until August.
Reside: Iowa
Marital Status: Married August 2012. Together 5 years.
Occupation: I'm a nurse on a pediatric floor.
Status: 8 weeks pregnant after a m/c last September.
Hobbies: Baking/cooking, running, cleaning (hopefully I can start these back up after the first trimester is over), my animals (2 dogs, 3 cats).
coconut / 8475 posts
@Silva: hi:) I did clinical/ general SW and I've only ever worked in an after school program for child and famil services. So, I worked through the school district. It was a part time gig and I needed something for the experience yet something that was temporary because I was getting pregnant and I knew I wanted to be a SAHM mom. You?
nectarine / 2600 posts
Not really a "vet" but I've been pretty active on here since I joined so I'd feel dumb posting an intro all by myself. lol
Age: 32 until July...meh.
Reside: Switzerland. A little town called Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne. It's about 40 minutes from Geneva. I was born in a Philly suburb in NJ, and grew up on the Naval Base in Cuba.
Marital Status: Married 2 1/2 years. We were together in college, broke up, met back up 6 years later, and 6 months later we were engaged. (To put it in a nutshell.)
Occupation: I started my own pet care business here. I walk dogs and board them in our home. Although since getting my BFP I've cut my walking down from 2-3 hours a day to 1-1.5, at the suggestion of my TCM specialist, who is also DH's Aunt. Currently "babysitting" 2 Akitas who are some of the best dogs I've ever met! (One of them is currently "sleep-barking" lol)
Status: 6 weeks pregnant after a m/c a year ago.
Hobbies: being lazy. Seriously I think I have a problem. When I get the energy/motivation I like to craft, bake, cook, read, and try to learn my DSLR. And of course go online way too much
I don't have any cute LO's to share a picture of, but I can share one of my cute DH! Heh heh
(Christmas time in Cuba, me doing the aforementioned trying to learn my DSLR.)
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@TurtleDoves: I've worked mostly in the field of violence against women, both with victims and perpetrators. Right now (and for the past two years) I've moved into substance abuse work with young women. I am pretty interested in social work with mandated clients- dept. of corrections stuff. I have actually really enjoyed working with male perpetrators of violence in the past. I'm definitely more interested in the clinical side of things. When my kids are older I may go for my PhD in psych.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@tororojo: I am so jealous! We are no where near sleeping through the night.
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@Smurfette: a friend gave us a Miracle Blanket last week and it revolutionzed LO's sleep! If you haven't tried it, I reeeeeally recommend it! She started sleeping longer and going down way easier immediately.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@tororojo: Yeah we have one. Used it last night too and she was up almost every hour.
persimmon / 1491 posts
Age: 31 (32in August)
Reside: Cali Cali...
Marital Status: Married, 3 years in May and 9 years all my DH!!!
Occupation: Work in the software department of a non profit...
Status: Currently 4w+2d, had a miscarriage last august...started accupunture this past cycle and well it worked....
Hobbies: photography, crocheting, baking and watching scarey movies...and of course hanging with my 2 four legged doxies....
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@Smurfette: oh man, that's rough! I hope it gets better soon, hang in there!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Age: 25
Reside: Outside of Dallas, Texas
Occupation: Paralegal
Status: Momma to baby girl Charlotte who is 4.5 months old
Most recent milestone (pregnancy, parenting or personal): Almost sitting unassisted!
Personal Hobbies: Hobbies? What are those? I used to like to cook and exercise. I would love to find time in the day to pursue those things again, but am prioritizing sleep over adding those things into my schedule these days...
honeydew / 7586 posts
Age: 29
Reside: Baltimore, MD
Marital Status: We will be married for one year in June. We started TTC almost immediately.
Occupation: I'm about to make a career change. I graduate from college in a few weeks with a degree in Middle School Education (Social Studies/Language Arts). I hope to find a job sometime this summer!
Status: 28 weeks pregnant with our first child (a boy!)
Most recent milestone (pregnancy, parenting or personal): The third trimester. In the home stretch!
Personal Hobbies: reading, cooking, obsessing over my pug, shopping...I am pretty boring!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@lavender: @hilsy85: thanks ladies - it was rough (for me) but I know it's the right choice. They told me L had a great first day!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@MrsCastro: ooh I didn't see your news - congrats, and best wishes for a sticky baby!
coconut / 8681 posts
@Beebug: Haha YES please run on my behalf you sound like its going amazingly!!
I'm loving reading through all of these! It's really interesting how much I'm learning... Even about people who I feel like I've talked to a lot and "known" for awhile!
pear / 1586 posts
Hello all, I have been a lurker for quite awhile, and I sometimes post questions so I will just add to this Age: 23
Reside: RI
Marital Status: Married 2.5 years
Occupation: SAHM to my little lady. Received my BA last May and R was born in June.
Status: Mum to almost 10 month old R!
Hobbies: Baking, cooking, reading, singing and sewing (I am a novice).
pomelo / 5321 posts
Age: 22
Currently living in Hawaii, originally from Georgia. We are an Army family and HI is our second duty station. I'm always homesick.
I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 3 years, together for almost 9 years.
I am a full-time SAHM to my sweet 19-month-old little boy. Tomorrow, I will be exactly 12 weeks pregnant with our second LO. I am even more scared this time around than I was with DS.
Most recent milestone (pregnancy, parenting or personal): I am almost out of the first trimester! DS is cutting his 13th tooth! He also seems to be saying more words.
Personal Hobbies: Baking, cooking, crafting (when I can find the time), and reading!
pomelo / 5321 posts
@photojane: Thank you! I haven't made a big announcement yet. I haven't even told my family yet! I'm hoping to tell them this weekend so I can be "out!"
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
I guess I'd be considered a veteran, even though I rarely post anymore. Have a newborn is time consuming, y'all!!
Age: 24
Reside: Southeastern Virginia, right outside of Virginia Beach
Marital status: Married for almost three years to my smokin' hot BFF/highschool sweetheart
Occupation: Photographer - taking a little break to be at home with my freakin' awesome kid.
Status: Mama to Sweet Sadie Rose
Most recent milestone (pregnancy, parenting or personal): Sadie slept through the night in her own room last night! She's doing awesome in the head control department & rolling tummy to back.
Personal Hobbies: In the days when I had free time I liked baking & crafting/diy. My favorite hobbies these days are sleeping & getting a shower longer than 2 minutes.
pomelo / 5720 posts
Another SW bee here!!
Age: 32
Reside: Just north of Boston, MA
Occupation: SAHM. I was a clinical socail worker prior to having DS, working in the domestic violence field.
Status: Mom to a rambunctious 8 month old little boy!
Most recent milestone (pregnancy, parenting or personal): LO is crawling and pulling to stand on everything! He has 3 teeth and his 4th is showing.
Personal Hobbies: Reading, working out, knitting, hiking, biking, wine
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
@Sweet T: Yay! I'm so happy for you! Have fun telling everyone this weekend.
eggplant / 11408 posts
So I'm not sure I'm a veteran, but I'll play too!
Age: 28
Married: 3 years
Reside: Upstate NY, though I've lived all over the Mid-Atlantic
Occupation: PhD student, so some combination of teacher, researcher, and student
Status: TTC for #1. We miscarried last week, so it will be a little while...but we WILL keep trying!
Milestone: I've lost 35 lbs since October!
Hobbies: Other than homework? What's that? j/k...sort of. To unwind, I love cooking, running, hiking, and playing with our sweet and crazy rescue pup.
kiwi / 549 posts
I'll join in...
Age: 27
Reside: Seattle
Occupation: SAHM by day/law student by night
Marital status: married 3 years this month
LO: X-- born Nov 2011, still negotiating on when to start trying for #2
Most recent milestone (pregnancy, parenting or personal): X started using 2 words and 2 sign combinations last week. He signed "Water, please" (wanting me to turn the bathtub water faucet on-- I can't believe he connected the stuff in his sippy cup to the stuff in the bathtub; I certainly haven't made any effort or have any memory of calling it water.) And today he told me: "Mama. Dad-dad work." (Telling me that Dad is at work.) It blows my mind that he's picking up on things and demonstrating his knowledge so quickly now.
Personal Hobbies: When I have time/on school breaks-- reading, cooking, baking, sprint distance triathlons. Working on our house (it's a work in progress). Also, does Hellobee count as a hobby?
nectarine / 2936 posts
Age: 29
Reside: Virginia
Occupation: FT Elementary school teacher/PT grad student
Marital Status: 2 years in May
Status: just started TTC #1
Hobbies: reading, my pets, baking, crafting
nectarine / 2600 posts
@Sweet T: HI?? So jealous! I get homesick to, but I gotta think being in HI would help, no?
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
@mrs. 64: No way! There are a few NoVa & DC bees, but I haven't found any in HR yet! We're neighbors. I'm in Chesapeake!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@red_seattle: I think it does, especially when it serves as a break from work!
grapefruit / 4819 posts
And another SW bee here too - there are loads of us!
Age: 33
Reside: Darwin, Australia (just moved up from Brisbane last week and am still trying to get used to the heat and humidity!)
Occupation: SAHM - formerly a child protection social worker for kids with disabilities.. More recently, taught middle school in a high needs community through a nonprofit organization, but still consider social work my main occupation.
Marital Status: Married 2 years in July
Status: Mum to an amazing almost ten month old baby girl! NTNP for #2
Milestones: DD just started crawling yesterday! Also pointing to things and chatting up a storm with every consonant sound BUT mama! Cheeky little monkey! She has 7 teeth and is constantly laughing and flashing her gorgeous smile.
Hobbies: Reading, journaling, exercising, baking, and anything geography related (huge nerd, right here!)
honeydew / 7295 posts
HI everyone. I think i count as a Veteren even though i used to post a lot more before my son was born and it was mostly on weddingbee though more on here now.
Age: 35 (36 june 8)
Reside: Portland Oregon
Status: Mom to a 7 and a half month old boy named Tor
Most recent milestone (pregnancy, parenting or personal): We have had a BUNCH. Tor is a super early kid with physical milestones. he started sitting himself up and trying to crawl at 6 months, crawled at 6 and a half months, at 7 months he started puling up to standing, he now can stand unassisted for a few seconds and he can cruise along tables and our couch. i am EXHAUSTED!!! didnt expect it so soon.
Personal Hobbies: i love to read and learn about politics, economics, other countries and philanthopy related subjects. i am big into helping this world be a place where poverty ends and humanity and human rights prevail. i am also big into environmental causes. people who hate my kind would probably call me a left wing liberal, which is fine by me but i am not really so simple. fiscally i can be somewhat conservative but i do believe the answer doesnt lie in making the poor and disadvantaged suffer. i think very globally. i also enjoy singing, boxing, kick boxing and mostly spending time with my hubs and my sweet baby boy.
eggplant / 11824 posts
Age: 31
Reside: southern Maine (AKA the original/other Portland)
Occupation: labor/legal specialist. I write corporate policies, manage the relationship between union and non-union employees, draft briefs, hear grievances, etc. I am planning on going off on my own soon as a consultant: writing corporate policies and managing social networking for companies.
Marital Status: married since 2010, together since 2006.
Status: momma to 10 month old, NO plans for #2 (we're most likely 1 and done and both happy with that)
Milestones: 2 days before 10 months LO started crawling - woot woot!! She is now crawling all over the place *and* pulling up anywhere she can. It's like it all came together for her, at once. We just completed 6 airplane flights, and she only cried on 1 of them
Personal hobbies: I make 1/12 scale artisan quality miniature food out of polymer clay for dollhouse collectors, I recreate meals described in novels. I also love to travel and have several novels in progress.
pomelo / 5321 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle:'s not as wonderful as I expected it to be. It's beautiful here but we can't go out and do all of the "touristy" things because we can't afford it along with our normal expenses. It's definitely not the same as coming here on vacation. Ya know?
nectarine / 2600 posts
@Sweet T: aw :o/ I was only there once. My friend was there living with her fiance who was stationed there. I came for their wedding. He was getting transferred to Utah and they wanted to do the wedding in HI before they left. They are huge outdoor people so they were always hiking, biking, surfing, sailing and more!
I grew up in Gtmo so I know what that's like, moving away from your home. But eventually Gtmo became my home! The only thing we had there was the NEX and McDonalds, lol.
I know HI is different. If my dad were to get stationed there, they wouldn't pay his relocation! I forget why but I know the "rules" are strange.
You can always vent to me! Switzerland isn't the magical place many people think it is, lol!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
Age: 29
Reside: Currently Ohio, but have lived all over. (Former marine wife but we're out now!)
Occupation: Part-time SAHM, Part time WOHM.
Status: Proud mom of 10 month old son.
Most recent milestone (pregnancy, parenting or personal): My son says Oooooh ooooooo! When he sees birds or squirrels.
Personal Hobbies: photography, home crafts, learning, museums (before baby: reading, running, salsa, rock climbing)
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