So, I feel like there have been some threads about this lately (and I searched and read old ones) but I'm still not quite sure what to do.
We have a Motorola video monitor with LO #1, who is 2.5. Baby #2 is arriving in May. They will have separate rooms (right next to each other). I want to keep using the monitor with LO #1 but also will need a video monitor for baby #2 (once he moves into his room - will be with us at first).
I know you can get a 2nd camera for the Motorola, but what I'm not clear on is how it works on the parent unit. Is it like a split screen? Or do you have to choose to go back and forth between views? How does the audio work? I am thinking about at night when we are asleep - normally I wake up if I hear the sound from the monitor, but if we have to "choose" to have sound from only one child at a time, it sort of defeats the purpose to me.
I have also thought about just buying a second separate video monitor for baby #2 and just having the parent units side by side so I can see and hear them both all the time (I think this is really my preference). But if I do this, will there be an issue with interference or the cameras "knowing" which parent monitor to link to because there are two parent monitors? (The rooms are very close together).
I can't find a lot of answers online or looking at Amazon reviews. I would love your first-hand knowledge. Thanks!