I'd love to hear your experience with visitors coming after your baby was born. Here's my situation: My DH gets 4 weeks paternity leave (!) (He works for a crazy law firm, and it's one of the few good things they do lol) Our families live 8+ hours away by car, 1.5hrs by plane. My sister wants to come right after the baby is born to help us around the house and help me figure out breastfeeding, any medical issues, etc. She's a Dr and has also breastfed all 3 of her girls well past age 2, so I know she'll be helpful in that sense. She would probably stay 5ish days to help me get settled. Both of my parents have passed away in the last 5 years, and my sister and I are really close. However, sometimes she and my DH butt heads... they both kind of have strong personalities My in-laws want to come 3 weeks after baby is born and stay for a week. I am fine with these visitors because it's hard enough being away from family, and this is a special occasion to celebrate. I love my in-laws, and I know they'll be helpful and good company. Now DH's sister is saying she wants to come sometime in there, too. Again, I don't really mind, but DH is feeling like his entire month off with me and baby is getting filled up with all of these visitors, and he's feeling overwhelmed. We argued about it last night
Phew, sorry for the novel, but if you live far away from family, and had visitors stay with you, what was it like? Would you recommend or not? What was/ wasn't helpful? Thanks in advance!!